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The Abortion Issue:

Title X funding cannot be used for abortions.

Somehow I just knew you wouldn't get it......

Kill babies before they become criminals who commit murder who the dems won't execute later in life.
Kill babies before they become criminals who commit murder who the dems won't execute later in life.

Hey Dell, remember when the left always denied that welfare benefits were not given to illegal aliens, because the law specifically prohibited it?
Even tho we all knew that was a big lie.
And now they don't even hide the fact that it happens, and had happen for decades.

Now they use the same technique with baby killing providers.

You have to understand "fungible" in a "six degrees of separation" context. While PP does get some Medicaid funds for Abortion, the argument goes that Title X $$ are paying staff, and that staff might be involved with an abortion. And...Title X dollars are helping to pay for electricity, which makes it possible for lights to be on to perform the abortion. So...Title X funds abortions.

Except it doesn't. I know I don't know what I'm talking about as I just retired from a 20 year career in Public Health. We got Title X money. We had staff that worked Title X family planning programs, and they also worked maternal health and STD programs, that were NOT covered by Title X. And every week, the staff had to do a "time and effort" report to break out how much time the spent on Title X, and how much time they spent on "other" issues. And the funding was paid based on those hours. So yes...a nurse at PP might counsel of family planning under Title X, and then assist with an abortion. But the money she (or he, but usually it's a she) was paid from was broken out.

The argument goes that if the government money was taken out of the equation, then PP would have to use all their own funds to provide contraception counseling and wouldn't have enough to provide abortions. Because abortions make up a small portion of the services they perform. But I doubt that the pro life "news" team ever actually went thru a Title X audit. I have. And we had to be able to show them where their dollars went.

And...FWIW there are 3 PP clinics in the KC metro area. 2 in Missouri and 1 in Kansas. All 3 provide family planning services but only 1 performs abortions. But according to stork watch...that "fungible" Title X money is going straight to that 1 clinic.
Haha, that's funny you believe that garbage. I bet you believe they do Mammograms too.

Some don't. Not all have the same equipment. Do you you have any other sources besides a pro life "news" site?

Edited to add...next time you go to the doctor, ask to see if you can get a copy of the "encounter" form. YOu will find that the "tricky math" that PP is using (according to your non biased source) is also used in your doctors office. The nurse take your blood pressure? That's a service. Did the doc listen to your chest? That's a service. Did he shove his finger up your azz (provided your head didn't obstruct the path)? Another service. Did he write you a prescription? Another service. Did you have him check out a rash on your arm? Another service.

BUT...you only paid for a "physical". But that's not how medical billing works. Every single thing is broken down into a "discrete service". If your doctor's client list is 80% male, then according to your video, the doctor spends 80% of his day shoving his finger up a guys butt. In reality, the total time spend with his finger up a butt is less than 1% of his time....if you use your "live action news math", you can turn that around really fast. Oh yeah...and women's exams are usually much more complicated than men's.
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Some don't. Not all have the same equipment. Do you you have any other sources besides a pro life "news" site?

They used Cecil Richards own congressional testimony against her, and no they don't do mammograms and never have. That was also proven in congressional testimony.

"Richards said during the hearing that Planned Parenthood clinics do not have mammogram machines. The Federal Drug Administration’s list, updated weekly, of certified mammography facilities does not list any Planned Parenthood clinics. Some Planned Parenthood affiliates host free mammography mobile vans for low-income and uninsured women."

While it's senseless to discuss things with you, when your wife (assuming you have one) goes to her doctor, does he or she perform a mammogram? The answer is...no. Do they do a CBE? Yes they do. And if they notice something suspicious, they will refer them out to get a mammogram. If they fall within a certain age range, they will refer them out. Sometimes they will refer them out if there is a family history.

But will your wife (assuming you have one) doctor bring in a mobile mammography van? Looks like PP is going above and beyond to provide that service. But I wonder if "live action news" will run any math to see the percentage of mammograms made available to their clients versus a private physicians who do the same. Ooops...that might make PP look GOOD...and we can't have that.

Also...why should I believe your source? Since January 2017 I have heard your dear leader proclaim the WaPo to be "fake news" . If our president has deemed it to be fake...why are you citing articles from it?

Edited to add....that mammogram van was most likely paid for with Title X dollars. We did a couple with our funds, and it falls under the guidelines of Title X
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While it's senseless to discuss things with you, when your wife (assuming you have one) goes to her doctor, does he or she perform a mammogram? The answer is...no. Do they do a CBE? Yes they do. And if they notice something suspicious, they will refer them out to get a mammogram. If they fall within a certain age range, they will refer them out. Sometimes they will refer them out if there is a family history.

But will your wife (assuming you have one) doctor bring in a mobile mammography van? Looks like PP is going above and beyond to provide that service. But I wonder if "live action news" will run any math to see the percentage of mammograms made available to their clients versus a private physicians who do the same. Ooops...that might make PP look GOOD...and we can't have that.

Also...why should I believe your source? Since January 2017 I have heard your dear leader proclaim the WaPo to be "fake news" . If our president has deemed it to be fake...why are you citing articles from it?

Edited to add....that mammogram van was most likely paid for with Title X dollars. We did a couple with our funds, and it falls under the guidelines of Title X

So wait, you're associated with the pro baby killing provider(s)?

Wow that's some admission. Your entire life is one big walking-talking liberal narrative. Or at least you play one on the interwebs.

Bravo, you must be proud.
So wait, you're associated with the pro baby killing provider(s)?

Wow that's some admission. Your entire life is one big walking-talking liberal narrative. Or at least you play one on the interwebs.

Bravo, you must be proud.

No...I worked for county government. County government is run by a bunch of spineless commissioners who bowed to 'Kansan's for Life'. Our county was offered $300k in additional funding for family planning services. BUT...that was part of some money that was going to PP as well. They demanded that we not be involved in the killing of babies, even though the county did not perform abortions...although that didn't stop them from installing bullet proof glass in the check in windows, since some folks believed that since we were taking the same money that PP was taking, we MUST be killing babies as well. So they wanted to keep us safe.

And at least my life has a narrative and is not reliant on a pro life/far right wing website to help me form my views.

FWIW - if a pregnancy came back positive, the first thing our nurses counseled them on was bringing them into are prenatal program. Abortion was never brought up as an "option" unless the client brought it up.
Some people decide how to live their lives, others let someone else dictate it, and some just imagine having lived.

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