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Strike Vote

jimntx said:
When are you people going to get with the program? USA320MGTBUTTKISSER has already posted on another thread that he has good information from his always reliable sources that there is DIP financing available as soon as the IAM and CWA roll over and play dead like ALPO.

The day of jubilation and US Airways salvation is here if you will just cooperate for once. Management bonusses are hanging in the balance. Do you want it on your conscience forever that you were the cause of someone losing their country club membership? You are a cold-hearted piece of work if you can live with that kind of guilt. 😛

If U had a DIP financier, they would be negotiating more reasonable deals with their work force. There is no DIP financiers; WE'RE IT!
This is one chica that will not cross a picket line!!!


Bring it on CWA...........

Now is the perfect time to decertify the iam, and leave the mechanics and cleaners to themselves, and rejoin customer service. Customer service and the ramp together, will stand stronger than the ramp ever could with the iam.
Ramp Rogue said:
The iam is probably at some pro football game, or at the golf course with some USAir vp's. When they should be somewhere figuring out how much less our union dues are going to be.
why don't you spend your idle time figuring out if you will be able to continue to afford to pay union dues.....

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