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Strike Vote

700UW said:
The IAM only takes a strike vote when voting on a contract.

will the iam reduce the union dues especially for those of us in mainline express cities and also will the iam do anything to try to protect us in the expressed mainline cities? i dont believe that we should have to bear any more cost cuts than the 49% cut we took in one shot last september of 2003.
Dues are done by each local bylaws, the process is outlined in the constitution. I know dues in CLT when down after concessions.

You really need to read the constitution and your local lodge bylaws.
ok thanks for the answers. just one more though is it differnt in mainline express cities than the hubs because i know that the union meeting are always in the phlly area and we cant really attend them due to the long drive and the scheduled work times.
repeet said:
There is no good faith that I can find in the Mechanic and Related group. Pay us, or we walk!!!

We're not playing chicken, we're suicidal!!

I agree...and we have to stick to our guns. We see no signs of good faith negotiations whatsoever.

The M&R group are being asked to commit career or possibly industry suicide , if we fall for whats being asked.

Easily 2/3rd's of the mechanics will be gone....whom in that 2/3rd's majority are going to fall on that knife willingly? the few remaining mechanics will be working for far less too. Scope language on fleet size from the ALPA agreement will help insure it...and its also part of what's being asked of us

Utility will become a forgone conclussion...and with the loss of heavy maintenance if this crap is endorsed?...the few remaining stores people will become even fewer , not to mention poorly paid.

Sr. Planners , Planners and Technical Document Specialists will be clobbered in extremely large numbers as Heavy Maintenance is given away...the few remaining will be working for 29% less than the avergae of $40k they currently make.

So with the numbers that will simply be abolished under the present ask...and with the sums they are offering to pay the few remaining survivors...just whom thinks the current offer will pass a majority vote this time?...or even a second round "We were confused vote" ????????

Frankly....one and all understand the ask , and only the few on the verge of retirement will vote yes....thankfully the majority will scream NO....and just take our chances with the judge.

U's survival is important...but U's survival with over 2/3rd's of the M&R group being abolished to insure it...Well baby , it just ain't going to play out that way without a fight to the likely bitter end.

So be it !!!
robbedagain said:
ok thanks for the answers. just one more though is it differnt in mainline express cities than the hubs because i know that the union meeting are always in the phlly area and we cant really attend them due to the long drive and the scheduled work times.
.your local aint the only one that is hours away from where you work. trust me.
pitguy said:
Your plane???????? Interesting!

Ahh Pitguy. They are mine while I'm flying em (so to speak).

A320 Driver

You trying to get rid of me again?
Just a reminder, CWA has been neg. with the company for several months where as the IAM has just begun. We are not quite where they are yet. Just wait & see what happens who knows!
CWA has been trying to negotiate for the last several months. It's the company that refuses to negotiate. They just throw their demands on the table with a take it or leave it attitude. No negotiations on the company part. Any proposal that CWA presents is immediately refused.
WestCoastGuy said:
CWA has been trying to negotiate for the last several months. It's the company that refuses to negotiate. They just throw their demands on the table with a take it or leave it attitude. No negotiations on the company part. Any proposal that CWA presents is immediately refused.
CWA has been trying to negotiate for the last several months. It's the company that refuses to negotiate.
what has transpired over the last several months...now doesn't mean ****....
your union should have advised that in section 1113e of the BK procedures and rules that your company now is legally forced to sit down and negotiate ...if said parties fail to mutually enter into good faith bargaining...the union contract will be upheld or the company will have their last agreement imposed by the court...depending as to which group has not negotiated in good faith...its the courts decision to rule.
delldude said:

what has transpired over the last several months...now doesn't mean ****....
your union should have advised that in section 1113e of the BK procedures and rules that your company now is legally forced to sit down and negotiate ...if said parties fail to mutually enter into good faith bargaining...the union contract will be upheld or the company will have their last agreement imposed by the court...depending as to which group has not negotiated in good faith...its the courts decision to rule.
And, Dell, Which way do you suspect they will rule at this point?? 😉 U doesn't have a chance!! If they do survive, it will all be on the back of labor!! That's truly the unfortunate part of this whole mess. :down:
When are you people going to get with the program? USA320MGTBUTTKISSER has already posted on another thread that he has good information from his always reliable sources that there is DIP financing available as soon as the IAM and CWA roll over and play dead like ALPO.

The day of jubilation and US Airways salvation is here if you will just cooperate for once. Management bonusses are hanging in the balance. Do you want it on your conscience forever that you were the cause of someone losing their country club membership? You are a cold-hearted piece of work if you can live with that kind of guilt. 😛
Do you want it on your conscience forever that you were the cause of someone losing their country club membership? You are a cold-hearted piece of work if you can live with that kind of guilt.
i know i will have to answer for my actions......and i think i can......
jimntx said:
The day of jubilation and US Airways salvation is here if you will just cooperate for once. Management bonusses are hanging in the balance. Do you want it on your conscience forever that you were the cause of someone losing their country club membership? You are a cold-hearted piece of work if you can live with that kind of guilt. 😛

My heart would be broken if I knew that i was the cause of anyone in management having to take their kids out of private school. Well the next step down for my kids would be home school. Or if their wives would have to take a step down from a benz to a bmw. After my wife drops me off at work, the next step down for her would be a local bus. As she is already taking me to work, I'm already taking the bus home. Who am I to suggest that the summers in Paris be exchanged for weekends in Martha's Vineyard or Hilton Head? Our vacations are spent at home in our two bedroom house. The days of working for an airline to fly to various places are for the most part over. Are season seats to nascar necessary when it comes on tv? I've been watching it on tv for years. It hasn't hurt my social rating. Please forgive me for being so selfish as to think that management should bear the same financial hardships that they are placing upon us. You are right JIMNTX, I couldn't live with myself if I knew I was taking food out of managements mouth.

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