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The company negotiated in good faith?

That is just your opinion.... More scare tactics..... Vote NO! Then AA can try and impose whatever they want. Good luck trying to motivate the employees to do more than the bare minimum, and get behind the management plan.

Upper (mis) management could care less about morale. That is the front line supervisors problem. The Horton Gang cares about only one thing and that is their personal payday after emerging. We can all work at a 50% slower pace than our competition and still be a value to AA after these concessions.
I have never seen even a honest vote at this company in 22 years..."Good faith",now that's stretching the truth...A no vote is a yes vote the list goes on...another example no pin numbers issued.Since we are breaking a new low here at The AA,I expect nothing
more than another scam, either Union or Union/Company sponsored robbery.
get it through your heads when little told us we would vote on the lbo, aa had no more reason to do real negotiations. he threw us under the bus (no pun intended)

Politically it was a good move for Little,
if it passes, he gets credit

if it fails he gets credit for going along

if it fails and the employees are angry with the union, he gets credit for being democratic

if it passes and the the employees get angry at the union, you can't blame him either.

He thoroughly washes his hands of the situation. As for the company not trying to better the offer, that is debunked with the saved jobs.
Why there is a difference between the M&R comparison from the company web site and the TWU? The union has no 1.5% raises in the vote no side while the company shows to compare the term sheet offer with the small raises.

Read the fine print on the term sheet --- there are several items in the Ask with asterisks --- they only apply if there is a consensual agreement.
There is no "good faith" when it comes to the Human Resources group. Haven't seen it in my 25 years.

The only thing you can count on is that department expands while the rest of the compnay shrinks.

Did the company negotiate in good faith. I wasn't there but I'd bet my bottom dollar they negotiated with "mental reservations" and innuendo/disingenuousness.

Anybody else remember the definition of "Attrition" before and after the contract was negotiated before?

I wonder what it will mean these days.

I trust politicians more than I trust HR.