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Ae F/as Vote To Strike!


Sep 17, 2002
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For Immediate Release Contact:
July 29, 2005 Reggie Salas 347-661-6428

or Corey Caldwell 202-468-5618



Dallas-Fort Worth, TX – American Eagle flight attendants, represented by the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO, overwhelmingly voted to engage in CHAOS™ strike-related activities should current negotiations with the company continue to deteriorate and the National Mediation Board (NMB) declares an impasse.

“Our negotiating team has worked hard to get this far and now our membership wants to finalize a deal,†said Reggie Salas, American Eagle Master Executive Council President. “We have let management know that we are willing to do whatever it takes to get a fair contract.

The most recent round of negotiations ended without an agreement. Negotiations have been scheduled to resume on August 2, 2005.

CHAOS, or Create Havoc Around Our System™, is AFA’s trademarked strategy of public information and targeted work actions using random, unannounced strikes. Strikes or any other kind of job action cannot begin until the NMB has released both sides into a “cooling off†period and supermediation has proven unsuccessful.

75 Years of Safety & Service: 60 Years of Unity

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the flight attendant profession and the 60th anniversary of the Association of Flight Attendants. More than 46,000 flight attendants, join together to form AFA-CWA, the world’s largest flight attendant union. AFA is part of the 700,000-member strong Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO. Visit us at www.afanet.org

:up: :up: :up:

Why wouldn't they give up 17.5%, Holidays, Vacation, and Sick Time, and then become Corporate Unionism butt lickers?

They are not "team players", they are very "negative", they are just lucky to have a job and don't know it.

Satire of course :unsure:
TWU informer said:

Why wouldn't they give up 17.5%, Holidays, Vacation, and Sick Time, and then become Corporate Unionism butt lickers?

They are not "team players", they are very "negative", they are just lucky to have a job and don't know it.

Satire of course :unsure:

But they will have a snap back clause like AA AMTs have. EXTREME satire of course. 😉
Ken MacTiernan said:
But they will have a snap back clause like AA AMTs have. EXTREME satire of course.  😉

And they will save 12,000 jobs with Industry Leading Concessions while total union headcount drops by 30%... :shock:

The leadership will sign off the sell out without membership ratification, and then in Federal Court expose that the Union Constitution DOES NOT require membership ratification of modifications or changes to the collective bargaining agreement. Then the Chief Sellout with the signature on the ILC will be appointed and promoted to National Union Office, given a huge pay increase, and praised as a leader with courage.

And Checking It Out from Tulsa will praise the fools as smart unionist.

You know, when you think about these things, it kinda makes you sick to your stomach!!!!