Here is some CWA update archive on the bankruptcy and the court rejection of the contracts and pension
Management files to reject the contracts of passenger service, flight attendants, mechanics and ramp, and also files to terminate all pension plans...
30 minutes before meeting to receive a CWA proposal on Friday, management notified us that they have filed in bankruptcy court to reject our passenger service contract in its entirety, along with those of the flight attendants, rampers and mechanics. They also notified us that they are seeking to terminate our long-frozen pension plan, along with the pension plans of the flight attendants and the mechanics.
At the meeting Friday management could not explain how our frozen plan (which they now claim is $270 million underfunded) could have deteriorated when it was fully funded at the time it was frozen.
CWA will meet with actuaries for the plan to try to get to the bottom of that question.
We continue to present proposals to management to try to reach a fair settlement. At the same time, we have made it clear that we do not agree to management demands to eliminate res and contract the work out.
CWA Local Officers and Staff
Bankruptcy hearing will be on December 2... Negotiations momentum has been lost because of management contracting-out demands...
Management ‘s last proposal still has several extreme demands:
• Cut pay scales then move down 2 steps on the scale, then freeze at that level until November 2006.
• reduced at least two steps below your pay level when recalled from furlough.
• 5 Holidays
• Vacation weeks cut, but paid at 100%
• Shift premiums eliminated
• Double time eliminated
• Straight time pay for holidays worked
• Relocation allowance eliminated
• Sick days paid at 50% pay
• A new classification, Ready Reserve, can be scheduled like part-timers, but they are only paid at the first step ($8.72) forever.
• Retiree Medical is cut from a maximum of 10 years of coverage to a maximum of 3 years.
The extreme part of management’s demand is that, even after US Airways employees have our pay and benefits cut to below the average of the Low Cost Carriers (America West, Jet Blue, AirTran and Southwest), management would still contract out our jobs (res) or bring in underpaid Ready Reserves to take our work (airports).
We are still working on proposals this week. The Bankruptcy hearing will be on December 2, 3, 9, 10, 14, 16, and 17. The judge is on vacation from December 17 until January.