Texas is about to be invaded by the Federal Government.

Ms Tree said:
He is not saying that the troops in Iraq were coming to take away his freedom here in the US.
It's no surprise you can't understand and have no empathy for events that don't directly affect you personally.
The analogy is valid.
Hate the sin, love the sinner. 
traderjake said:
It's no surprise you can't understand and have no empathy for events that don't directly affect you personally.
The analogy is valid.
Hate the sin, love the sinner.
Who exactly do I not have empathy with?
Tex - asss  is the PERFECT place to undertake this Jade helm thingy  !!!!!!
( I mean, imagine if they would've tried to 'pull this off' in say MA/RI/CT/NY/NJ )
Glenn Quagmire said:
Duplicate thread. Moderators could merge this one and delete this post.

There is already a thread dedicated to the lunatic fringe of this here:

make sure you close the TWA800 thread too.......
eolesen said:
Nah, he's just avoiding the answer.
I believe I already did that in post #9.  If you must know his argument is a red herring, comparing apples to oranges or whatever you want to call it.  How can you as I said love someone who you think is going to takeaway your freedom or even your life.
traderjake said:
Why Are So-Called Progressives Defending Special Ops Training?
"Mock invasions, mock terrorist manhunts, shootouts, and roundups are not jokes. They are reminders that in the Global War On Terror (GWOT) being a US citizen doesn’t matter. Because in the eyes of the State, everyone is a suspect, everyone must stand up against war and war practice."
Here's a news flash for someone who probably never in the military.  There are bases all over Texas where guess what is happening, TRAINING!  That's what the military does, they train.  Southern California is home to four SEAL teams along with USMC Special Operations.  They train all over Southern California.  Yet you don't see the governor or a senator signing up for wild eyed conspiracy theories about it. 
777 fixer said:
  If you must know his argument is a red herring, comparing apples to oranges or whatever you want to call it.  
You could at least man up and admit you got caught in your own stupid argument.
Which is it?
Did you love the Iraq War or did you hate the troops.
777 fixer said:
Here's a news flash for someone who probably never in the military.  There are bases all over Texas where guess what is happening, TRAINING!  That's what the military does, they train.  Southern California is home to four SEAL teams along with USMC Special Operations.  They train all over Southern California.  Yet you don't see the governor or a senator signing up for wild eyed conspiracy theories about it.
Thats great news about bases all over the place.....why aren't they training on "them" instead of public streets?
Glenn Quagmire said:
You fugging idiot.

They are the U.S. Armed forces...special forces at that. Your damn right I welcome them with open arms. I guess the state you live in has no troops? Wait. Maybe They have already "invaded" your state of Georgia since there are 13 bases located there.
What if they are training for gun confiscation and population relocation after civil collapse?
delldude said:
What if they are training for gun confiscation and population relocation after civil collapse?
There you go Dell, with your crackpot ideas! What's wrong....you don't trust the current administration for some reason?
eolesen said:
Interesting results from Rasmussen Reports, who used to be a fairly reliable pollster until Scott Rasmussen sold the company and exited a couple years back...

Yep, never question your government......they "ALWAYS" have your best interests at heart!
Produces a gag reflex, every time I hear that voice!