Their biggest problem now is that they cant get planes fast enough to meet their demand. They are trying to speed up delivery as fast as they can. They are already the fastest growing airline in history and they still cant grow fast enough. Add the fact that they are making so much money that they more then doubled their cash reserves this year. This still after they give back .05 cents of their RASM back to their employees. Last year, I believe, that equaled 15% of their salaries. This year will be even bigger. Must be nice.
I wonder what will happen to them once the economy turns around?
ALOHA, 007
Let's see...fastest growing, cant get planes fast enough, fanatical following, riding high on positive press...
reminds me of the halcyon days of Peoples Express and Sir Freddy Laker...
As those who follow or are in the industry for awhile know...things come and go and then come again...a bizzare industry life cycle where the meek become bold and the bold become one holds the high ground forever. The families of those displaced, furloughed or quit are regretable victims of the jungle of airline hell. May they find peace and prosperity, they have paid the price.