Dog Wonder
Title X funding cannot be used for abortions.
Title X funding cannot be used for abortions.
Kill babies before they become criminals who commit murder who the dems won't execute later in life.
Because abortions make up a small portion of the services they perform.
Haha, that's funny you believe that garbage. I bet you believe they do Mammograms too.
Some don't. Not all have the same equipment. Do you you have any other sources besides a pro life "news" site?
While it's senseless to discuss things with you, when your wife (assuming you have one) goes to her doctor, does he or she perform a mammogram? The answer Do they do a CBE? Yes they do. And if they notice something suspicious, they will refer them out to get a mammogram. If they fall within a certain age range, they will refer them out. Sometimes they will refer them out if there is a family history.
But will your wife (assuming you have one) doctor bring in a mobile mammography van? Looks like PP is going above and beyond to provide that service. But I wonder if "live action news" will run any math to see the percentage of mammograms made available to their clients versus a private physicians who do the same. Ooops...that might make PP look GOOD...and we can't have that.
Also...why should I believe your source? Since January 2017 I have heard your dear leader proclaim the WaPo to be "fake news" . If our president has deemed it to be fake...why are you citing articles from it?
Edited to add....that mammogram van was most likely paid for with Title X dollars. We did a couple with our funds, and it falls under the guidelines of Title X
So wait, you're associated with the pro baby killing provider(s)?
Wow that's some admission. Your entire life is one big walking-talking liberal narrative. Or at least you play one on the interwebs.
Bravo, you must be proud.
And at least my life has a narrative and is reliant on a baby killing/far left wing website/media to help me form my views.
Some people decide how to live their lives, others let someone else dictate it, and some just imagine having lived.