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Comments From Ga Congressman

Wow, after reading the Georgia politicians, maybe Atlanta deserves Delta.

Lame posturing from attention whoring politicians.

After all those words, screw Atlanta, we can build another high rise on the banks of the Tempe Tub.
Same with USAirways having call center in San Salvador..
I realize that, but US didn't have some Bafoon of a politician making an Anti-American issue of it in public. :blink: You would be hard pressed to find any American company that doesn't buy imported products today. This just goes to show how Ass-backwards some of these
"Good old Boys" from down there still are. I hope he at least got a free button from DL for his comments.
What next, some reflections upon the Civil War and the role it could play in this merger. As sad as it sounds, the North vs South sediment was alive and well during the
PI/US merger as many of us know. Being that I worked for PI, I can tell you that many from down there still haven't forgotten the issue.
Well, I can see the inevitable "my airline is better than yours" war is now fully developed.
Dang Parker, this can't be good for business now can it?
Don't worry, labor issues never stop mergers.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain and everything will be alright.
How far are the employees of Delta willing to go to Keep Delta Their Delta? Could the management of Delta squeeze more concessions out of it's work groups based on company pride?
How far are the employees of Delta willing to go to Keep Delta Their Delta? Could the management of Delta squeeze more concessions out of it's work groups based on company pride?

Well, USAirways did. They squeezed and squeezed and sqeezed...(3 concession in 30 months). I think USAirways holds the record for the "labor squeeze".
If you can't beat em' join em'

There will be a "I hate Delta Air Lines" rally at the Seashell Lounge in Moon Township tonight complete with fresh 'Moonshine' from the state of Georgia. Yinz Haw...

:angry: I just voiced my disapproval of what Congressman
David Scott had to say about Us Airways at yesterdays ralley in Atlanta. I'm sorry to say I live just a mile from his office. I asked for Mr. Scott to drive down the street and count the number of car dealerships. Let see Kia, Mazda, Nissan, Toyota, Accura. I guess the people who voted for him are unamerican if they drive a foreign car.
Calling Us Airways unamerican is like calling Hank Aaron unamerican because he sell foreign cars.
:angry: I just voiced my disapproval of what Congressman
David Scott had to say about Us Airways at yesterdays ralley in Atlanta. I'm sorry to say I live just a mile from his office. I asked for Mr. Scott to drive down the street and count the number of car dealerships. Let see Kia, Mazda, Nissan, Toyota, Accura. I guess the people who voted for him are unamerican if they drive a foreign car.
Calling Us Airways unamerican is like calling Hank Aaron unamerican because he sell foreign cars.

First of all, is it even POSSIBLE to only buy American products? Last time I checked, most of the products coming from some of the largest retailers were from China or some other country that can produce it far cheaper than we can. My dad is retired from GM, and even though my family buys GM products, even he admits the workmanship on many foreign cars is far superior.
I would just ignore anything that comes out of a senator's mouth-or any politician for that matter.
:angry: I just voiced my disapproval of what Congressman
David Scott had to say about Us Airways at yesterdays ralley in Atlanta. I'm sorry to say I live just a mile from his office. I asked for Mr. Scott to drive down the street and count the number of car dealerships. Let see Kia, Mazda, Nissan, Toyota, Accura. I guess the people who voted for him are unamerican if they drive a foreign car.
Calling Us Airways unamerican is like calling Hank Aaron unamerican because he sell foreign cars.
I bet he drives a BMW or Mercedes -- made in Germany, just like the A319. Oh, that's so un-American!

Yes, he has a right to his opinion. But to allow him to make false statements and twist the truth is un-American! (oh, wait, he's a congressman -- that's what they do for a living...) We also have a right to call him on his inconsistencies and un-truths.

If Airbus is a "foreign" government, as he says, then does that make Boeing "run" by American government? If so, that really screws up our sueing Airbus through the WTO for "government" subsidies!

Passion based on lies and half-truths is blasphemis.
Interesting point. About the only things you can buy that are truly American made are Mens Dress Shoes (Johnston & Murphy, Bostonian, Rockport etc) and Mens dress shirts. Most of the rest of it is a REAL CHORE and then how can you be sure if it's truly "American".

And on it goes.

Exactly. What upsets me (and I'm a DL employee) is that the rally was supposed to be PRO-DELTA not ANTI-USAIRWAYS. It's fine to have corporate loyalty. God knows, DL has some fiercely loyal employees. If, however, by some small chance, this thing does go through, just think of the anger that will be taken out on each other, instead of having our collective energy focused on better wages, working conditions, etc etc
I kinda hope that they "Keep Delta THEIR Delta" personally.

The USAirways button says

Point of Order:

BMW & Mercedes have assembly plants in the US. One each in Spartenburg, SC and the other in AL someplace. Also Mercedes is a part of Diamler Chrysler. So even if he does drive one of the Euro Lux twins is it foreign??

Same with Jag and Volvo owned by Ford and Saab owned by GM.

Not to mention the Nissan plants in TN & AL or the Camry plant in Georgetown KY, or the Subaru plant in Lafayette, IN.

I think you get the picture.

Exactly. I used to have two vehicles by "American" brands, although one was assembled in Canada and the other in Mexico. I called them "NAFTA cars".
I now own an American-badged vehicle that was indeed assembled in the good ol' USA, (Fremont CA), but at a jointly-owned Japanese-American plant that turns out nearly-identical models for both companies.
My second, used, vehicle was assembled in Canada by a Japanese company and sold under an American brand name.
All the more reason why this idiot congressman's "buy American" bit is just stupid. Aircraft manufacturers, like autos, are global corporations.
Exactly. I used to have two vehicles by "American" brands, although one was assembled in Canada and the other in Mexico. I called them "NAFTA cars".
I now own an American-badged vehicle that was indeed assembled in the good ol' USA, (Fremont CA), but at a jointly-owned Japanese-American plant that turns out nearly-identical models for both companies.
My second, used, vehicle was assembled in Canada by a Japanese company and sold under an American brand name.
All the more reason why this idiot congressman's "buy American" bit is just stupid. Aircraft manufacturers, like autos, are global corporations.

What About The KIA Plant that had it's Groundbreaking a couple of months ago?> Was the Congressman saying that the State Of Georgia and Bubba Perdue "Un-American"? I Don't Think So!! IDIOT!!
Truth to tell, who would want US buying them? I know we Speedbirds s*&t calico kittens when the merger went thru.

Look at the quality of air service 15 years ago versus now. What has been accomplished? We have lined the pockets of investors at the expense of employees and customers.

It is not all US's fault, and they certainly didn't start it, but right now, US is the major carrier of the virus transforming the airline industry into Greyhound.

There's no call for Delta employees to be pissy with US employees, but I don't blame them for being scared.

My advice: Go get some academic or technical credentials and be prepared to move along. The good old days ain't coming back in our lifetimes.

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