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liltyke said:
Report date paperwork started getting handed out today for some the guys heading to DWH. I heard between 50 and 60 guys got it and will be reporting this coming Monday.
Heard the same thing. Welcome aboard guys. Let the fun begin! I'm trying to make the most of my last 2 months on dayshift, lol.
dvlhog212 said:
Heard the same thing. Welcome aboard guys. Let the fun begin! I'm trying to make the most of my last 2 months on dayshift, lol.
Honestly it looks like DWH is going to keep growing so I'm guessing you'll be back on days soon.
dvlhog212 said:
Heard the same thing. Welcome aboard guys. Let the fun begin! I'm trying to make the most of my last 2 months on dayshift, lol.
How much seniority does it take to be on days?
OldGuy@AA said:
Honestly it looks like DWH is going to keep growing so I'm guessing you'll be back on days soon.
I have a feeling DWH will be growing to include ALL DFW hangars. Looks like DWH has better management, like MIA getting a lot of work at DFW expense. 
bigjets said:
How much seniority does it take to be on days?
It's will take 87 or better to hold days with a part of the weekend.
dvlhog212 said:
It's will take 87 or better to hold days with a part of the weekend.
Wow that is surprising.  I would have guessed early 90s would get you days.  Should not have assumed that obviously.  Sorry
OldGuy@AA said:
Wow that is surprising.  I would have guessed early 90s would get you days.  Should not have assumed that obviously.  Sorry
I may be able to hold days but with midweek days off. I'm hoping I can get midnights with a piece of the weekend. I have early 91. It's all good though.
Does DWH have a 4/10 Schedule? or mids
bigjets said:
I have a feeling DWH will be growing to include ALL DFW hangars. Looks like DWH has better management, like MIA getting a lot of work at DFW expense.
If you call overmanning DWH despite local managements wishes then you are right. I predict a layoff from DWH.
texasreb said:
If you call overmanning DWH despite local managements wishes then you are right. I predict a layoff from DWH.
Station managers have to operate under a budget and 100+ mechs would destroy his budget, but I'm guessing the executives have big plans for DWH and having AMTs in place is part of that, especially AMTs motivated to stay in Texas. The DWH hangar can only hold so many A/C, but the hangars on the other side of the field hold a lot of A/C.

I don't think AA is bringing 100+ mechs to DWH because they're worried an AMT is going to have to relocate. Plus if AA let those AMTs go to the street that's less in salary and less insurance AA would have to pay.

Of course I could be totally off base and someone from personal made a mistake. We will find out soon enough, I bet our new contract will give us some clues.
bigjets said:
Station managers have to operate under a budget and 100+ mechs would destroy his budget, but I'm guessing the executives have big plans for DWH and having AMTs in place is part of that, especially AMTs motivated to stay in Texas. The DWH hangar can only hold so many A/C, but the hangars on the other side of the field hold a lot of A/C.
I don't think AA is bringing 100+ mechs to DWH because they're worried an AMT is going to have to relocate. Plus if AA let those AMTs go to the street that's less in salary and less insurance AA would have to pay.
Of course I could be totally off base and someone from personal made a mistake. We will find out soon enough, I bet our new contract will give us some clues.

From what we are hearing is Collins made the deal with the union. You'll notice that Collins is no longer with American. When Collins was told at our base conference that all of Day shift would be wiped out with inexperienced taesl people, he had a blank look on his face. It's going to be fun here.
I understand that TULE will open a 737 Heavy Line soon.
Also the facility that is referred to as Hangar 80, will be opening up a 737 B Check.
The CFM 56 shop is having a RIF 75 people will be displaced.
no firm time frames
Another batch of relocation papers got hand out today, I think still guys to DWH. Also heard that the union is protesting because guys didn't get 14 days notice. So pending the outcome of that it may be the 25th before anyone moves.
In General terms, is the RIF or movement of mechanics going contractually or as the Local Agreement dictated?
Are TAESEL AMT's bumping DWH AMTO's ???? to prevent the senior AMT from having to move to TUL?

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