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Sully speaks out on pay

Thank you!
American West agents got an instant first time somewhat of descent contract of the backs blood sweat and tears of your fellow USAirways agents
Yes, that was it ... not that we had voted in a union and then had a merger thrust upon us and both sides VOTED for the keeping the CWA and TEAMSTERS and formed our alliance. Come on John, you can do better than this. Mama
They should do the same as US agents did for the HP agents. Sacrifices some gains to better your/there situation
Thanks for the vocabulary lesson
I dont remember any agents taking any concessions for HP agents, forgive me???? If you did, Thank you. By the way I am not the vocab expert. Only when I think we have finally moved on... especially after flight 1549 to find we are still arguing things that happened 3 years ago and over which we had no control or input. Mama
(I'll take this one....)

"Please refrain from personal attacks and stick to the topic otherwise this thread will be closed and cornfield passes issued"

"That includes re-registering under new monikers and all comments regarding Piney Bob's heritage and/or Edward's ability to finance two delicious Starbucks beverages when he should be drinking McDonalds java on a moderators' salary"

Did Allegheny or USAir ever even have a base at any NYC airport before they bought the Trump Shuttle?

Well yeah.........EWR was a base but was shut down after the pilots wouldn't agree to drive across the river (common base) or fly Beeches. Barnes shipped them all to PIT after he told the pilots he would never shut EWR and then did 2 weeks later.
. Come on John, you can do better than this. Mama
Better that a $5.00 + hour a raise sorry
Did you actually listen to the entire transportation herrings? There are only a select few still employed with US that can fell his pain and wisdom What a class act Capt. Chesley Sullenberger is for USAirways front line employees
From the customer side al I have to say is:


If US management can't figure out how to lower costs and avoid Ch 11 or 7 then perhaps it's time for US to join Eastern Airlines.

Perhaps it will.

Can anyone tell me how you can put an airline through not one but TWO Chapter 11 BK's, outsource more than 1/3 of your flying to code share regional airlines and still have the highest seat mile cost in the industry?

As Rakesh would say, "Such a conundrum!"
Why should it matter-we have the franchise.

Who needs routes spread out over the country or world for that matter.

If only the other airlines had the advantage we have on the east then they to would have a franchise (at least it was after EA went under).
I hope that was tongue in cheek, because that franchise didn't keep US out of BK twice or from facing liquidation in the 2nd BK. Meanwhile HP may not have had the franchise but they had something better - costs low enough to allow them to slug it out with WN year after year.

Meanwhile HP may not have had the franchise but they had something better - costs low enough to allow them to slug it out with WN year after year.

And what cost were they in comparison to Southwest
Lower than US.
So if HP had express and US has even more express before and after the merge and express cost more to operate and WN has no express and has lower cost it seems to be the answer to lower cost is less express flying. I’m sure some beautiful minds will say I am wrong

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