Split topic- From the AA board

so you admit ALL politicians are liars and fabricators...Interesting!

Nope...I'm admitting that there are liars in all political parties. The fact that you cannot admit that is troubling. Are all politicians liars? No. Are there liars in all branches and parties? Yes.

wow im Impressed, you know how to google search.
spin it how you like, those liberals were privy to the same Intelligence... :blink:

Those crazy liberals didn't call it "slam dunk" intelligence and wage an all out war on it. If it makes you feel better that statements were made across both sides of the aisle back in the 90's regarding, WMD, that's nice but it's MOOT. It is the wrecklessness with which the few snippets of intelligence were woven into a fabric of lies to create a case for Iraq that should be alarming. Your partisan views blind you of any wrongdoing on the right, though. (notice that though my beliefs obviously stray to the opposite side from you, I don't use that as a crutch and feel that my party cannot do any wrong. I can think objectively.)

what do you propose? setting around the camp fire and having group hugs?

This was your response when I mentioned Iran and N Korea (and that we don't seem to feel the same urgency even though it is pretty well known what they are doing.) No...I was pointing this countries out b/c W made such a case for Iraq (which was deemed not to be a revenge war or war for business interests) on very little data and said that is how his administration would tackle "axes of evil" yet he does nothing against the "real" threats. I'm not saying to invade them but I am saying that his policy is quite hypocritical. Even a pre-schooler can see that.

No I was'nt referring to Muslims driving us into the sea, I was referring to Muslims driving Israel into the sea!

Huh? I stated that the occupation in the M East started well before the US with the Crusades and you said it went back even further and referred to "one group trying to run another out to sea". Israel came into being after WWII. Better check your chronology. I'd say that it was those crazy Christians that started the drive centuries earlier.

Like I said, bury your head in the sand and all will get right with the world. as usual you refuse to answer because you have none, other than...."Stop with the drivel, stop with the canned talking points"..waaaa waaaa!

Bury my head in the sand by refusing to answer? I was answering your "you want to cut and run...don't you remember 9/11?" drivel. I said that they were two canned talking points aimed at trying to stop intellectual debate. How did I not respond? I mentioned ignorance and pride which was appropriate. To call "scaling down and getting OUR soldiers out of a land that IS NOT our own and that WAS NEVER an immediate threat to us" "cutting and running" is pride. That is saying that you are afraid to admit a mistake and to admit that there will be some difficulties in the region for decades to come...thanks to us. That is pride. Ignorance is acting like there are no problems (that we caused) in the M. East. Combine the two and you have a powder keg of disaster.

Yes I believe Pat Robertson, Robert Tilton, Richard Roberts, and of course Billy Graham are all assembling a large contingent of Holy Rollers armed with their Bibles and are awaiting marching orders from W. they will convert, or slay those muslims with the edge of the WORD according to the Gospel of John... :lol:

And this your ignorant response to my references to centuries of Christian missionaries/extremesists converting the world...third world and indegenous peoples...through fear, death, and torture. Again...ask the S. Americans, Africans, and Polynesians how their ancesters were converted. And read a little history...not just the revised stuff that your administration puts out. I'm surprised we haven't burned all of those books yet.

Since you don't have my Liberal views and bend to my beliefs, then Im taking my ball and going home!

Yeah...I am if you can't think for yourself. All that I've heard you say is what you've memorized from Fox...I can't believe that so many people think in terms of the same exact keywords and cannot form a thought on their own. It's just babble after a while. Repeating keywords over and over is not going to convert anyone (though again...I do have to credit this administration b/c that tactic has helped to revise history.) Just feed the sheep and herd them in whatever direction you want...that's how they work. I'm saying that if you're going to be a sheep and conveniently forget portions of history b/c they don't fit your argument and if you're going to be a sheep by only regurgitating what you are fed...it's of no interest to anyone to debate with you. Sheep aren't good debators.
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Nope...I'm admitting that there are liars in all political parties. The fact that you cannot admit that is troubling. Are all politicians liars? No. Are there liars in all branches and parties? Yes.

