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Southwest Pit Flights


1. Name one analyst not on the payroll at USAirways Group who claims that the ASM cost at the "new improved, sorta USAirways will be less than the ASM cost at Southwest Airlines Co.

---> from what I have read, the ASM cost will drop some, but nowhere near the ASM cost levels over at the company that has the ugly colored 737s. In fact, the Q4 results have taken into account a whole lot of the employee wage evisceration savings, since the BK judge imposed the draconian cuts fairly early in Q4, and you are still looking at about 3 cents separation. 3 cents may not seem like much, but that's still 40% higher than Southwest's 7.6 or whatever it was.

I'd bet you any amount of money that the ASM cost, when the dust settles, will be a couple of cents higher over at US than it is at WN. What this means is that US can compete with WN and lose LESS in the process. Still, a loss is a loss of coss of coss.

2. I am glad you can find a fare cheaper than Southwest. Those walk up fares are what makes Southwest the ultimate businessmen's airline, contrary to what everyone thinks.
Tanker said:
You no longer have to stand in line to get a boarding card at SWA. You can get it on-line the day before, or get it from the sky cap or the ticket agent when you check your bag. If you don't check your bag you can get it from the self-servic kiosk. This also includes any connecting flight.

Piney, like many road warriors, enjoy an assigned seat in advance so there's no battleing for window/middle/aisle. I have to agree with that, too. I hate that outdated boarding card crap. Southwest has the technology to do assigned seats, and in my opionion, they probably will at some point down the road.
ELP_WN_Psgr said:

1. Name one analyst not on the payroll at USAirways Group who claims that the ASM cost at the "new improved, sorta USAirways will be less than the ASM cost at Southwest Airlines Co.

---> from what I have read, the ASM cost will drop some, but nowhere near the ASM cost levels over at the company that has the ugly colored 737s. In fact, the Q4 results have taken into account a whole lot of the employee wage evisceration savings, since the BK judge imposed the draconian cuts fairly early in Q4, and you are still looking at about 3 cents separation. 3 cents may not seem like much, but that's still 40% higher than Southwest's 7.6 or whatever it was.

I'd bet you any amount of money that the ASM cost, when the dust settles, will be a couple of cents higher over at US than it is at WN. What this means is that US can compete with WN and lose LESS in the process. Still, a loss is a loss of coss of coss.

2. I am glad you can find a fare cheaper than Southwest. Those walk up fares are what makes Southwest the ultimate businessmen's airline, contrary to what everyone thinks.

MY mistake....I guess I should have said that info came straight from US's CEO not an analyst......being that all the analyst's have always had a death wish for US. I believe that when their cost structure finally kicks in, the CEO did say that US's cost will be below SWA. But STILL, that is a HUGE undertaking to go from the HIGHEST in the Industry to one of the LOWEST, ya think! Could also be why everybody is on the attack trying to force US out of business before they can get to that point! Some major transforming has been happening over there at US and maybe just maybe, the worries are kicking in for the other carriers who have been thinking that US would have its doors closed by now! As I said before, walk up fares are great, but MOST of the flying public books in advance!

Clue said: "Thus, unlike a U mainline pilot sliding toward the bottom of the list, I have many options that will continue to pay me 6 figures. It brings objectivity, as opposed to spinning everything left and right to keep my seat."

USA320Pilot: Clue, you think it brings objectivity but to many it is simply and uninformed "ax to grind". In regard to your personal jab, I doubt that your portfolio is greater than mine. What's it like to be such an angry bitter person? Is it tough?

In regard to projected CASM and the current Transformation Plan version, I have seen the confidential and public version, have you?


In regard to projected CASM and the current Transformation Plan version, I have seen the confidential and public version, have you?




I doubt seriously that you would heed any advice I would offer.......my wife never does....and you certainly have avoided taking sage advice from some of your U cohorts who post on this board.

