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Some final thoughts....

Oliver Twist

Aug 20, 2002
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
On 9/16/2002 9:47:33 PM lindy wrote:

They have been replaced by a new breed, people who left secure jobs with other companies to come here😀ave Siegel,CEO.. Neil Cohen,CFO..Chirs Chiames, Corporate Affairs..Jerry Glass, Employee Relations..and most importantly to the IAM. Chris Doan has been replaced by John Prestifilippo. Why these people came here is beyond me. In my limited view of the world, I think they were nuts. They took on a challenge of immense proportions. Yet, come they did.

Our Company has changed; it has new leadership with new vision. Let's give them the chance they deserve.

Lindy, I can agree with most of what you wrote. I for one have voted yes to my unions consession package- I hated doing it, but felt it was better than the unemployment line.

As for Dave and his paycuts, let's not forget the $750,000.00 signing bonus. With that kind of cash, I could work for free for several years. Let's not for one minute feel any pity for the CEO's CFO'S and other C's that have come on board. There is no way they would take this job without the solid prospect of making lot's of money down the road.

I do however feel Dave is our last and best chance to right what has been wrong with this company for decades. I know what needs fixing and I dare say most of the rest of us do as well. It will get fixed in BK and life will go on-with less cash in our pockets.

After 20 years at a job I dearly love, I have decided- painfully, to go back to school to get a second degree and move on to an industry where MY talents can be seen and rewarded. It will take years to be sure, but I must look in another direction while I still have 20 years to give to someone else who can see my value and compensate me for it without the need of a step raise or senority. I will be home at Christmas and all the other holidays the rest of the world takes for granted.

ALL my family and friends live within driving distance too, so a pass will not be missed that much. And let us not forget eating dinner at 6pm AT home instead of a breakroom after 21 years of employment and having the weekends off. It's beginning to sound really good.
A recurring dialogue on these boards has been the horrible deciscions made by management:
Business Select, Metrojet, UA merger to name a few. However, the people involved in those
decisions are mostly gone: Schofield, Gangwal, and last, but not least, Wolfe, who has nothing but a title. They have been replaced by a new breed, people who left secure jobs with other companies to come here😀ave Siegel,CEO.. Neil Cohen,CFO..Chirs Chiames, Corporate Affairs..Jerry Glass, Employee Relations..and most importantly to the IAM. Chris Doan has been replaced by John Prestifilippo. Why these people came here is beyond me. In my limited view of the world, I think they were nuts. They took on a challenge of immense proportions. Yet, come they did.
These people have waded into the lions den, most specifically Siegel, by hosting employee meetings and road shows, knowing full well what the reception would be. Never once did he flinch. He continued to deliver the message of what needed to be done. He and his officers took paycuts. Who in their right mind comes to a Company and takes an immediate pay cut within four months? Would any of you? I have to believe Siegel when he says he loves the airline industry. He, like most of us, find the work alluring, fascinating. How many times have your non- airlines friends or neighbors looked on with envy when you told them you decided to go on a quick week-end trip somewhere for free?
As you go to the polls, are past grievances a reason to vote no? The industry is dynamically changing in ways we could not foresee when we began our employment. Our Company has
changed; it has new leadership with new vision. Let''s give them the chance they deserve.
Youve got Daves number. One thing that you can be sure of is that Dave will earn more before this contract is up than you have over the last twenty years.
Good luck in your new endeavor!
On 9/16/2002 11:39:52 PM lindy wrote:


I applaud your courage to make such a defining move. May many bonuses be in your future..

good luck..Linda


Thanks, it's just sad to have to do it in the first place. BUT! Gotta move on.

We sort of enjoy the sport of taking pot shots at our management, you know it's sort of a family thing.However,for an employee of a competing airline to come on the U board and trash our leader kinda rubs me the wrong way.I really don't think you want U employees on the AA board ripping Don Carty.

I applaud your courage to make such a defining move. May many bonuses be in your future..

good luck..Linda

I have been on the sidelines reading many posts since last year and I have enjoyed your sincere opinions.

I wish you the very best of luck in your pursuit for excellence. It will be an adjustment but you will do well.
On 9/16/2002 10:11:49 PM Bob Owens wrote:

Youve got Daves number. One thing that you can be sure of is that Dave will earn more before this contract is up than you have over the last twenty years.
Good luck in your new endeavor!

Spoken like a true twu lackey.
Go back to the aa board.
On 9/17/2002 2:36:54 AM Trish wrote:


I have been on the sidelines reading many posts since last year and I have enjoyed your sincere opinions.

I wish you the very best of luck in your pursuit for excellence. It will be an adjustment but you will do well.

Thanks Trish. It will take a few years to make it all work- part time student, full time agent and such. But your right- it will be worth it.

Thanks for the kind words on my posts. I try to be fair and raise questions I think need to be raised. I too however can have a few rants myself. To those of you who have witnessed my rants, I apologize. I will strive to ask the right questions.
As a NON-industry employee, perhaps I can explain the signing bonus..leaving his current employer, Im sure Dave had to forgo stock options which were close to being vested so the signing bonus is often used to compensate for walking away from the options that wouldnt vest in time since he was leaving...Anyway, Im predicting passage of the vote this time since I believe a lot of folks didnt understand the power of the BK judge in matters of this sort when they voted the first time...NO CHADS PLEASE!!
Chip, to directly quote Ed McMahon: That is correct, sir! Dont worry Chip, it will pass...But, let me say this: that the pilots have to understand that their heyday of $200,000 a year is gone too..Mark my words, this is not a respite...The economy has changed and there are now plenty of alternatives for the corporate folk who paid the bulk of the salaries...Unfortunately, thats the way it is (to directly quote Walter Cronkite)...Good luck..
JI Guy, What was the point of your comment, The pilots have to realize the days of $200,000 jobs are over.? The pilots passed their TA long ago. And by the way, Southwest pilots will be making over $200,000 by 2006 I believe.
The point was that the basic economics of this industry have changed...that is, the aftershocks of this seachange will not allow any group to go unscathed...I guess basically my point is that if folks believe this is a respite and things will go back to normal in a few years, its not going to happen. By the way, my comment about 200K a year was here and in the present and I didnt attribute any inflation creep to it...And, this was NOT directed specifically at US Air but the industry in general...