Ive already stated more than once that fabrications and distortions are committed by all parties.

Those crazy liberals didn't call it "slam dunk" intelligence and wage an all out war on it. If it makes you feel better that statements were made across both sides of the aisle back in the 90's regarding, WMD, that's nice but it's MOOT. [/qoute]

Its hardly moot when the evidence presented up to, and just prior to the invasion was presented to all sides. was the evidence accurate, obviously not but it was shared nonetheless.

Your partisan views blind you of any wrongdoing on the right, though. (notice that though my beliefs obviously stray to the opposite side from you, I don't use that as a crutch and feel that my party cannot do any wrong. I can think objectively.)

Again Ive stated that the reasons given for going into Iraq were incorrect, but we are there by request of the New Iraqi government that has been established since the overthrow of a known terrorist supporter, and as has been stated we will leave when the mission is complete.

I was pointing this countries out b/c W made such a case for Iraq (which was deemed not to be a revenge war or war for business interests) on very little data and said that is how his administration would tackle "axes of evil" yet he does nothing against the "real" threats. I'm not saying to invade them but I am saying that his policy is quite hypocritical.

Your like a broken record...again the Intelligence pointed to WMD's, Saddam had violated one UN Resolution after another thumbing his nose at the World, kicking out IAEA Inspectors and daring the coalition to act.

Revenge War?...Sounds like your parroting jesse jackson and al sharpton again, I thought you did'nt like 'canned responses and talking points', and your calling W hypocritical? :rolleyes:

Israel came into being after WWII. Better check your chronology. I'd say that it was those crazy Christians that started the drive centuries earlier.

Uh... no I think you may want to re-check your chronology. Israel was re-established after WWII. It came into Being many moons ago, and WRONG Again it was'nt those 'crazy' christians who started it.

are you also prone to believe that the jewish holocaust never happened along with that Iranian Nut Ahmadinejad yabba dabba doo?

To call "scaling down and getting OUR soldiers out of a land that IS NOT our own and that WAS NEVER an immediate threat to us" "cutting and running" is pride. That is saying that you are afraid to admit a mistake and to admit that there will be some difficulties in the region for decades to come...thanks to us. That is pride. Ignorance is acting like there are no problems (that we caused) in the M. East. Combine the two and you have a powder keg of disaster.

Im not afraid to admit anything at all, in fact Ive done so. its you who continue's with this idiotic rhetoric about how 'WE' started this war by occupying, 'We' caused the hatred in the Middle east, etc.. and Im merely setting you straight. We did'nt cause anything, the middle east has been ignited by many powder kegs!

read a little history...not just the revised stuff that your administration puts out. I'm surprised we haven't burned all of those books yet.

Perhaps you should read something besides that Liberal anti-american/ anti-jewish hollywood endorsed crap.

Let me guess, you're an avid reader of the national enquirer.

I'm saying that if you're going to be a sheep and conveniently forget portions of history b/c they don't fit your argument and if you're going to be a sheep by only regurgitating what you are fed...it's of no interest to anyone to debate with you. Sheep aren't good debators.
Now who was it that conveniently left out all of Israel's history prior to 1948? :shock: .....Baaaaaa...Baaaaaa ;)
I ran accross this quote. I thought it was quite chilling given todays political atmosphere.

"“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.â€￾ — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Göring during the Nuremberg Trials.
I ran accross this quote. I thought it was quite chilling given todays political atmosphere.

"“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.â€￾ — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Göring during the Nuremberg Trials.

When a disciple from the wildcat religious asylum comes marching forth, get under the bed. It doesn't matter whether he's a Christian, Hindu, Jew or Muslim.

Mark Twain
US humorist, novelist, short story author, & wit
(1835 - 1910)

In This Case?
Here is a link to The Brussels Journal.


I think all of you will find it a good read. I particularly direct your attention to the post on July 13, 2006 regarding the plan, which is well under way in Europe, for the spread of Islam around the world. If the Free World does not find a way to stop this insidious spread of Islam worldwide, they will take over all our governments and change the free world forever. This is a real wakeup call. They are on a real worldwide crusade.
When did you take it off??? or did it get stuck in the hidey hole that you ostriches are accustomed to when in danger?


