Teddy Blasts Management


Ah, I don't think so. Our f/as are at the same pay rate as Ameica West without their due raises. Parker will have a real tough time telling the AWA f/a (who are at the tail end of Sec. 6) that they will not have any raises.

If Parker wants his employees to join the ranks of piss poor morale and jeopardize his company, go head at not authorizing raises.

Your post is simply laughable. There is no ROI if morale remains low. zip, zero, zilch, nadda, kaput. If the investors want to squeeze labor out of the rewards after Labor's billions in concessions, they can kiss ROI "good-bye".
longing4piedmont said:
Give em Hell. If you need any help, you know where to find me.

With Highest Regards.


Ditto...she will go down in history. I hope she becomes a famous labor lawyer and bury all of those dirty bastards.

Piney…this is for you: Your finished, just like the rest of the crowd, it’s over. Your self importance is unhealthy and needs medical attention before you have a complete break down.
calibrator said:
Piney…this is for you: Your finished, just like the rest of the crowd, it’s over. Your self importance is unhealthy and needs medical attention before you have a complete break down.
Me thinks you directed these comments towards the wrong Bob........ :p

And now another word from the real BOB........... :shock:

I do not believe moral is as bad as you think it is and I fly as much as anybody. This message board does not represent the attitude of the majority of employees and if a person is so miserable then why do they stay at US Airways?

In regard to ALPA, the MEC is prepared for issues such as the potential profit sharing plan change.

The entire MEC, its key committee members, and its advisors went to Phoenix to meet with their America West counterparts. The purpose was to get to know one another, for ALPA National advisors to simultaneously be brief to all parties on the process to cover all legal bases, and to create the framework for the Transition Coordinating Committee (TCC), which is made up of the MEC chairman, MEC vice chairman, and the negotiating committee Chairman. ALPA's TCC has the authority to "oversee the negotiation of the Transition Agreement jointly with the representatives of the America West MEC and to serve as the MEC's Steering Committee as this merger moves forward."

The US Airways MEC by a separate "charging" resolution directed the TCC to address the following issues:

1. Operational merger commitment.
2. Interim protection of flying and related matters.
3. Company acceptance of seniority integration per ALPA policy.
4. Process to negotiate a merged employment agreement.
5. Releases, FPL, ALPA expenses, reciprocal positive space travel.
6. Expedited dispute resolution process
7. Other issues relevant to the proposed transaction.

In any merger there will be areas that the company wants to revisit in the CBA's such as profit sharing and areas that the unions want to revisit, such as pay, benefits, and other contractual items.

An airline union and the company are always in negotiation and during M&A transition a smart union should be prepared to immediately engage in negotiations in order to secure the best possible deal for its members. There is an opportunity for the TCC to use the merger as a means to improve rank-and-file pay, benefits, and other items through negotiation versus confrontation.

As I said before, I do not have a good understanding of the US Airways and America West contracts except for the pilots, but I do know the process remains the same for all unions.


mlt said:
...and you know that you kept your profit sharing while all other labor groups lost.
If this is true then ALPA and BOB just lost the last remnant of respect I had for them. What back door (I mean room) deal was agreed to that caused the others to lose theirs but ALPA didn't?

How could Mr. Regards possibly be so arrogant to come on here and tell everyone else they should simply bend over?

Some one please tell me this is not the case.
USA320Pilot said:
Do I like this? No, of course not because employees stand to lose more money and they have sacrificed enough. However, do I understand the investors sentiment and Board action? Yes.

After the Amwest MEC wastes AAA in arbitration and you are sitting reserve in PHX about to be furloughed, your view will finally change.

Until then, hey, you have yours. Enjoy it.

For PITBull: does this constitue a breach of contract? If so, could it be elevated to a major dispute?
USA320Pilot said:

I do not believe moral is as bad as you think it is and I fly as much as anybody. This message board does not represent the attitude of the majority of employees and if a person is so miserable then why do they stay at US Airways?


The morale is bad, 320... it's just the frontliners have so much class that they don't let on to the flying customers their despair and bitterness towards CCY management and the whole situation they've been led down. Most of them go on business as usual... unless you get some bad eggs who do take it out on customers in bad situations. The employees stay because they can't leave unless they have another job... unless they are having their jobs terminated for them (see PIT rez for one example).

That's why all the "Hershey Love" we pass out at airports and flights and "Kissed by a Cockroach" visits that our FFOCUS members have been doing does make a difference. Granted, we haven't spent a lot of money (I'd guess collectively throughout the group it totals +/- 2-3 thousand bucks), but the smiles, hugs, handshakes and warm feelings that it has created is priceless. The sad part is that it's something that should have been initiated by the golfers who sit on their duffs in the clubhouse at CCY (I'm getting tired of creating new cliches for the Crystal Palace inhabitants) instead of a grass roots customer group that cares more about the airline and its workers.

