Texas is about to be invaded by the Federal Government.

southwind said:
WAIT! Your one of those "You didn't build that" theorist and everything belongs and is beholden to government peeps, aren't you?
What does that have to do with where you read/hear that the military will be conducting training on "public streets"?  Do you have a source for that.  If that is the case I would be against at least that aspect of the training.  
Have you changed 'sources'  from where you obtain your local grown  ' vegetation '   ????
Because BROTHER,...my looooong time cyber FRIEND, you are starting to worry me a bit.
I mean, for 'southwindBAG to be spewing intergalactic BULL SHITE is one thing, HELLL it's always exspected, but for you to be....shall we say....'drifting'....is concerning to me  !!!
southwind said:
Thats great news about bases all over the place.....why aren't they training on "them" instead of public streets?
So do you have a link to that says the training will be on public streets or do we just chalk this up to another made up statement?
Ms Tree said:
What does that have to do with where you read/hear that the military will be conducting training on "public streets"?  Do you have a source for that.  If that is the case I would be against at least that aspect of the training.  
Let me tighten you up my friend.
The Houston Chronicle reports that, among the planned exercises, soldiers will attempt to operate undetected among civilian populations.
Residents, in turn, will be asked to report suspicious activity in order to gauge the effectiveness of the soldiers.
Military officials say they've gotten the go ahead for the operations from local authorities such as mayors and county commissions. 
And sheriff's deputies told the Houston Chronicle they would ensure residents living near where aircraft were slated to create disturbances and drop soldiers, civilian and military vehicles will barrel through and where blank rounds would be fired.
Jim Stewart with the Brazos County, Texas Sheriff's Office told the Chronicle that such exercises are far from anything new. 
'Special ops for years have trained off-post for years, where they go out and have folks that are role players out on the economy,' said the Army intelligence veteran. 'They'll have a scenario they'll be following and they'll interact with these role players as if they're in another country.'
However, the U.S. Army Special Operations Command themselves say Jade Helm is different.

traderjake said:
You could at least man up and admit you got caught in your own stupid argument.
Which is it?
Did you love the Iraq War or did you hate the troops.
Your argument of love the troops even though I think they are going to take away my freedom and possibly kill me if I resist is idiotic.
southwind said:
Thats great news about bases all over the place.....why aren't they training on "them" instead of public streets?
You really don't know much about the military do you?  Did you know the Green Beret as part of their training role play with civilians in North Carolina various scenarios they might face in the real world?  SEAL's on the west coast routinely train in the mountain of southern California.  The list could go on.
777 fixer said:
Your argument of love the troops even though I think they are going to take away my freedom and possibly kill me if I resist is idiotic.
Only someone uniformed or mentally deficient can't differentiate the troops from the illegal orders they may be given.
Unlike you, a lot of the troops are informed and won't follow illegal orders if time comes.
traderjake said:
Only someone uniformed or mentally deficient can't differentiate the troops from the illegal orders they may be given.
Unlike you, a lot of the troops are informed and won't follow illegal orders if time comes.
Only someone who is uniformed or mentally deficient would repeat the vile that comes out of Alex Jones mouth as if it were the gospel truth.