Stick a fork in me, I'm done

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I would be interested in living in New York IF (and only if) I could afford to live above the 35th floor. I need my sleep, and the 24-hour-a-day traffic noise interferes. :p Yes, I do have a bias toward European destinations (have you ever had a bad meal in Italy?), but I've been on every continent except Antarctica, and the South Pacific--especially Australia--has its charms.

BTW, all of that travel was done before I went to work for AA. I did no International travel at all (working or vacation) during my years at AA. I found out pretty quickly that when you work on airplanes, the last thing you want to do on your day off is get on one and fly to Timbuktu while sitting on a flight attendant jumpseat (and most of the time that was all that was available). Now that I no longer have jumpseat privileges, I probably won't get on most flights on my first try.

I'm planning to use my A7 passes to go to Australia and Italy in the FEB-MAY period next year.
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Best wishes on your retirement Jim. Praying for your medical
issues to improve and hoping that you stay on the forums even
though you're on a long vacation:)! Enjoy!

Thanks, Sharon. Of course, I'll stay on the forums. I have to make sure that you and swamt behave yourselves. ;)

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