Split topic- From the AA board

Hopeful you make a good point. We may need to fight these terrorists with what they fear most. Obviously they don't fear the loss of life. It may be time to pull out all of the stops and deal with these terrorists mentally. In jest, I have often thought that the airlines should paint a picture of Porky Pig on the sides of their aircraft, serve pork sandwiches, and have a Pot belly pig as an inflight mascot.......Might keep these morons off our aircraft!
You may have just hit on something there. If the airlines were to polish their aircraft with a product that had traces of pork in it then in essence these extremist would be entombed in a pigs belly and should think twice before taking their own life in such an unholy environment. :up: :up:
How soon some forget... :blink:

9/11 was perpetrated by 19 Islamic fascist 12 of which were of Saudi nationality, 1 egyption, 1 United Arab Emirates, 1 lebanese, And 4 unknown.

Simple question for you that requires only a yes or no response. Were we occupying any countries that these terrorist hailed from on 9/11?

Were we occupying Afgahanistan from which this horrendous plot was hatched by Osama Bin Laden who is also of Saudi decent?

We did'nt start this war, but by God we're gonna finish it!

You said it very well...these people were from S.A., Egypt, UAE, and Lebanon. Yet we take over Iraq, Afghanistan, and are trying to lure Syria and Iran into giving us cause to invade them. The truth is that there is a LONG history of occupation in the middle east. It started well before the U.S. existed (with the Crusades..."radical Christians") and continues to this day. The region has long been controlled by the U.K., Russia, and more recently the U.S. We cannot fathom the state of mind that a 1,000 year occupation can create b/c our blessed USA and/or its cultural predecessors has always been the occupier and not the occupied (see Garfield's post).

I in no way condone terrorism but I also don't condone ignorance as to why it happens. And LGA Fleet Service compares simple Christianity to RADICAL Islam?! Why don't you compare RADICAL Christianity to simple Islam? Same story but reversed roles. Put Pat Robertson in power (oh wait...he is already achieving it along with the rest of the radical christians through G.W. and the oil brigade) and see how things go. See...we have just as many radical christians that preach death to gays and/or anyone else who doesn't subscribe to their beliefs (cheering the deaths from Katrina?? THAT was a radical christian...not a radical islam).

You see...if you open your eyes you'll see that fault lies all around. Thinking that ramming a stick into the hole of a hornet's nest and stirring it around is going to calm down the hornets is ignorant. Terrorism is wrong but it exists b/c of centuries of repression and is being manufactured by continued instigation.

But W's dream will soon come true. There really are few countries left in the middle east that we have to conquer in this Crusade. And for those that actually want to learn from history...look at the last time the Crusades happened. They were followed by the Dark Ages. We have cut most funding to science and education while paying mostly for a long, entrenched war...we are well on our way to the next Dark Ages. Too bad we won't live for the next Renaissance. I guess some have to live during the down-swings, though.
From the AP:

More names might still be added to the list, said Nic Stevenson, a spokesperson for the Treasury. "The list may grow bigger as the process evolves," he said.

Most of those named in the list were London residents, and many bore Muslim names.

Scotland Yard had no immediate comment.

The bank released the following names: Abdula Ahmed Ali, Cossor Ali, Shazad Khuram Ali, Nabeel Hussain, Tanvir Hussain, Umair Hussain, Umar Islam, Waseem Kayani, Assan Abdullah Khan, Waheed Arafat Khan, Osman Adam Khatib, Abdul Muneem Patel, Tayib Rauf, Muhammed Usman Saddique, Assad Sarwar, Ibrahim Savant, Amin Asmin Tariq, Shamin Mohammed Uddin, and Waheed Zaman.

The oldest person on the list, Shamin Mohammed Uddin, is 35. The youngest, Abdul Muneem Patel, is 17.
In the 1970's, one of my uncles was a VP of an oil company and lived in the Middle East and South Africa for quite awhile. He had said that the best way to combat the threat of a hijacking (which was the main threat back then) was to put two pipelines of pork oil down the ceiling of the plane and make it clear that if anything were to happen then all of the passengers would be sprayed with the pork oil. Now over thirty years later, it may seem a little kooky but I think he was onto something.
OK. Not enough progess. And, unfortunately, the Christian Right is trying to take us back a little. Or has already.

My take on this particular issue is that the difference between the radical nut jobs in the M.E. and the radical nut jobs here in the US or the "West" seems to be that the nut jobs in the east are willing to just kill you out right and say up front they want you dead and they want to 'rule the world' where as the nut jobs here in the west try to be sneaky and underhanded by going into countries and trying to 'liberate' them and spread democracy and christianity to these poor unbelieving nations. Mean while back here in the home front, they try and take baby steps by putting pray back in school, advocate the assassination of foreign leaders, take women’s rights back to the stone ages, stop me from looking up porn on the internet in the privacy of my own home ... etc.

IMO, neither are good and both are destroying our way of life and the freedoms that we have secured.
make it clear that if anything were to happen then all of the passengers would be sprayed with the pork oil.