Dern man...w'all know that it's fight, fight, fight til there's no end in sight even if we dern't know what how we be fightin' fer. I fight cuz' I'm proud and to rationalize anything wit' logic wuld jus be bein' a silly ostrich.
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When did you take it off??? or did it get stuck in the hidey hole that you ostriches are accustomed to when in danger?


I think Hiney hole is more appropriate.

Dern man...w'all know that it's fight, fight, fight til there's no end in sight even if we dern't know what how we be fightin' fer. I fight cuz' I'm proud and to rationalize anything wit' logic wuld jus be bein' a silly ostrich.

Is this how you view the brave men/women who are defending your worthless neck day in and day out? :angry:
I think Hiney hole is more appropriate.
Is this how you view the brave men/women who are defending your worthless neck day in and day out? :angry:

Nope...but I figured you'd spin it that way...it is in the list of acceptable canned responses. That is how I refer to anyone that says that to even think of doing anything other than the quagmire that we are in now is a yella-bellied sissy ostrich with its head in the sand. No...that definitely isn't our soldiers...I was referring to a bunch of people that aren't sacraficing their lives every day but are saying that we must continue to sacrafice the lives of others for "our freedom" (what does Iraq have to do with that??...and don't bring up 9/11 b/c even your supreme ruler responded in a press conference the other day that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11)

So again...don't try to end logical debate by saying that I'm a terrorist or I don't support the troops, etc. It's that dumb-a** rhetoric that has divided this country exponentially over the past 6 years. I am in full support of the troops...THAT is why I think that it is ridiciulous that a drop-out puff soldier is treating our troops like toy soldiers and lining them up wherever for whatever illogical personal/political gains. So I guess I should say that you DON'T support the troops since you are supporting a strategy that we've been told time and time again has no end in sight and that is quickly mounting the casualties (of our soldiers, civilians, and the civilians that we are "defending".) So to use your rhetoric...YOU must be a terrorist and not support the troops due to your arguments.

But nice try, though :down: Refer to Garfield's quote of Göring
Dern man...w'all know that it's fight, fight, fight til there's no end in sight even if we dern't know what how we be fightin' fer. I fight cuz' I'm proud and to rationalize anything wit' logic wuld jus be bein' a silly ostrich.

Now that wasn't nice :p


Pottery Barn rule

According to Woodward, United States secretary of state Colin Powell cited this rule when warning President George W. Bush, in the summer of 2002, of the consequences of military action in Iraq. Colin Powell also admitted this directly on Jonathan Dimbleby's "Dimbleby" program on April 30, 2006.

" 'You are going to be the proud owner of 25 million people,' he told the president. 'You will own all their hopes, aspirations, and problems. You'll own it all.' Privately, Powell and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage called this the Pottery Barn rule: You break it, you own it." (page 150)

Nope...but I figured you'd spin it that way...it is in the list of acceptable canned responses. That is how I refer to anyone that says that to even think of doing anything other than the quagmire that we are in now is a yella-bellied sissy ostrich with its head in the sand. No...that definitely isn't our soldiers...I was referring to a bunch of people that aren't sacraficing their lives every day but are saying that we must continue to sacrafice the lives of others for "our freedom" (what does Iraq have to do with that??...and don't bring up 9/11 b/c even your supreme ruler responded in a press conference the other day that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11)

After 9/11 I contacted my local recruiting agency but it appears that being over 50 (overweight and out of shape probably did not help :p ) is a big nono (unless you are already in). Now it has increased up to 42 but it may never catch up with me. I would “never†advocate sacrificing someone ‘else’s’ life before I would sacrifice my own and I always put my money where my mouth is.

Furthermore, I agree that we should not have gone to Iraq, but JMHO, that is now moot. Now ‘WE’ (wither you like it or not) are in a situation that ‘WE’ have allowed ourselves to be in. Being a conservative democrat myself, I now listen to our ‘leaders’ and am appalled!!!

