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Sully speaks out on pay

FYI, USair pilots were never overpaid! All USAir pilots are underpaid now. I don't want to remind anyone of what an E-190 captain earns. The E-190 is a nice plane but it should get the same pay as a 737. What is it? A foot or so shorter???

One of the things about this board that has become so boring is the constant fights between the East and the West. I am unabashedly siding with the East on this one. Yes, the fight is over pay, you bet it is.

There was one mistake made by Leslie O Barnes and I bet most of you don't know who he was........!!! and that was he didn't MAKE the pilots accept a common base between Idlewilde, Lagarbage and Sewark. If he had stood up to them then, USAir would own EWR now instead of CAL.

After that, every CEO at the helm of AAA or whatever you want to call it, took it downhill another notch until this moment in time. They've all walked away with a huge amount of money for trying to run this company into the dirt once and for all. It is the strength of the East franchise that keeps this thing going.

Piney, the events of the past weeks should make the cheapskates who fly realize that a pilot is worth much more money than he is making now....at any airline.....LUV is the exception to every rule.



And this management is no different. They've been skimming(bonuses), they will continue to skim( bonuses), and when the heat gets unbearable- they will take what's left and run for the hills (oh, there are no hills in the desert). Just the latest and greatest on the news as I write this is Bank of America's announcement of 3.6 bil in bonuses discovered(when they were losing millions) and the beautiful G5 running around the skies with B of A execs running amok. And we have the public complaining about our wages. Once again, nobody seems to be able to identify the enemy. Oh, by the way, it's not the East vs West. It's....................
Didn't feel like starting a new thread, but for an interesting and enjoyable 35 minutes CLICK HERE City of Charlotte recognizing 1549...video is at the top of the archives...
Great Videos and great to see Sully and Jeff wear their hats. An item from a bygone era that adds professionalism to the occupation.

My next question is; when will the ceremony to honor the crew be held in Tempe/Phoenix?

Maybe a brick in the parking lot at Rio Salado, first pitch at a Diamondback game, drive pace car at PIR, lifetime pass on the light rail?

American West passenger service agents don’t know what a pay cut is. They are making more that they ever had.
John, Please explain why America West Psgr Service agents never had a pay cut. Mama
John, Please explain why America West Psgr Service agents never had a pay cut. Mama
Sorry I didn’t realize American West passenger service agents took concession and pay cuts in the pass. I do know the USAirways agent almost went on strike so not to be lower to your pay scale of $5.00 an hour less
American West passenger service agents don’t know what a pay cut is. They are making more that they ever had.
When and how much of pay/benefits/work rules cut sdid American West passenger service agent take.To my knowledge American West passenger service agents have never taken concession
Other then the fact that they were employees at will and management did what every it wanted but a across the board pay cut I was not aware
Did I say they DID take pay cuts? I guess you still haven't learned that it was America West Airlines either. The correct name has been discussed several times on this board but I guess its just your public school education showing or maybe some people just aren't smart enough to remember some things, but I digress. Yes, HP agents were very underpaid and never could have taken a concession because they made so little but they were trying to improve things by voting in a union. Are you belittling your coworkers because they made less than you? So does that mean West Pilots should do the same to East Pilots because they agreed to concessions in the PAST?(not pass by the way). I would hope they wouldn't. Why all the animosity towards your coworkers? We didn't decide on the QIK vs SABRE issue nor do we make company policy. I usually have great respect for your posts, insights and forward thinking but this was out of line and out of character for you. Mods, if I've crossed the line please accept my apologies but how long do those on the East side of this company need to hold onto the past? Maybe I should just advise you to get some counseling, it may help. Regards, Mama
and never could have taken a concession
Thank you!
American West agents got an instant first time somewhat of descent contract of the backs blood sweat and tears of your fellow USAirways agents
Hey Mama, I may be too ignorant from my public school education..but it seems you are the one that could use some anger management counseling for your east/west issues
So does that mean West Pilots should do the same to East Pilots because they agreed to concessions in the PAST?(not pass by the way). Mama
They should do the same as US agents did for the HP agents. Sacrifices some gains to better your/there situation
Thanks for the vocabulary lesson
Yes, HP agents were very underpaid and never could have taken a concession because they made so little but they were trying to improve things by voting in a union. Mama
I just hope yall newbie’s know what to do when it comes a time
Hey Mama, I may be too ignorant from my public school education..but it seems you are the one that could use some anger management counseling for your east/west issues

Ramp"girl", OBVIOUSLY you are new to this board and maybe you should read a little bit before you make comments based on a few posts. Maybe after you have been on this board for a while you can change your name to Ramp"Woman". Maybe you should educate yourself on the east/west posts that have been written in the not so distant past before you post that which you know not. I have ALWAYS been an advocate of becoming a cohesive unit and not fighting each other but finding ways to compete and survive in our industry. Regards, Mama PS. John and I agree alot more than we disagree and have both posted over YEARS and as I stated previously I have respect for many of his opinions, yours I do not.
I just hope yall newbie’s know what to do when it comes a time
Is this asking if we should or would take concessions? Not sure what you mean. We are stronger dealing with union issues when there is solidarity. You need to let us Teamsters know what your most important contract negotiation points are so we can let our union leaders know what we will or will not concede when the time comes. Yes, we are new to the union negotiation process and will rely on our seasoned coworkers for the lead. Regards, Mama

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