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Teddy Blasts Management

The Truth said:
I see that Teddy is still insulting management with her diatribes.  :down:

A colleague of mine once said that Teddy might call HDQ and nobody will answer. You reap what you sow. Remember that.

Teddy's media relationship has caused us great havoc. You and Rick Dubinsky have much in common in that the media loved your quotes. This I won't miss when you leave the company. You have made our work very difficult.

It is only an insult if it is true, otherwise it would have no sting!

You're quoting colleagues about someone? That's hearsay evidence, and worthless.

Remember that?! You reap what you sow??? Take heed to your own advice as it will surely come to pass that you will someday experience the harshness of those very words somewhere on your life's path. Karma has a mighty kick.

Ah, her media relationship was effective then! As were her attempts to make you actually work ethically to earn your wages.

You won't miss her? No one cares!
The Truth said:
I see that Teddy is still insulting management with her diatribes. :down:

A colleague of mine once said that Teddy might call HDQ and nobody will answer. You reap what you sow. Remember that.

Teddy's media relationship has caused us great havoc. You and Rick Dubinsky have much in common in that the media loved your quotes. This I won't miss when you leave the company. You have made our work very difficult.

I read crap like this and I'm glad I am sitting far from you least I act out and vent my rage. You people are all from the same mold which was found in the sewer systems. All Teddy ever did was expose the truth of this corrupt and very depraved sorry excuse of a management team which has the BOD’s backing with only one concern, themselves. Everyone is expendable and especially those who give them resistance, they feel like their calling is of God therefore they can make “noâ€￾ mistakes. They have the nerve to call it "reality" and "just business" when in reality they are the ones creating that twisted reality. I am so glad I am no longer a part of that mess, it makes me steam even being this far removed. I can understand why there is a thing called murder and why it is acted upon when you have such individuals who shouldn’t legally be allowed the welfare of a dog let alone other human beings. One day someone will be pushed too far with this insanity and I pity those sorry bastards on the receiving end, but I will applaud it all the same.
USA320Pilot said:
Zues' comments are accurate.


Any uplifted spirits you see are due to the possibility of a new management team that looks to be on the horizon. Why don't some folks just quit? Could it be because they have grown accustomed to buying groceries and making house payments? Why don't you work a shift at the baggage service office? Or maybe the ticket counter during a cancelled flt? You would really see that morale zooming upward! Like Paladini and Crelin you just-don't-get-it. P and C simply do not care. With you, I think you are just not able to "get it". Very sad.
If you are a really good airline manager, why would you work for USAirways? I can't think of a reason, so we get to keep Al and company. USAirways is going out of business and is transferring its name to another company.
The Truth said:
You have made our work very difficult.
Oh you've seen nothing yet. I'm personally going to try the make sure Lime Boy gets to say "no comment" at least once a week for as long as this management team remains in place.

And you CAN take that to the bank.

But I have to admit is was pleasure to see your post and I smiled the entire time I was reading it along with those of your other CCY buddies. Seems to me like we scored a couple of direct hits. :up:

And BTW, never make a roach mad, they hurt like hell when they bite
longing4piedmont said:

But I have to admit is was pleasure to see your post and I smiled the entire time I was reading it along with those of your other CCY buddies.  Seems to me like we scored a couple of direct hits.  :up: 

And BTW, never make a roach mad, they hurt like hell when they bite

LOL...aren't they someth'in else...

Again simply amazing that senior managment would tell our customers even AFTER the DOT report came out that Labor was to blame and that we would skew a report. How so?

How in the hell do you skew a report that has to be in black and white. If you give testimony you have to back it with hard evidence; not heresay. If you had no evidence to give the Inspectors of the DOT, they would not pay any credence to what you had to say. Every thing that was presented had to be in hard copy. The AFA President met with the DOT inspectors for 3 hours and numerous conference calls presenting hard evidence that Labor was not to blame, specifically our f/a group.

I didn't know that management actually said that our evidence was skewed to the FFOCUS group. Again misleading "The Truth".
The Truth said:
I see that Teddy is still insulting management with her diatribes. :down:

A colleague of mine once said that Teddy might call HDQ and nobody will answer. You reap what you sow. Remember that.

Teddy's media relationship has caused us great havoc. You and Rick Dubinsky have much in common in that the media loved your quotes. This I won't miss when you leave the company. You have made our work very difficult.

The Truth?? Is that what you in CCY really think you're giving? The Christmas meltdown, was that "The Truth"? You were proven wrong in your blaming the employees for the meltdown by a government report yet no one from CCY has ever uttered anything close to an apology. No one has stepped up and taken blame nor accepted fault for the fiasco yet those guilty of the Christmas meltdown are still collecting their perks, not to mention their pay. You have guys like Al Crellin in those golden parachuted halls of the executive suites only interested in numbers while those under him scramble for ways to "make the numbers look good" despite what the true facts are of the operation. Still others are only there dreaming of days to come with them driving around the golf course in their little cart with their white shoes and polyester pants sipping on their favorite beverage. Do the employees a favor and leave now.
Teddy had nothing to do with making your job harder. You took care of that all by yourselves. Nothing she did impacted your world more than your own actions so it's time you stood up and accepted the blame but then again that isn't a virtue that is being promoted at CCY. Teddy pointed out the injustices and the inconsistancies of your policies and your behaviour. You don't like that because you weren't able to run roughshod over everyone like you were use to.
Sounds to me like you're a little disappointed you won't have the retention money given to you for that new boat or was it the new Lexus convertible for the misses? Either way maybe it's time for you to get off your lazy arses in CCY and do the job you're being paid to do and when the time comes you need to leave do so quietly. If you need help packing I'm sure you can have a few thousands helping hands at your disposal. All you need to do is ask.
PineyBob said:
Care to explain how the Senior Vice President of Operations still has his job after the Christmas debacle? Want me to publish Bruce Ashby's response to me when I asked that question via e-mail?

