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Song or More Room?

Aloha AAmech,

Your right. Hubs do work. Take two unprofitable routes run them thru a hub and out they come profitable!
On 1/30/2003 6:42:46 PM AAmech wrote:

I think Zip is more of a regional with mostly RJ's and Tango is full size planes flying further distances.

Sorry AAmech, you've got it backwards, eh!

ZIP's fleet consists of former CP 737-200s in mostly in ugly colours (www.4321zip.com) - operating in western Canada (for now?). I believe Zip is the LCC that interlines with AC mainline and participates in Aeroplan, etc.

AC Jazz is the collection of regionals - the former AC regionals (Air Ontario, Air BC, Air Nova) + CP Canadi
On 1/30/2003 6:28:10 PM TWAFA007 wrote:


DAL is going to have a tough time selling their Song. Delta Express was selling seats from JFK-FLL for an average price of $82. While JBLU ave. was 108. Yet everyone wants to fly JBLU. The demand is so high that JBLU will, at peak season, fly 16, yes SIXTEEN!, flights a day there and they had a %83 load factor for '02. Thats the highest of any airline. Why is that?

ALOHA, 007

Maybe it was the live tv that won them over? Who knows? Delta execs admit that Express was a failure because of the way it was marketed. Song will address those issues. Remember, you're only good until something better comes along. we shall see.
On 1/30/2003 6:57:42 PM TWAFA007 wrote:

Aloha AAmech,

Your right. Hubs do work. Take two unprofitable routes run them thru a hub and out they come profitable!

ALOHA, 007

If only Hubs worked THAT well we'd all be complaining about not getting a big enough profit sharing checks! By the way, JB has set themselves up a cherry little hub in JFK!
On 1/31/2003 4:02:42 PM AAmech wrote:

If only Hubs worked THAT well we'd all be complaining about not getting a big enough profit sharing checks! By the way, JB has set themselves up a cherry little hub in JFK!
Aloha AAmech,

Just wait until they open up the their "hubs," at FLL & LGB. Wonder if AA will run away again? Their LGB-OAK runs are just being run to keep their slots at LGB.

Their biggest problem now is that they cant get planes fast enough to meet their demand. They are trying to speed up delivery as fast as they can. They are already the fastest growing airline in history and they still cant grow fast enough. Add the fact that they are making so much money that they more then doubled their cash reserves this year. This still after they give back .05 cents of their RASM back to their employees. Last year, I believe, that equaled 15% of their salaries. This year will be even bigger. Must be nice.

I wonder what will happen to them once the economy turns around?

ALOHA, 007
On 1/31/2003 7:18:19 AM winedndined wrote:

Maybe it was the live tv that won them over? Who knows? Delta execs admit that Express was a failure because of the way it was marketed. Song will address those issues. Remember, you're only good until something better comes along. we shall see.
Aloha winendined,

You might think its the TVs being this is the TV generation, but their biggest yeilding flight is JFK-SJU. Another thorn in AAs side. On most of this flight there isnt any TV. As far as Song being better that remains to be seen. JB owns Live TV and has a lot of patents on inflight transmissions of live TV signals and it isnt as easy as it looks.

The BIG problem with Song is they are going to use Full paid crews on a low fare airline. I havent been able to figure out how they are goin to make any money doing that. We shall see. It will be interesting. I give DAL credit for at least trying.

ALOHA, 007
Their biggest problem now is that they cant get planes fast enough to meet their demand. They are trying to speed up delivery as fast as they can. They are already the fastest growing airline in history and they still cant grow fast enough. Add the fact that they are making so much money that they more then doubled their cash reserves this year. This still after they give back .05 cents of their RASM back to their employees. Last year, I believe, that equaled 15% of their salaries. This year will be even bigger. Must be nice.

I wonder what will happen to them once the economy turns around?

ALOHA, 007

Let's see...fastest growing, cant get planes fast enough, fanatical following, riding high on positive press...
reminds me of the halcyon days of Peoples Express and Sir Freddy Laker...

As those who follow or are in the industry for awhile know...things come and go and then come again...a bizzare industry life cycle where the meek become bold and the bold become meek....no one holds the high ground forever. The families of those displaced, furloughed or quit are regretable victims of the jungle of airline hell. May they find peace and prosperity, they have paid the price.