I don't fly anywhere close to the amount I used to in the early-mid 90's, I'm one of the old boys in FFOCUS when it comes to flying US (since '87). I remember all these folks who are still (and those also no longer) with US... who are being displaced, kicked around or misplaced by CCY, and it saddens me to no end because at times they were like family and treated me like I was part of their family. That's why I've gone out of my way to be involved in all of this with FFOCUS. It's not all about points and miles (the motto of another board a lot of us frequent)... it's about people and how we are treated and about how those who serve us have been treated. I think as a group we've changed our tunes given the situations in the past 6 months. Given the attitude towards this from CCY, many in FFOCUS are not loyal to US anymore, and we know the frontliners have seen this and understand why, especially those who read this forum.

Granted, business is business, but people are the most important part of it. Somehow that has gotten lost in our corporate culture today, not just in the airline business. People are treated like commodities and raw materials. Until that attitude changes, things are not going to be good for anyone. If FFOCUS can do just a little to make a brighter day for you out there, then we've accomplished more than CCY has done for you in a long, long time. How does it go? What goes around comes around?
PineyBob said:
I'm pretty certain that if we wanted to we could get several hundred FFOCUS members and employees to 2345 Crystal Drive to help the like of Crellin, Pallidini, Hendry, Glass and associates pack. HMMM Perhaps we could do that instead of another RoachFEST?

I'll bring the van and a palate of boxes in from West Virginia!! :up: When are we going? ;)
You don't negotiate new contract terms, you negotiate a merger agreement on how you will intergrate seniority and who's contract will be the surviving work rules, they only thing that might get modified is a fence.
PITbull said:
No one knows on the outside just how bad it is on the inside.  The morale at U is beyond low. The employees are in need of couselors to come in. Attrition is higher than I have ever seen in my 25 years.

Come on...your commentary is not accurate. You make it appear that the employees hate coming to work each day. On the contrary, I have the opportunity to speak with many employees that enjoy their jobs. Your view on the inside is skew.

PITbull said:
I'm glad I'm getting out.  I'll be more dangerous on the outside than the inside.

You will be missed.

USA320Pilot said:
I do not believe moral is as bad as you think it is and I fly as much as anybody. This message board does not represent the attitude of the majority of employees and if a person is so miserable then why do they stay at US Airways?

Morale is improving and the negativity on this chat board doesn't accurately represent the entire labor force.
Always good see where a poster is coming from.........

Zeus said:
The company is finally in a position financially to do something positive to show our appreciation to the employees.
Now exactly which employees were you speaking of.......?


Zeus said:

I have not read any news releases where CCY was blaming labor.

Stop trying to find fault with CCY and focus on supporting your colleagues and management.

Don't allow the facts to get in your way.

Would you like for me to go back and find it for you? :shock:

Amazing how some in this management team just can't be honest.

Oh and then there is this classic

Zeus said:
I am not a member of this union but I would vote yes if I had the opportunity for a buyout package. This is a very attractive offer from the company. Time is of the essence for your group and the remaining two unions. The hardliners (Pitbull and 700UW) should end their stubbornness and sign on to the company proposals. The readers of this forum should contact their respected labor leaders advising that you want to express your rights by voting on a tentative agreement. Time is running out for your unions before the court date. The decision by the courts will be much worse than what we are offering. In the end, the rational minds will agree that this is the best deal for their groups. Once we have the new contracts in place, we can begin to build a new bridge for a brighter and prosperous future at Airways. Labor relations are doing everything possible to offer the best proposals that will enable us to be financially solvent for years to come.

How do you sleep at night?

So well said and couldn't be any more close to the real and true reality. :up:
Hey Zues,

I am going to edited in on this, the employees are beaten down and have no morale, they are just here biding their time until they can get out.

Come down from the 8th floor to the 2nd floor and go ask Everett how many outstanding grievances there are and you will get a differant picture.

Spin Spin Spin.

You are once again blinded by your own arrogance.

The Rank and file do not hate their jobs or the company.

Morale is low because the employees feel a profound sense of hopelessness, powerlessness, and distrust. Has absolutely nothing to do with thier liking or disliking their job or the company. What? You think that the employees woke up yesterday and said, "wow, don't look now, we've got ourselves a merger". The announcement of taking out more a/c and further downsizing, with displacments continuing, anxiety increasing on both sides of the merger equation, fuel prices that are unpredictable, heck, your insane to think that Morale has just miraculously improved, and more insane to think that we are so gaulible to think that you could convince anyone here, publically, or the employees of anything else but the true reality. The merger prospects does not leave you guys off the hook for the mismanaging of the employees and the company.

Your statements only give more validation how mangement ignorance abounds. :down:

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