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Still Want To Vote No?

To the Angry Mechanic,

We feel his pain and support his passion and dissapointment in the degradation of our careers! Look past his language and take what his message is saying! He says alot of things that are true and we should all have his passion and the balls to speak out about it.

many guys are supportive of this guy already!!!
I can understand being angry - I am too.

I'd much prefer, however, your message didn't take on the character (yelling and screaming) of a Baptist sermon.

Put it in print.
That ruling, which I commented on in writing at the time, has since been superseded (as has my comment on it), and is no longer the binding law on the issue in the Bankruptcy Courts of the Southern District of New York. The superseding case is the Frontier Airlines case, which was ruled on in 2009.[snip]
3. When will the NMB release us or the other AA unions?
It is impossible to know how long we can be kept in mediation, but certain things are clear. The NMB is not quick to issue releases at major carriers. Amtrak workers were kept in mediation for close to ten years and other work groups in the airline industry have amendable dates which precede ours.. The point is that it is impossible to know when we will be able to strike, but it is very unlikely that it will be quick, and in that time much damage will be done.

Sharon L. Levine, Lowenstein Sandler PC

Amazing. What BoeingBoy Jim posted *was* accurate, despite a few people trying to make a case otherwise...

The last point she makes is the closest I've seen so far to a legal confirmation that you'll wind up starting all over in Section 6. I still wouldn't rule out the company trying and hold to the amenable date in the Ask, though.
On the whole I agree with that guy. I'm not sure though if that wasn't Foster Brooks?
Still a solid NO from me.

She didn't really say anything that changed my view at all.

Have her write an opinion that says we have NO CONTRACT at all upon abrogation, that is what the TWU is claiming. and they are common liars.

We will be working under a Modified Contract with negotations continued.

So then Article 38 is in effect not like what Bob and Chuck said?
Either way, whats to stop the company from coming back a few months later and shutting it all down?
I can understand being angry - I am too.

I'd much prefer, however, your message didn't take on the character (yelling and screaming) of a Baptist sermon.

Put it in print.

I agree.

A little more diginty and a little less anger and vulgar language would get the point across much better,
To the Angry Mechanic,

We feel his pain and support his passion and dissapointment in the degradation of our careers! Look past his language and take what his message is saying! He says alot of things that are true and we should all have his passion and the balls to speak out about it.

many guys are supportive of this guy already!!!
I can understand his position but he's bought himself a ticket to HR and possibly the street with his rant, right or wrong.
That Video about sums up the frustration here,it's at that point!!!!! Pretty sad the Company and Union have taken it to this low...
For every one guy that affected there are many more that don't post on Youtube. Although I did see a pretty hokie vote no video from a FSC on their TA. Despite the recent flight crew meltdowns in flight, I can't imagine a mamber of the flight crew unions venting like this.
Have some class guys.
Still Hell No! even in the Frontier case sighted they did not end up with the company ask they ended up with a improved LBO as I have said the most likely outcome is the LBO or something better but only if you have the balls to risk a fight something the TWU will never do. Vote No throw the bums out and see what you can get and do not forget we are already the lowest paid of all major airline mechanics so you are asking me to believe the judge will ignore that fact and cut us more.
I can understand his position but he's bought himself a ticket to HR and possibly the street with his rant, right or wrong.

The bottom line is we need AMT opinion's in the public view and videos that represent our interest, but they should do so in a professional manner. A professional video will be linked from media websites that will generate huge coverage of the video. This video is not likely to be linked from anything other than the underground. I am actually suprised it has not been deleted from this forum.

I feel his pain and frustrated but I am some what embarrased about the behavior associated with his message.

Same goes for James C Little's video screaming about a crime scene at the Bankruptcy Court one week, and need for tape around the court and AA Headquarters, and then the next week fear mongering the hell out of the membership to vote for a sellout 6 year contract.
We all understand his frustration, but it really doesnt lend any credibility to the cause.