Hey, I'm sure we could get Hormel or Oscar Meyer to come up with a pork based mace spray. It not only stings like hell, but it sends you to hell at the same time... ;)
My take on this particular issue is that the difference between the radical nut jobs in the M.E. and the radical nut jobs here in the US or the "West" seems to be that the nut jobs in the east are willing to just kill you out right and say up front they want you dead and they want to 'rule the world' where as the nut jobs here in the west try to be sneaky and underhanded by going into countries and trying to 'liberate' them and spread democracy and christianity to these poor unbelieving nations. Mean while back here in the home front, they try and take baby steps by putting pray back in school, advocate the assassination of foreign leaders, take women’s rights back to the stone ages, stop me from looking up porn on the internet in the privacy of my own home ... etc.

IMO, neither are good and both are destroying our way of life and the freedoms that we have secured.

Gonna haveta to agree on that. Religious fundamentalists are perhaps our biggest threat, domestically as well as internationally. Look how they carried the last one or two presidential elections.
This pork oil thing is interesting. A little study of the Sepoy Rebellion would perhaps convince one of its legitimacy.

It was triggered by Muslim and Hindu soldiers in the British army objecting to biting off ammunition casing that was lubricated with pork fat.
They are brainwashed from the day they are born.
You would feel the same way they do if everyday you were told the US is evil


Seems our freedom of speech is not so free
Google pulled the video
If you want to see the video PM me and I will e-mail it to you.
It is basically a child about 4 years old being asked questions about Jewish people and her replies why she hates them.
Actually, Islam doesn't teach that, just like Christianity doesn't yet we had the crusades. Misinterpretations to the disenfranchised create these issues. Our problem is that we have no problem buying their oil but a HUGE problem reminding people in that part of the world that we could nuke the whold damn place and be done with it. We have no problem allowing the thugs that run most of the countries (the closest thing to a democracy is Pakistan which was overtaken in a military coup) continue to preach that their biggest problem is Israel, not the lack of civil rights for half their population (mainly women). Yet we're the bad guys????
funny you say that but what i've seen and read of the "Religion of Peace" :lol: in their goal of global islamic domination ,in the end,you have two choices ....allah or off with your head,infidel.

allah likes the my way or the highway option. :eek:
Well this will probably offend some, but Ive heard it said that "All Muslims Are Not Terrorist...
I agree in principle; however, until the Muslims rise up and publicly denounce the terrorist, then they are in fact supporting terrorist activities. Since 9/11 involved 12 Saudis, 1 Egyptian, 1 U.A. Emirate, 1 Lebonese then I see no harm in profiling if it could save lives. If your name is Emir, Osama, or any other Muslim sounding name, then you can expect to be delayed while checking in at the airport. Had 9/11 been causes by white males, age 45- 50, with male pattern baldness and slightly overweight, then I would understandably expect to be delayed also. Life is not fair, just live it!
I agree in principle; however, until the Muslims rise up and publicly denounce the terrorist, then they are in fact supporting terrorist activities. Since 9/11 involved 12 Saudis, 1 Egyptian, 1 U.A. Emirate, 1 Lebonese then I see no harm in profiling if it could save lives. If your name is Emir, Osama, or any other Muslim sounding name, then you can expect to be delayed while checking in at the airport. Had 9/11 been causes by white males, age 45- 50, with male pattern baldness and slightly overweight, then I would understandably expect to be delayed also. Life is not fair, just live it!

Mean while, Terry Reed gets on board a flight with a shoe bomb and a faulty lighter. Most accounts I have heard seem to indicate that profiling is ineffective mainly due to our own biases and in the mean time, the people who are a threat just walk on by.
Mean while, Terry Reed gets on board a flight with a shoe bomb and a faulty lighter. Most accounts I have heard seem to indicate that profiling is ineffective mainly due to our own biases and in the mean time, the people who are a threat just walk on by.
From the pictures I have seen of Terry Reed, he would kick on my "person to watch" light just on gereral principles. Even when cleaned up for court appearances, he looked suspicious to me! I don't know if that makes me biased or not, but had I been a :cop: it may have possibly triggered a reaction and closer look. Who knows? It is all speculation anyway.
I've got an idea...why don't we just round them all up and put them in camps where they can work out their days and nights. Call it "ethnic cleansing", if you will. I can't recall...have anti-race/culture sentiments ever lead to such actions in the past? Surely nobody has ever tried this before. :blink:
I've got an idea...why don't we just round them all up and put them in camps where they can work out their days and nights. Call it "ethnic cleansing", if you will. I can't recall...have anti-race/culture sentiments ever lead to such actions in the past? Surely nobody has ever tried this before. :blink:
:huh: Profiling is not even close to "ethnic cleansing."
Give us a break, you think that the "civil rights" to live weren't violated on 9/11? Put it in perspective and try to understand that the terrorist have made this an anti-culture thing.

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