Still, I have to throw something out here:

People to whom confidential or otherwise classified information is entrusted do not ordinarily go around crowing about how "I know a secret and you don't, nyah nyah nyah."

Take it for what it's worth.

Best regards from out in the west Texas town of El Paso.

I have to agree 100% with you ELP, herr captain has been proven wrong so many times it is unreal, but yet he can never admit it.
Whatnow? said:
being that all the analyst's have always had a death wish for US.
That's a mighty big net you're casting. Do you want to retract it, or should I start posting links to favorable reports from analysts? :huh:

I believe that when their cost structure finally kicks in, the CEO did say that US's cost will be below SWA.
Yes. Given US management's history of having only a coincidental relationship with the truth, why would anyone be inclined to believe such a statement, simply because it comes from the CEO?

But STILL, that is a HUGE undertaking to go from the HIGHEST in the Industry to one of the LOWEST, ya think!
Of course. Find a single post anywhere on USaviation where someone said that it isn't.

Could also be why everybody is on the attack trying to force US out of business before they can get to that point!
🙄 What a great conspiracy theory. Too bad it's not true. Yes, the other carriers sense weakness, but the reason for moving in now is that you don't want to be the second one to move into US's markets; by that time, you've already lost.
I understand that there are passengers like pineybob who will only fly if they can get an assigned seat, & if that is what they want they more than have that right. I was only telling him that you no longer have to get to the gate 1 1/2 hours prior to the flight to be in the "A" group. Just get the boarding pass at home & be at the gate 20 min prior to departure. Even if you board at the end of the "A" group you will be the 45th passenger (not counting pre-boards). Again all I am doing is correcting some old information as the days of having to stand in line to get a boarding pass at SWA are gone. BTW I have flown on airlines that do assigned seating. On some occassions my assigned seat was the middle seat, or was changed at the airport. I was also told by reservations (in this case it was NWA) that I would be assigned a seat at the gate.
I see SWA starts off using 1 gate for these 10 flights per day on Concourse A. US has long/short term leases on 40 gates with 220 flights per day. SWA will have 10 flights per gate per day, while US has 5.7 flights per gate per day?
USA320Pilot said:

Clue said: "Thus, unlike a U mainline pilot sliding toward the bottom of the list, I have many options that will continue to pay me 6 figures. It brings objectivity, as opposed to spinning everything left and right to keep my seat."

USA320Pilot: Clue, you think it brings objectivity but to many it is simply and uninformed "ax to grind". In regard to your personal jab, I doubt that your portfolio is greater than mine. What's it like to be such an angry bitter person? Is it tough?

In regard to projected CASM and the current Transformation Plan version, I have seen the confidential and public version, have you?



USA320Pilot you really need to zip it. You're absolutely right; probably nobody's portfolio is bigger than yours. 🙄 BUT, in the real world most of us live in houses that we pay mortgages on not in houses paid for by family members. Don't try to pee on the little people too often; it might come flying back as a golden shower.
blueoceans said:
I see SWA starts off using 1 gate for these 10 flights per day on Concourse A. US has long/short term leases on 40 gates with 220 flights per day. SWA will have 10 flights per gate per day, while US has 5.7 flights per gate per day?

It's even worse than that; my calculator says that's only 5.5 flights per gate per day. I've heard that WN can easily get 10-12 flights per day per gate, which makes sense given the short turns.
2. I am glad you can find a fare cheaper than Southwest. Those walk up fares are what makes Southwest the ultimate businessmen's airline, contrary to what everyone thinks.
Really, Well then I guess should suggest them to my friend that needs to travel out of ATL next week. Last week he made a trip to Taiwan for important business too, I wish I had mentioned Southwest to him before he made the mistake of taking someone else instead.
The nice white paint jobs on some of our aircraft, with the big Star Alliance Logo are there for a reason you know...

But as a ATL resident, he obviously thinks DAL serves his needs as a businessman best.. But I will try to convince him to somehow give SWA a shot from now on, since I just found out that it is the Ultimate Businessman's Airline

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