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Comments From Ga Congressman

I would like everyone to read the following excerpt from the rally held today by Delta Pilots by the congressman from Ga David Scott:

U.S. Rep. David Scott, a Democrat whose district includes part of Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, likened US Airways to a "vulture in the night." He said US Airways is un-American because it buys foreign planes while Delta flies American-made planes.

If you are a USAirways employee as I am, are you not offended by this idiotic comment. I called his office ( here is his number by the way 770-210-5073 ) and was told that the congressman has every right to say whatever he wants considering the "Hostile Takeover by USAir" (WAYS>>>>WAYS>>>>)!! So I asked this person than, does congressman Scott think I and Everyone here at USAiways are un-American? She tried to dodge the question. Everyone NEEDS to Call This Idiot!! :down:

If that is un-American, then so is flying a flag (stars and bars)above the U.S> flag in Georgia. I think Dp should point the 8 billion dollars north and approach NW about a deal. Obviously they don't want to be associated with "our kind" down in dixie.
wow for someone who worked for usairways you sure sound anti-usairways. so you mean to tell me that those dleta employees on the bus had every right to be rude towards me? i don't thinks so. staple all of them a-holes to the bottom for all i care. with that reply i got from you . you just made my thinking a little bit easier. i know it's not gonna happen but whatever.

Did they know you spoke Spanish? Rude towards you? Get over yourself already and thrashing around with arrogance. The world does not revolve around what you think, or what I think, or USAirways.

Your threats of stapling have NO credence...why do you keep bringing it up?

Simply senseless emotion.
pitt , you are right and i know that doh is the way to go but these guys hate us so much it's incredible...one even said "look at his uniform . they is no way we would wear that peice of crap" that's down right rude. and i know it's not all the delta employees but mostly all i have encountered . it has been with that kind of animosity.

You absolutely should have said something, because what they said is rude, and I hope it's an isolated incident. I have no bad feelings toward any other airline employee, and it amazes me that people take loyalty to a level of stupidity.
When I decided to become a flight attendant, I applied to practically every airline. DL hired me first, and here I am 13 years later. It's a great job that's afforded me the time off to also finish a nursing degree. Now, if we go under, I'll just be a nurse full-time. I don't let any of this stuff bother me. There are things I like about my company and things I don't.
It's too bad we couldn't take the absolute best practices from every airline, and just make one awesome place to work. I'd be the first to sign up.
And, etops1, I apologize for my co-workers ignorance. 🙂
pitt , you are right and i know that doh is the way to go but these guys hate us so much it's incredible. we spent around 7 million dollars trying to get delta to join afa and they simply did not want it. sh why should we be sympathetic to them. you know very well if this was the other way around they would totally staple us to the bottom. i don't know but i have mixed feelings on all this . in the begining .i have stated doh for all. but after having encounters on the line with delta employees who all they do is bash usairways and talk so much crap they do not know about. it just has me mixed on all it. maybe i should not let my emotions get in the way. but it's tough. the other day i was on the employee bus and there were 2 delta f/a's sitting right in front of me. they saw my id and saw i worked for airways. they proceeded to talk in spanish not knowing that i speak spanish myself. one said "oh man i forgot my pin. i wish i had it so i could put it on in front of this usair guy" then they proceeded to bash usairways and the employees right in front of me. i was going to say something but pretended i was reading the news paer instead. i mean they were saying some preety nasty things about our company. one even said "look at his uniform . they is no way we would wear that peice of crap" that's down right rude. and i know it's not all the delta employees but mostly all i have encountered . it has been with that kind of animosity.

The DL employees that you encounter are scared. Very scared..... Fear makes you react in strange ways. Just take their reactions with a grain of salt. If this merger happens, people will come around and work together. This is DL, after all, and they were always "untouchable". If it happens, in the end, we will all become one.... Just ignore it.... 😉
DL is fighting for their independence and right to survive on their own.
Since when do companies have rights?

There may be a number of good reasons to oppose this merger, but the "right to survive on their own" is one of the more ridiculous ones. By that standard there would never be any transactions that involved change of control.
Did they know you spoke Spanish? Rude towards you? Get over yourself already and thrashing around with arrogance. The world does not revolve around what you think, or what I think, or USAirways.

