repeet said:
There is no good faith that I can find in the Mechanic and Related group. Pay us, or we walk!!!
We're not playing chicken, we're suicidal!!
I agree...and we have to stick to our guns. We see no signs of good faith negotiations whatsoever.
The M&R group are being asked to commit career or possibly industry suicide , if we fall for whats being asked.
Easily 2/3rd's of the mechanics will be gone....whom in that 2/3rd's majority are going to fall on that knife willingly? the few remaining mechanics will be working for far less too. Scope language on fleet size from the ALPA agreement will help insure it...and its also part of what's being asked of us
Utility will become a forgone conclussion...and with the loss of heavy maintenance if this crap is endorsed?...the few remaining stores people will become even fewer , not to mention poorly paid.
Sr. Planners , Planners and Technical Document Specialists will be clobbered in extremely large numbers as Heavy Maintenance is given away...the few remaining will be working for 29% less than the avergae of $40k they currently make.
So with the numbers that will simply be abolished under the present ask...and with the sums they are offering to pay the few remaining survivors...just whom thinks the current offer will pass a majority vote this time?...or even a second round "We were confused vote" ???????? and all understand the ask , and only the few on the verge of retirement will vote yes....thankfully the majority will scream NO....and just take our chances with the judge.
U's survival is important...but U's survival with over 2/3rd's of the M&R group being abolished to insure it...Well baby , it just ain't going to play out that way without a fight to the likely bitter end.
So be it !!!