You and your BS on the IBT pension.The WCT is in the GREEN and many others you only pick one that fits your post for bashing the IBT.That's easy. Their pensions, teamsters need a saving grace for the underfunded pensions that rae going by the waste side. The teamsters promise the world and never come thru, they just say whatever they can to get mechanics to vote them in. Plus, from first hand experience, the iby/teamsters are worse than all the other industrial unions put together. Yes the teamsters are at the bottom of the barrel of all industrial unions out there, period. They are also the most corrupt industrial union out there, with, to this day still having ties to the mob, and all kinds of illegal activities. Plus your most important work group (mechanics) will be WAY out numbered by other work groups, and they WILL NOT focus on the real issues facing the mechanic group as a whole, they will focus on the largest work group, rampers, cleaners, stores, cust serv, etc... Travis you can say my postings are BS all you want, but you can never disprove them as they all are factual postings or I will correct myself when I am wrong. YOU on the other hand continue to post either the same lies or twist and turn to some how reflect a post to your advantage. No one else has to do that, just a couple or three of you guys that have to lie, cheat and steal to TRY and get followers to join your crusades. In 25 hours we will see what the membership of US mechanics really want. I will not down talk any ones personal choice of representation, but came on here to try and correct the lies and untruths about AMFA, SWA and or the representation of the teamsters while they were here. I can only hope you guys at US have enough info to make the correct decision, Keep the IAM and look at another possible change after the merger.