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bigjets said:
Station managers have to operate under a budget and 100+ mechs would destroy his budget, but I'm guessing the executives have big plans for DWH and having AMTs in place is part of that, especially AMTs motivated to stay in Texas. The DWH hangar can only hold so many A/C, but the hangars on the other side of the field hold a lot of A/C.

I don't think AA is bringing 100+ mechs to DWH because they're worried an AMT is going to have to relocate. Plus if AA let those AMTs go to the street that's less in salary and less insurance AA would have to pay.

Of course I could be totally off base and someone from personal made a mistake. We will find out soon enough, I bet our new contract will give us some clues.
Sounds like management material to me...
Buck said:
In General terms, is the RIF or movement of mechanics going contractually or as the Local Agreement dictated?
Are TAESEL AMT's bumping DWH AMTO's ???? to prevent the senior AMT from having to move to TUL?
Contractual vs Local, I suppose a hybrid. As issues crop up it seems there is a 'letter of agreement' gets pulled out. We have so little communication from the local reps we just wait to get any info, good or bad. 
The guys that are downgrading to amto, I don't know of a single guy that chose any outstation over amto at dwh if their seniority didn't get them a full mechanic slot. The main objective was to stay local and hope like heck that you get upgraded quickly. Some guys that didn't have the seniority to stay local were divided on going to an outstation or downgrading and going to Tulsa. Everyone had their own justification on loosing the $5 by going to Tulsa vs going to mia, lax, ord etc. Some were hell bent against downgrading regardless the sacrifice, some chose to downgrade for the sake of a relatively close station and an easy commute. 
bigjets said:
I'm just a guy who paid attention in college.
And this helped you to be able to see into the future as to what management is going to do?
DallasConehead said:
And this helped you to be able to see into the future as to what management is going to do?
DallasConehead said:
And this helped you to be able to see into the future as to what management is going to do?
I saw that excepting the 2010 TA would put money in our pockets with more sick time and vacation time.

I paid attention enough in school to know that when your competition cuts pensions, retiree medical, and OH I knew that was in our future and it's time to grab the money, but we had the know nothing's demanding OH, pension, retiree medical, along with the best pay in the industry, and weren't going to budge because they listened to goofs in the breakrooms.

Bottom line we would have $50k and still counting in cash with more vacation and sick time if we listened to me, so yaeh I'm smarter then the average, with a proven track record.
Obviously this subject is distressful to the mouth breathers who now realize what they did to themselves and to all of us. Some even believe they are rightious. I personally think that $50k in cash and the understanding that a corporation has competitors to deal with is more important then the opinion of some loud mouth in a breakroom. We had horrible executives but we did some of this contractual damage to ourselves.

This is a subject for a different thread.

Sorry Eagle.
bigjets said:
I saw that excepting the 2010 TA would put money in our pockets with more sick time and vacation time.

I paid attention enough in school to know that when your competition cuts pensions, retiree medical, and OH I knew that was in our future and it's time to grab the money, but we had the know nothing's demanding OH, pension, retiree medical, along with the best pay in the industry, and weren't going to budge because they listened to goofs in the breakrooms.

Bottom line we would have $50k and still counting in cash with more vacation and sick time if we listened to me, so yaeh I'm smarter then the average, with a proven track record.
This has been typical... ..Turn one tentative agreement down and vote a worse one in.
DallasConehead said:
And this helped you to be able to see into the future as to what management is going to do?
If I were to see into the future concerning management, I would listen to what Parker has been saying.
the Associations proposal in it's entirety is not going to happen. 
bigjets said:
I saw that excepting the 2010 TA would put money in our pockets with more sick time and vacation time.

I paid attention enough in school to know that when your competition cuts pensions, retiree medical, and OH I knew that was in our future and it's time to grab the money, but we had the know nothing's demanding OH, pension, retiree medical, along with the best pay in the industry, and weren't going to budge because they listened to goofs in the breakrooms.

Bottom line we would have $50k and still counting in cash with more vacation and sick time if we listened to me, so yaeh I'm smarter then the average, with a proven track record.
MetalMover said:
This has been typical... ..Turn one tentative agreement down and vote a worse one in.
also typical for the two people who have made it clear they will vote to fire everyone but themselves....
your 2010 TA you cry about would have still but tossed in BK. Not sure why you think AA was going to keep it. 
topDawg said:
also typical for the two people who have made it clear they will vote to fire everyone but themselves....
your 2010 TA you cry about would have still but tossed in BK. Not sure why you think AA was going to keep it. 
The Techs voted their TA in, and are now making better then $46 an hour. They didn't lose their contract in BK, the big items AA wanted in BK they got, retiree medical and pension.
This thread is for TAESL RIF
bigjets said:
I saw that excepting the 2010 TA would put money in our pockets with more sick time and vacation time.

I paid attention enough in school to know that when your competition cuts pensions, retiree medical, and OH I knew that was in our future and it's time to grab the money, but we had the know nothing's demanding OH, pension, retiree medical, along with the best pay in the industry, and weren't going to budge because they listened to goofs in the breakrooms.

Bottom line we would have $50k and still counting in cash with more vacation and sick time if we listened to me, so yaeh I'm smarter then the average, with a proven track record.
bigjets said:
I have a feeling DWH will be growing to include ALL DFW hangars. Looks like DWH has better management, like MIA getting a lot of work at DFW expense. 
bigjets said:
I'm just a guy who paid attention in college.
Exactly what school and courses did you major in, and what degree do you have in order to know and be aware of all this corporate strategy with regards to employee relations?
Do you work on planes or are you a CEO?
Also, it seems like you have the fix on what goes on at DFW and DWH and even better, you can see into the future as to whats going to happen at those stations, are you in upper management and know what the plan is? Do you know what management is going to do on the jcba with these stations?
I think if your not involved in management you should consider running for 591 president in the upcoming election since you seem to have a firm grasp on what the future holds?
Overspeed said:
What's the last day for TAESL?
We were told 1/31 was the end date for taesl. The 29th is a Friday so I expect that to be last day for retirees. It looks like peeps staying on payroll will have report dates on each Monday until the end. 
So what`s up with this lawsuit? http://twu567.org/ Seems to me the RIF got deep into some seniority and some feelings were hurt. As far as I can tell this RIF went down pretty much the same as all others under this CBA. The juniority system sucks huh fellas. I can`t say as I blame them but who filed suit? Why wasn`t a suit filed all the other times a senior guy was displaced while a more junior guy remained local?
dvlhog212 said:
So what`s up with this lawsuit? http://twu567.org/ Seems to me the RIF got deep into some seniority and some feelings were hurt. As far as I can tell this RIF went down pretty much the same as all others under this CBA. The juniority system sucks huh fellas. I can`t say as I blame them but who filed suit? Why wasn`t a suit filed all the other times a senior guy was displaced while a more junior guy remained local?
Either someone doesn't understand how "Juniority" works?


It's a valiant effort to try to keep guys in their homes just a bit longer?

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