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Still Think It's A Cake Walk?

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daybeforecommuter said:
As a former U f/a, I can say with utter conviction that the dude pretty much hit the nail on the head. Whether the editor should have allowed the reporters opinion to be printed well, yeah, he should have. The hardest part of the job is dealing with the sh#t thrown your way and most at U are not even very good at that, even when we were making 45 buck an hour. Oh, and tallying up the liquor/food money...2nd grade math. You are valuable in the short term to keep the planes in the air because of federal requirements....Your value in the long term is being shown to you on a day-to-day basis.

Gee, wonder why you still aren't flying? One good thing about all this trouble U is in, is that it got rid of all the dead weight and the F/A's who really didn't want to be here! I think I've worked with you before, or should I say I worked for you before! Good luck with your new found profession! Hope it works out better for you! 🙄
What prompted me to post this was: At the beginning of the week I was listening to talk radio, a very powerful station out of Pittsburgh when people started calling in and saying the F/A's are over paid and they should gladly take pay cuts. When it came my turn to talk with 50 thousand watts of RF at my command I was so damn mad I could hardly talk. People are ignorant and jealous and don't want to see anyone earn a penny more than themselves, even want to see people lose their jobs out of envious selfishness because the F/A's “ONCEâ€￾ had a good job. So when I saw this article I posted it.
His publisher is William Mellon Scaife. A totally reprehensible reptile who inherited more money than sense.
PineyBob said:
Thanks, as a former copier salesman I have my reptile suit pressed and in the closet. So I speak his language. Any idea how to reach him?

He's in the Yellow Pages under "vast right-wing conspirators"
No, too many rocks to look under. But if you go to Pittsgurghlive.com and scroll to the bottom of the page there are links to all of his advertisers.
Dog Wonder said:
His publisher is William Mellon Scaife. A totally reprehensible reptile who inherited more money than sense.

I believe you mean Richard Mellon Scaife. You can google him.
deano said:
F/A Article

Was this article well written? I think we can all agree that it wasn’t.

Was it inflammatory to airline labor? I think we can all agree that it was.

Who was the main audience he was trying to reach? Definitely NOT airline labor.

What point was the author trying to make? If you believe that the author’s purpose for writing the article was to portray F/A’s as flying waitresses, I think your wrong. I think everyone needs to look at this article from a different perspective. While I believe he used overly demeaning tones and was completely disrespectful of the F/A profession, I think his purpose was this:

If all the AFA represented F/A’s were to strike, what would happen? Would life turn to utter chaos? Would people die? The answers are, of course, NO and NO. All that would happen is that a lot of people would be seriously inconvenienced in their travel plans as the airline industry in this country would come to a screeching halt for a while. The point, I believe Heyl is trying to make is “Big deal. I don’t care ‘cause it won’t happen.†(His Reagan reference infers that he believes the government will step in and stop any strike)

Let’s look at some different industries for a minute:

In the electrical transmission, distribution, and generation industry, a large number of organized labor is represented by the IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) this union actually has no rights to strike. That’s affirmative, the US gov decided that electricity is too important “to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness†to allow labor to have that much power (no pun intended). Simply put, if the juice stops flowing, life as we know it stops. In the most severe cases, some people would die without electricity.

In the health care industry, imagine what would happen if a union representing 2/3 of the nations nurses were to strike. Forcing the entire nation to close most if not all of it’s medical facilities. Once again the worst result is that people would die. In this case the government would again step in and tell labor “Sorry, but your really going to have to go back to work. Or else we’ll through you in jail.†Wow, and we thought we lived in a free country.

Since the majority of us on this board are airline employees or very frequent flyers, we tend to put a higher emphasis on travel than most of the general public. But if any airline labor group tried an across the board strike of true solidarity that effected multiple US airlines, do you believe that the US gov would stop it? Do you think that air travel is essential enough to force Uncle Sam to step in and institute measures that were designed to keep the American public from harm and peril?

Obviously Eric Heyl believes so. I myself am not convinced. I would definitely sleep better at night if I didn’t think that most of airline management believes they have Bush and the courts firmly in their corner.

I think they might just be in for a surprise….

This man is obviously a callous individual who feels the need to demean others to make himself feel good. It was poorly written and extremely unprofessional. Working with the public is never an easy job regardless of the level of public service you render. It takes a certain skill and temperment to refrain from blurting retaliatory remarks and remain professional when someone is tearing you up one side and down the other. (Usually for something outside of your control.)

I personally put him in the same category with the woman who told me two days ago that perhaps it's time the unions give the company a hand in helping it survive. I suggested that perhaps she educate herself in the history of U and the concessions already given over the past 2.5 years before she decides to make such a comment. She obviously got a quick lesson and was promptly put in her place. She was filed in the "I wonder why evolution left this one behind?" category. Now she has a freind.

Maybe he should speak to the person I know who is a flight attendant and works another job to supplement his income for the mere sake of survival. How about the thousands of employees throughout the company doing the same thing?

I questions one's intelligence when they write an article such as this and wonder if his degree wasn't mail ordered and had a gold sticky star slapped on the bottom for passing the sixth grade comprehension and writing exam.
PineyBob said:
Thanks, as a former copier salesman I have my reptile suit pressed and in the closet. So I speak his language. Any idea how to reach him?
Former? Bob, what are you doing now?
This is the reply I got from the author of that awful article. Looks like he is a liar as well as an ***hole!

"Funny, although this article has outraged a lot of flight attendants, not one member of the general public has complained. Maybe I’m not such a fool after all…. "

Eric Heyl
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
(412) 320-7857