Now that the merger is going forward my goal is to make sure the US Airways workforce is reduced by 29 employees. As in 29 Vice Presidents or higher being summarily shown the door.

I don't think that Bruce gave you consent to publish his private emails. You are stooping pretty low but that is expected from your track record.

These executives have the necessary business acumen that have prevented the company from being liqudated. Until you have walked a mile on our shoes don't cast judgement or insults. You have no insight into what transpires on the inside.

Piney and L4PI's ostentatious behavior is only making the FFOCUS group look bad. You both can learn much from Art@ISP in the way that he is professional and respectful even when he strongly disagrees. You are a class act as with the majority of the FFOCUS members.

Piney and L4PI, Don't muster too much adulation in thinking that the media or general public cares what you two think.

I have no comment on Teddy's nauseating letter.
I believe it was Judge Mitchell's gavel that permitted you to extort concessions from employees that kept this company from liquidation, not any business acumen.

CCY has proven time after time not having the knowledge of how to run an airline. Two bankruptcies in less then two years proves that.

Go play some golf, that is what your Chairman of the Board has said you can't wait to do when Parker give you all your pink slip loaded with millions from the employees' wallets.

The 2nd and 8th floor of CCY wreak of arrogance, did they have to widen the doorways?
While Art is tactful and practiced, his message is accurate. You guys are worthless and should be lined up and shot.

I can understand why Teddy's letter makes you sick, because the truth is hard to swallow. Not everyone worships you and your team of demons.

Love, Curt
Looks like we get words of wisdom from all the B's and the wanna B's today.....

Hawk said:
I don't think that Bruce gave you consent to publish his private emails. You are stooping pretty low but that is expected from your track record.
Humm, you can quit the games since we all know who you are.

Hawk said:
These executives have the necessary business acumen that have prevented the company from being liqudated. Until you have walked a mile on our shoes don't cast judgement or insults. You have no insight into what transpires on the inside.
Yeah, Yeah Yeah, we've heard all those excuses before. In the mean time you have run an airline into the ground and destroyed the workforce. And BTW, I have no desire to walk a mile in YOUR shoes. I have no desire to walk away with millions in my pocket while destroying an airline. Bruce, I also happen to believe that my word is my bond and what I commit to happens, unlike you and your cronies which have proven that what you say only serves one purpose; gain what you could not otherwise through open honest discourse.

Hawk said:
Piney and L4PI's ostentatious behavior is only making the FFOCUS group look bad. You both can learn much from Art@ISP in the way that he is professional and respectful even when he strongly disagrees. You are a class act as with the majority of the FFOCUS members.

Ya think. You may want to ask Art what he really thinks of you. I'll let him speak for himself.

And what makes you think I'm a member of FFOCUS, a name and logo that you and your minions came up with when the term cockroach was little too embarrassing to you. You've not seen the FFOCUS logo in my post since you received several tubes of lipstick. My comments are mine alone and represent a customer who is mad about what is happening to an airline he has been loyal to for 25years. I will speak my mind and it has nothing to do with FFOCUS or anyone within that group. You will not silence it either.

Hawk said:
Piney and L4PI, Don't muster too much adulation in thinking that the media or general public cares what you two think.

Humm, I guess the two interviews lined up for this week must be to talk about how much I have enjoyed flying DL in the last three months. That must be it....

Either that or the "no comment" from Mr Chiames is becoming increasingly hard to defend.

Anybody want to bet which one it is?
Hawk said:
I have no comment on Teddy's nauseating letter.

Don't blame you at all for that one. If I thought some one had just cost me a million of two in hard cold cash I would most likely feel sick as well (but in my case it would be because I hate being caught with my hand in the cookie jar).

I also hear I'm a light weight compared to what she can do to you when she sinks her teeth in. Yep, my advice would be to play nice with her for a while. :up:


I just figured out who you are. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.

Your post above really shows the arrogance that bleeds out in the halls of CCY. If you can come on here and blast your most loyal, frequent flying customers that actually head the FFOCUS group, you really aren't or have any intentions of running a business. Its one thing to hate your employees and Labor, its another thing to show blatant distain for your customers. USAirways is not liquidated because we still have our most loyal customers that pay any price we dictate and spend tens of thousands of dollars yearly, no matter what. Why? Because they earnestly want the company to survive and the employees who have dedicated years and $$$ into this great, great airline. Please review Bob's and L4PI past posts in the past years. They were your biggest supporters until they saw the true colors of which you so cavilierly parade.

Not a good thing. Show some humility and remove your post asap.

Be well, too bad about the CEO job. That's what mergers do to people. NO GUARANTEES. B)

BTW, not one executive responded to Teddy on that E-mail. She knew none of you would. She won't disappear anytime soon. And when issues arise that senior labor relations won't respond to with issues that arise for her group, no problem, the public will. They have memory like elephants.

Again, arrogance and ignorance abounds in the suites of CCY. You guys can't hold back any bit of restrain. Geezus.

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