I would. A bonus would be first trimester limits.Would you be happy with that?
I would. A bonus would be first trimester limits.Would you be happy with that?
Now you're a doctor?
I would. A bonus would be first trimester limits.
The involuntary celibates don't need abstinence education, women teach it to them daily.
Sounds good to me. Let's do it.But...let's say you guys win...No more federal money to Planned Parenthood. Zero. Zip. Nada. A bunch of people now have to exercise "personal responsibility".
Tell that to a single father raising a child on his own.Which one of them exercised less personal responsibility? Because it seems that that argument gets put on the WOMAN'S shoulders.
Sure he does but in your sick world he possesses no rights.But what if it's your SON that is the baby daddy? What if it's your SON that pressured and pushed and coerced a woman to have sex with HIM...and he wouldn't even buy a damn condom? Does HE bear any responsibility?
That is exactly what my uncle did.How about she carry the baby to term and give it to HIM to raise. Let HIM figure out how to provide food, shelter and health care AND pay for daycare so he can go to work.
Yes. Yes I do.Or...maybe turn to YOU to help pay for your grandchild's needs. Do you give HIM another "personal responsibility" speech?
His conditioning won't allow him to expose himself to anything that does not fit the narrative.Better yet call them yourself.
Isn't it obvious? They are socially engineered to. The Democrats simply can't tolerate independent thinking. That is the greatest threat to their agenda. That's why they have put so much effort into subjugating the media and education system. That is why they try to debase any sort of standards such as morals, religion, culture, traditions, even gender.Why do you democrats always ignore the facts that don’t go along with your narrative?
That goes against the Democrat way of socializing the cost of stupidity.So either take responsibility for the child or go get your abortion within the first trimester and pay for it yourself.
No, see that is where you are wrong. To a Democrat it makes perfect sense. You see they have found a way to debase the value of life to such a degree that the citizens of the United States are willing to abort 2.28 percent of the population. Can you think of any exercise of control beyond that?Why should the federal government have to pay hundreds of millions if dollars for your indescrtions? It makes no sense.
"I don't believe in abortion as a form of birth control".
I can tell. 🙄You want to stop Medicaid from paying for abortions? Fine...I'm right beside you.
The stupidity and lack of reality in that statement pretty much says it all doesn't it?'s pretty much the same as yours, except that his proposes killing them all BEFORE they are born. You prefer to let them die AFTER.
The parents, as it should be.What's the pro life solution to deal with the consequences?
You do realize that by stopping Medicaid payments, PP will still be getting ALL of the money it currently gets from Title X? And I oppose limits for the reasons I posted in my "word salad".
you really support this KC? You really think there is ANY justification for a healthy living baby being literally torn to pieces? Future generations will surely look back at this as being a holocaust.
I love your diatribe on creative billing KCFlyer.
Let me introduce you to Obamacare:
Now please, share more of your opinions about "creative billing".
After all, the rules are so simplified, so easy to follow and enforce. 🙄