Your threats of stapling have NO credence...why do you keep bringing it up?

Simply senseless emotion.
If it happens, it will absolutely be DOH. No question. Emotions aside, please.
Since when do companies have rights?

There may be a number of good reasons to oppose this merger, but the "right to survive on their own" is one of the more ridiculous ones. By that standard there would never be any transactions that involved change of control.

Hey Charlie Brown,

U had every intentions of merging. They were looking for a partner and positioning the company at least one year before an announcement, hence the "change in control" language in all contracts. There's a difference between setting up a company for "a sale", and a "hostile TAKEOVER"!
Did they know you spoke Spanish? Rude towards you? Get over yourself already and thrashing around with arrogance. The world does not revolve around what you think, or what I think, or USAirways.

Your threats of stapling have NO credence...why do you keep bringing it up?

Simply senseless emotion.
you know what pitt. you really are a female dog. and to deltanyc. thanks for your kind reply . i will look foward to working with you in the future if we get that chance.
The DL employees on the bus who wished they were wearing their pins, shows their pride; just like you do for U. Nothing negative about having affinity, and loyalty to your company. Currently, and naturally, they should feel no allegiance to USAirways. None.

The U uniforms are old and "outdated". U has been spending the past year looking into new uniforms. If you were a DL employee, you'd be saying the same thing, no less.

USAirways f/as have no say in how seniority should be implemented with a merger. Its governed by the AFA Constitution and Bylaws, whether you or anyone likes that, hates that, or thinks DL doesn't deserve it...its DOH.

And for point of fact, AFA spent $5 million between 1995- 2001 trying to unionize DL f/as. They were the highest paid f/as with the best International premium pay in the industry...even to this present day, they are paid higher than U f/as, without a union.

I wouldn't feel to unionize either.

My exact feelings too. What's more a Delta/US merger would benefit US and I think the Delta folks naturally resent the feeling of "gift giving" so to speak, especially the proud ones. If I were still at Airways I would look forward to combining with Delta. I've always respected them.
I believe the actual number was 6 wasnt it?
I think that was the number of city pairs where both DL & US provided the only non-stop service - since amended with Airtran's added service.

Technically correct but misleading. Take someplace like ILM. US serves ILM-CLT non-stop but not DL. DL serves ILM-ATL non-stop but not US. Thus no overlap according to the powerpoint. Yet DL & US provide 100% of the service @ ILM (and there are a number of smaller markets like that).

You absolutely should have said something, because what they said is rude, and I hope it's an isolated incident. I have no bad feelings toward any other airline employee, and it amazes me that people take loyalty to a level of stupidity.
When I decided to become a flight attendant, I applied to practically every airline. DL hired me first, and here I am 13 years later. It's a great job that's afforded me the time off to also finish a nursing degree. Now, if we go under, I'll just be a nurse full-time. I don't let any of this stuff bother me. There are things I like about my company and things I don't.
It's too bad we couldn't take the absolute best practices from every airline, and just make one awesome place to work. I'd be the first to sign up.
And, etops1, I apologize for my co-workers ignorance. 🙂
Good for you! You used your airline career to prepare for the worst, as I did. We go under, we got our backups, as most of us should by now! I enjoy my time at US, and would like to see US grow, be consistently profitable, and pay me some sort of a fair wage. Will it happen? Who knows, but we will watch every section of these negotiations like a hawk..........

Etops is a good guy, he will always accept apologies. 😉 Good luck to us all!!!

Congressman David SCOTT
173 North Main Street
Jonesboro, GA 30236
ph: (770) 210 - 5073
fax: (770) 210- 5673
Good for you! You used your airline career to prepare for the worst, as I did. We go under, we got our backups, as most of us should by now! I enjoy my time at US, and would like to see US grow, be consistently profitable, and pay me some sort of a fair wage. Will it happen? Who knows, but we will watch every section of these negotiations like a hawk..........

Etops is a good guy, he will always accept apologies. 😉 Good luck to us all!!!
i'll drink to that. then again ... i'll drink to anything 😀

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