<_< ----Bill, I hear what your saying! But even if this thing with the Teamsters is what you clam it is, just hot air! This should be a wake up call for the TWU! People are NOT happy! A "lot" of people! So "if" the TWU continues in it's ways, sooner or later, they'll be gone!--- If not the Teamsters, then it'll be someone else!!! 😉
And I hear what you are saying as well and believe it or not I completely understand. I hate the divisivness and the discontent. But you are NEVER going to make EVERYONE happy and satisfied with their working conditions, with their pay etc. It's just not going to happen, union or no union. In an official position you do what is best for the majority. I personally am busting my ass to see that we ALL benefit. But if you (not placing blame directly)are going to sit back, do nothing and complain about things then you get what you deserve in my opinion. Changing unions at this point in the "game" makes no sense. Just like the chatter about replacing the 514 officers with the upcoming elections. These folks have managed to get things accomplished that would have never been imagined some years ago. Do you like everything they did? Probably not but give credit where credit is due. Put aside your hatred for the TWU for just a moment and look at the big picture.