Looks like we get words of wisdom from all the B's and the wanna B's today.....
Hawk said:
I don't think that Bruce gave you consent to publish his private emails. You are stooping pretty low but that is expected from your track record.
Humm, you can quit the games since we all know who you are.
Hawk said:
These executives have the necessary business acumen that have prevented the company from being liqudated. Until you have walked a mile on our shoes don't cast judgement or insults. You have no insight into what transpires on the inside.
Yeah, Yeah Yeah, we've heard all those excuses before. In the mean time you have run an airline into the ground and destroyed the workforce. And BTW, I have no desire to walk a mile in YOUR shoes. I have no desire to walk away with millions in my pocket while destroying an airline. Bruce, I also happen to believe that my word is my bond and what I commit to happens, unlike you and your cronies which have proven that what you say only serves one purpose; gain what you could not otherwise through open honest discourse.
Hawk said:
Piney and L4PI's ostentatious behavior is only making the FFOCUS group look bad. You both can learn much from Art@ISP in the way that he is professional and respectful even when he strongly disagrees. You are a class act as with the majority of the FFOCUS members.
Ya think. You may want to ask Art what he really thinks of you. I'll let him speak for himself.
And what makes you think I'm a member of FFOCUS, a name and logo that you and your minions came up with when the term cockroach was little too embarrassing to you. You've not seen the FFOCUS logo in my post since you received several tubes of lipstick. My comments are mine alone and represent a customer who is mad about what is happening to an airline he has been loyal to for 25years. I will speak my mind and it has nothing to do with FFOCUS or anyone within that group. You will not silence it either.
Hawk said:
Piney and L4PI, Don't muster too much adulation in thinking that the media or general public cares what you two think.
Humm, I guess the two interviews lined up for this week must be to talk about how much I have enjoyed flying DL in the last three months. That must be it....
Either that or the "no comment" from Mr Chiames is becoming increasingly hard to defend.
Anybody want to bet which one it is?
Hawk said:
I have no comment on Teddy's nauseating letter.
Don't blame you at all for that one. If I thought some one had just cost me a million of two in hard cold cash I would most likely feel sick as well (but in my case it would be because I hate being caught with my hand in the cookie jar).
I also hear I'm a light weight compared to what she can do to you when she sinks her teeth in. Yep, my advice would be to play nice with her for a while.