... Mean while back here in the home front, they try and take baby steps by putting pray back in school, advocate the assassination of foreign leaders, take women’s rights back to the stone ages, stop me from looking up porn on the internet in the privacy of my own home ... etc.
IMO, neither are good and both are destroying our way of life and the freedoms that we have secured.
It's funny how liberals want everyone to have their own rights protected but when it comes to allowing others with different views to practice praying in school how narrow minded they turn. What's wrong with allowing someone to pray in school if they want? What happened to being tolerant? They're so tolerant of having women having a right to choose but what about the life of the unborn child? All of a sudden they're not so tolerant when it comes to the unborn child huh? No ones wanting to take womens rights away but there isn't anything wrong with having them take some personal responsibility for their actions. Then they come out and say someone is trying to stop them from looking up porn on the internet. It's so funny how there is the truth and the liberal version of the truth. Liberals are the most apologetic and whiny people I've ever seen and will be the group to turn this country into a third world country if they ever have their own way.