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The Abortion Issue:

You have inadvertantly proven my point. You want to ban abortions, but when someone points out that some are medically necessary, you pop in the 'except in the case of' . Except that there are many cases of. And each case of has to be documented. Every "in case of" has to be accounted for. And what happens is that your little bill grows. And even then...some situation is going to come up that doesn't fit what you all wrote down. So don't write it down. Don't let Medicaid pay for abortions. For any reason. Period. Then your government is out of the abortion business. Keep them legal. Let God decide if the woman made the right choice or not.
Let me simplify it for you.

I do not want my tax dollars going toward any abortions outside of rape and incest, period.

Unlike Obamacare I can make my statement in one simple, easy to understand sentence.
If you watch at the end of the good doctors video, you will hear him say something that he has ignored during most of his presentation. At the 3:45 mark he utters the words "unless you have been thru it yourself you have no idea whatsoever". I wish they would have asked the good doctor how many of the second trimester abortions he performed were because the woman decided to use it as a form of birth control. my guess is - none.

A woman has a good idea she's pregnant after she misses her first period. If she decides to abort as a form of birth control...this is when it happens. When it gets to the second trimester, they are usually performed for far different reasons. Reasons that, according to the good doctor "unless you have been thru it yourself, you have no idea whatsoever" about why. I've explained it in "word salad that fits my narrative". But unlike you...unlike LaLa, unlike pancake...I HAVE been thru it myself. I had said that I wouldn't wish what my wife and I went thru on my worst enemy. I've already said that I don't believe in abortion as a form of birth control. But the calls to defund planned parenthood will result in MORE pregnancies and MORE abortions because you all want to throw out the baby with the bathwater (no pun intended).

But again...in the words of the doctor from YOUR post..."unless you have been thru it yourself, you have no idea whatsoever".
The Doctor in the (MY) video isn't talking about medically necessary abortions he's talking about late term abortions used as birth control.
Keep this in mind when you decide who you are going to vote for!
Hey K.C.! Bears! .........The silence is deafening!!! Where you at on this????
I notice these dumb dumb Democrats have had nothing to say since KCFlyer made his post on Saturday.
Well La, this is how I see it:
You are actually correct on this issue. So many posts of Christians condemning abortion yet if you do the numbers it is Christians that are voting in these idiots that are pushing this extreme abortion legislation. If you really throw it under a microscope you will find that it is White Christian Women that is voting in favor of these new rounds of late term abortion legislation. Also is what gets me is the silence of the churches. It’s never brought up. Kinda hypocritical isn’t it.
You are actually correct on this issue. So many posts of Christians condemning abortion yet if you do the numbers it is Christians that are voting in these idiots that are pushing this extreme abortion legislation. If you really throw it under a microscope you will find that it is White Christian Women that is voting in favor of these new rounds of late term abortion legislation. Also is what gets me is the silence of the churches. It’s never brought up. Kinda hypocritical isn’t it.
Agreed! But in defense of the clergy, They were reluctant to preach politics from the pulpit because of the treat that their tax free deferment would be pulled thanks to another Democrat President! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson_Amendment ........ But saying that, I agree, they could have,...... and should, push it further.
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