So again...don't try to end logical debate by saying that I'm a terrorist or I don't support the troops, etc. It's that dumb-a** rhetoric that has divided this country exponentially over the past 6 years. I am in full support of the troops...THAT is why I think that it is ridiciulous that a drop-out puff soldier is treating our troops like toy soldiers and lining them up wherever for whatever illogical personal/political gains. So I guess I should say that you DON'T support the troops since you are supporting a strategy that we've been told time and time again has no end in sight and that is quickly mounting the casualties (of our soldiers, civilians, and the civilians that we are "defending".) So to use your rhetoric...YOU must be a terrorist and not support the troops due to your arguments.

So what is your answer? If you want to ‘cut-N-run’ then I disagree with that theology wholeheartedly. Maybe you want a ‘Peace With Honor’ :blink: (how did that work out?) agreement with the Islamic nutcases that are trying to kill us?

Or have you not thought it through (like your Garf buddy)? :(

But nice try, though Refer to Garfield's quote of Göring

I do not know about you, but quoting a Nazi gives me the willies. :down:

Try this on for size:

When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'Present' or 'Not guilty.'

Theodore Roosevelt
26th president of US (1858 - 1919)



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Nope...but I figured you'd spin it that way...it is in the list of acceptable canned responses. That is how I refer to anyone that says that to even think of doing anything other than the quagmire that we are in now is a yella-bellied sissy ostrich with its head in the sand.

There you go slinging those left wing liberal john kerry, jesse jackson, al sharpton 'canned responses' again. Can't you atleast be original... :p

No...that definitely isn't our soldiers...I was referring to a bunch of people that aren't sacraficing their lives every day but are saying that we must continue to sacrafice the lives of others for "our freedom" (what does Iraq have to do with that??...and don't bring up 9/11 b/c even your supreme ruler responded in a press conference the other day that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11)

again we've debated why we remain in Iraq, Im not going to continue to spell it out for you. we have more Americans killed in the Washington D.C. on a daily basis than we do in Iraq, perhaps we should pull out of there since it has become a 'quagmire'.

I never said we were in Iraq because they had something to do with 9/11, so don't put words in my mouth.

So again...don't try to end logical debate by saying that I'm a terrorist or I don't support the troops, etc..

(Ch. 12 @ Aug 23 2006, 12:46 PM)

Dern man...w'all know that it's fight, fight, fight til there's no end in sight even if we dern't know what how we be fightin' fer. I fight cuz' I'm proud and to rationalize anything wit' logic wuld jus be bein' a silly ostrich.

Thats what you call logical debate?

It's that dumb-a** rhetoric that has divided this country exponentially over the past 6 years. I am in full support of the troops...THAT is why I think that it is ridiciulous that a drop-out puff soldier is treating our troops like toy soldiers and lining them up wherever for whatever illogical personal/political gains.

The Brave guys/gals that are serving will disagree with your assessment, and to continue with your left wing liberal 'talking points' only serves to undermine and further devide this country.

I will say this one more time, and obviously I need to say it slowly so you can let it sink in...We are in a war on Terror, and it is not confined to the caves of Afghanistan. Yes we need to complete the mission in Iraq and possibly move on to bigger fish if need be, but we can not walk away from what we have initiated or the consequences will be far worse. We need to help stabilize the New Government, destroy the insurgents, And Then leave.

So I guess I should say that you DON'T support the troops since you are supporting a strategy that we've been told time and time again has no end in sight and that is quickly mounting the casualties (of our soldiers, civilians, and the civilians that we are "defending".) So to use your rhetoric...YOU must be a terrorist and not support the troops due to your arguments.

Spin it however you wish ch. 12, those brave Men/Women signed up to defeat the enemy in this war on terror, Last time I checked we have not reinstated the draft because the recruitment numbers are being sustained and multitudes have reinlisted. Im well beyond the age of minimum requirements to enlist, or I can assure you I would have Taken oath on 9/12..Ive supported the Troops from day one, and continue to do so with more than lip service.

Refer to Garfield's quote of Göring

More left wing liberal hyperbole designed to further devide the country.

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