Texas is about to be invaded by the Federal Government.

Ms Tree said:
Read before you post.  Check again.
So your saying the Texas border is completely locked down and no Illegal Aliens are able to cross into U.S. territory?
southwind said:
So your saying the Texas border is completely locked down and no Illegal Aliens are able to cross into U.S. territory?
Nope.  There was more to your post than that.  Again, read then post.
700UW said:
No chance you can cite why Cruz voted against it?
Last I heard, your boy oBama hasn't paid out all the fed money....people still homeless because of FEMA after all this time.

Federal Hurricane Sandy Recovery Money
Out of the $47.99 billion in federal funds appropriated for Hurricane Sandy recovery less than a fourth has been paid out. Two years after Sandy struck, the U.S. federal government has spent $11 billion of the nearly $48 billion that was allocated by Congress. About half of that has been spent by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Maybe Cruz was hep.....LOL
700UW said:
Cruz fought against aid for Sandy victims.
Bother to ask why?

WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) made the following statement on the Disaster Relief Act of 2013:
Hurricane Sandy inflicted devastating damage on the East Coast, and Congress appropriately responded with hurricane relief. Unfortunately, cynical politicians in Washington could not resist loading up this relief bill with billions in new spending utterly unrelated to Sandy.
Emergency relief for the families who are suffering from this natural disaster should not be used as a Christmas tree for billions in unrelated spending, including projects such as Smithsonian repairs, upgrades to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration airplanes, and more funding for Head Start.
Two thirds of this spending is not remotely “emergency”; the Congressional Budget Office estimates that only 30% of the authorized funds would be spent in the next 20 months, and over a billion dollars will be spent as late as 2021.
This bill is symptomatic of a larger problem in Washington – an addiction to spending money we do not have. The United States Senate should not be in the business of exploiting victims of natural disasters to fund pork projects that further expand our debt.
700UW said:
Let him say the same about TX
Guess we'll find out if he says the same, if the demorats try to load unrelated spending bills to further their libtard agenda, in the TX relief bill!
southwind said:
Guess we'll find out if he says the same, if the demorats try to load unrelated spending bills to further their libtard agenda, in the TX relief bill!
What I find ironic is that killer GOP legislation is routinely passed by "tacking on".  The Gramm Leach Bliley bill, that pretty much set the stage for the collapse of the ecomony by poor black families in the ghetto defaulting on 700 billion in mortages by allowing banks to trade this and market them as investment grade, was tacked on to the end of an omnibus spending bill.  Just this year, Congressman Kevin Yoder tacked a bill that was written by Citibank onto the back of another spending bill.  So what I will be curios to see is that if some democrat uses the republican tactic of tacking things on to unrelated bills, will Ted still have principles as his constituents try to pick up the pieces of their life.  
Nevermind that Rick Perry thought secession because of Obamacare might be worth considering....and don't forget the Texans distrust of the federal government that the current governor is ordering the Texas Guard to oversee Jade Helm in July....they seem to hate the federal government in Texas....but they sure do appreciate when the money comes their way.   I wonder how many flood victims, once they are back on their feet, will vote against more wasteful spending to help those in need.
But even if Texas would have seceded over Obamacare, they'd still most likely get "foreign aid" from the US.   Spending is wasteful until it's headed your direction. 
Dems routinely do it on controversial spending to get campaign ads for whoever voted against it from the GOP. GOP aren't that smart.
Poison Pill?
If I recollect, Cruz wanted a stand alone disaster relief bill for the victims...play your games.
Seems to me Jimmy Carter started the ball and Crinton and W accelerated the CRA leading to the housing collapse.Some very nice YouTube vid's with the Finance Committee out there on this subject.
Wasn't it Crinton who leveraged bankers into giving those poor poor people living in ghetto's mortgages that they never ever could pay back?
Rick Perry?  Dude, thats tax payers monies sent to DC....It isn't oBama's money.
FYI- As to the housing collapse, oBama just set the stage for it to come apart all over again.
KCFlyer said:
What I find ironic is that killer GOP legislation is routinely passed by "tacking on".  The Gramm Leach Bliley bill, that pretty much set the stage for the collapse of the ecomony by poor black families in the ghetto defaulting on 700 billion in mortages by allowing banks to trade this and market them as investment grade, was tacked on to the end of an omnibus spending bill.  Just this year, Congressman Kevin Yoder tacked a bill that was written by Citibank onto the back of another spending bill.  So what I will be curios to see is that if some democrat uses the republican tactic of tacking things on to unrelated bills, will Ted still have principles as his constituents try to pick up the pieces of their life.  
Nevermind that Rick Perry thought secession because of Obamacare might be worth considering....and don't forget the Texans distrust of the federal government that the current governor is ordering the Texas Guard to oversee Jade Helm in July....they seem to hate the federal government in Texas....but they sure do appreciate when the money comes their way.   I wonder how many flood victims, once they are back on their feet, will vote against more wasteful spending to help those in need.
But even if Texas would have seceded over Obamacare, they'd still most likely get "foreign aid" from the US.   Spending is wasteful until it's headed your direction. 
It's one thing to tack on bills, (piggyback) onto basic bills, it's another to tack them onto a bill that's meant for disaster relief for "Americans"!
The real question is why would Demorats jeopardize disaster relief for Americans by tacking on bills that, on there own, would never see the light of day?
And trust me, Texans aren't the only ones who abhor the current administration!