You just won't let up will you company man! I have been unsuccessful in getting the actual letter posted (but will keep trying because someone will be crying for "proof"), but here is the text of the letter, word for word, written on Teamster letter head, based in LA......
"This responds to your telephone call on March 7, 2007 concerning AMFA members distributing IBT Airline Division representation cards at your AMR/American Airlines maintenance base. The IBT Airline Division has not authorized such activity nor has it authorized the use of its cards in any activity that would encroach on TWU member jurisdiction. Please feel free to post this letter should you desire to do so."
Don Treichler, Director-Teamsters Airline Division
So Eric, as for Plane Business (aren't they just another bulletin board???), they obviously have got it wrong! Jumped the gun a bit, I would say. Are you suggesting that the IBT Director has lied?? There it is, the full text of the letter. Believe it or not. I will do my best to get the pdf posted.
I think you Eric, have just been schooled......
now the lesson has ended!!!