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It would be nice to know what DL's management have given up to conserve money and how their incomes compare to other airline execs.
that information is available in any airline's annual report - available on any airline website if it's publicly traded.

Jerry's $500k salary is one of the lowest.
TheDog2004 said:
Jerry's $500k salary is one of the lowest.

Don't forget those multi-million dollar bonuses he receives! So that $500k salary is nothing compared to his bonuses. He wants to make it look like he is sharing in the cuts, but in reality he is not.

How much did DL pay to Mullin when he left, including his bonus? How much did DL pay to Sharon Wibben when she left, including her bonus? Delta is crying wolf and all of you are falling into their trap! :lol:
Jerry's salary is $500K...that's it. No options, no bonuses, no anything. Sorry live, wrong again.
flyhigh said:
Jerry's salary is $500K...that's it. No options, no bonuses, no anything. Sorry live, wrong again.

That's what he wants you to believe. He is getting a bonus, rather you want to except it or not. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid it's frying you brain!
...so he's breaking the law? That's what it would take for him to be receiving more since it's not reported. Is it possible that in the future he will receive something, yes, but his contract is a flat $500k, that's it.
LiveInAHotel said:
That's what he wants you to believe. He is getting a bonus, rather you want to except it or not. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid it's frying you brain!
Live, all you are is "Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah".
oh okay. it's all a conspiracy. the lack of evidence indicates there's a conspiracy.

honestly, if Jerry turns things around, I won't have any problem if he gets a bonus.
TheDog2004 said:
oh okay. it's all a conspiracy. the lack of evidence indicates there's a conspiracy.

honestly, if Jerry turns things around, I won't have any problem if he gets a bonus.

Should the employees get a bonus as well?
Vikedog64 said:
Live, all you are is "Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah".


And you call yourself what? I would call you full of B$ and a Delta management suck up! Keep drinking the Kool-Aid with all of your non-union friends. How was that pay raise that all of the DL f/a's received for the past 2 years? Since you didn't get them, I bet it sucked! Even know we took a paycut (a very controversial one) we still are receiving a contractual pay increase every year. In 2006 we open contract talks with AA and we will get back what we lost or it will be STRIKE time! See we can STRIKE, negotiate, information picket and much more to get what we want! Can you do this at DL? NO! If you do it, then as Donald Trump says "You're FIRED!"

All you can do at Delta is say "yes management I accept these rules and pay."

Here are 2 questions for you:

What will you do if Delta files BK?

What will you do when they take 20% of your pay and your retirement away?

You will take a big hit along with all the non-union work groups. The pilots are not going to give 30%. If it sends DL to BK, then so be it. At least the pilots stayed UNIFIED to the end and didn't let management walk all over them like they do you.

...so Live, you have nothing to back up your claims. Just making sure. What you do seem to have is some belief that all non-union people are stupid and at the mercy of mgmt. What if I were to say that union people only get one because they feel lucky to be where they are and know they couldn't get a job elsewhere, so they get somebody to make this one work for them? Each of us has a choice. If Delta comes to us with pay and/or benefit cuts we don't want, we can say no thanks and leave. We can go work for one of the many fine companies in our community. Or we can teach or become police officers or firefighters or a myriad of other things that don't have us working for Delta. If the company can't afford to have me, then so be it. Why ruin the place for others who may want to stay and are willing to stay under the new conditions?

You say that if AA doesn't give you raises you'll strike. What if the business model/industry condition doesn't support that? Why stay to ruin a company?
LiveInAHotel said:

And you call yourself what? I would call you full of B$ and a Delta management suck up! Keep drinking the Kool-Aid with all of your non-union friends.


It is interesting that you are still talking down us and are now asking us questions when it has been a couple of days and you still cannot answer a follow up question from me. Your silence speaks volumes. You are now name calling on multiple threads, yet you are unable to back up your position with a valid argument, you just parrot back someone else's hackneyed rhetoric.

I believe that changes made at Delta to get our cost structure in line with the LCC's are going to spread to other carriers, AA included.

Since you already admitted that your union membership did not protect you from giving up concessions, my follow up question is still relevant.

So tell us, how exactly did your union membership save you "millons of dollars" in give backs to AA under Carty?
flyhigh said:
...so Live, you have nothing to back up your claims. Just making sure. What you do seem to have is some belief that all non-union people are stupid and at the mercy of mgmt. What if I were to say that union people only get one because they feel lucky to be where they are and know they couldn't get a job elsewhere, so they get somebody to make this one work for them? Each of us has a choice. If Delta comes to us with pay and/or benefit cuts we don't want, we can say no thanks and leave. We can go work for one of the many fine companies in our community. Or we can teach or become police officers or firefighters or a myriad of other things that don't have us working for Delta.


Some people do not have other skills because they have stopped learning and improving themselves. For these few people, a union is all that they have.

They are too far away from obtaining a degree to teach. Some, like hotel, have been unsuccessful in becoming a firefighter or policeman. They will never answer a code three because they cannot pass an interview. These people are trapped.

People like him are utterly dependant on their union to provide for their needs. Therefore, they respond angrily when someone challenges the assumption on which they base their lives.

There are many places where a union is necessary. There are a few where a union is not, but for Hotel to call someone stupid because they do not share his beliefs tells much about his situation and economic capacity.
This went a little off topic...What I really wanted to know was, as a group, how much money is allocated to management and how much to pilots and other groups. What would this pie chart look like and if pilots/ other labor groups have to take paycuts to compete against LCC's, will management from top to bottom shrink their slice off the pie by an equivalent amount? Or, will they claim that managers need to be paid more to retain them or risk losing them? Management is the only airline group on this board that remains silent. Does anone know the real answers to these questions?

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