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Mia-mvd Inaugural

FA Mikey

Aug 19, 2002
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What a difference a day makes. What a difference a city makes. The inaugural flight to Montevideo from Miami. The first ever scheduled air service between the two countries. How does AA Miami handle it? They go all out. There was a cake and free soft drinks in the gate area for the people, and a fancy banner around the EGR. How did the cockpit and flight attendants find out? Well from seeing the cake of course, No one would other wise contact us unless it was to discuss a delay.

I should say all was going well but it wasn't. I was there one hour, 10 min before departure. Long line of people no agent. Except for the people setting up the fancy banner over the EGR and breaking the ice for the sodas.

Got on board just as cabin was walking off, I do mean walking off. Plane was only clean up to the mid galley. Found out no one scheduled Rockwell Collins to provide dvd carts, so will be going minus that. It was at almost departure time before the found someone from cabin to finish cleaning. Boarded up and left about 45 min late. We had at that time 35 min connects from NY arriving trying to make the flight. AA decision GO, leave them.

Flight was mainly uneventful arrived only a few min late. We had to divert around Peru. No one from AA got the clearance ahead of time. Otherwise likely could have arrived early. Plus as we sat most if not all the passengers from the late NY could have made it. Likely just watched as our plane sat there waiting for an updated flight plan.

Got the lowdown on what was set up for the evening as well as a 2005 AA leather bound agenda and an inaugural cretificate. then off to the hotel. Reception with hors d oeuvres and juice for the crew on arrival to the hotel. Also free breakfast everyday too. Great beds and quiet. OK gym and next to the largest city mall.

Arrived at the gate. Beautiful! DJ, music, light show and flowers. Open bar and hors d oeuvres being served. Ribbon cutting ceremony with all the station management and some other officials on hand. All this being filmed. Lining the jet bridge were traffic signs saying No Pare and Salida Miami among others. On board every seat had a ribbon with the passengers name on it. They went all out and it showed. They are excited to have the service. For the people of Uruguay it means no more one stop to get to the states. Saves them about four hours on either end of there flight having to go through EZE or GRU.

Was a great crew and the passengers were very happy. We found out we also had a travel writer on board and was doing an article. He liked the flight and the service. Kudos to the great crew F/A's and cockpit and to the MVD ground staff.