planejane said:Light Years,
I hope you don't work in Customer Service! I could care less about dividend miles, frequent flyers miles, etc. Never worth much to me. Whenever I went to use whatever I had there were so many restriction attached to them, I couldn't be bothered. When I want to get somewhere, I research the internet, destination and price. I make no preference other than a reasonable fare and assessing my personal time involved. Luckly for me, I do have accessibility to more than one airline. I also don't mind driving the occasional route. I am your typical airline customer looking for no more than a good product for my money. The American public, in general, is not looking for frills. Just a reasonable way from A - B. U can become a great LCC carrier and keep it's once reputation for great customer service intact. It's possible. Whether you want it or not.
Light Years said:As HAVE I, and as AM I, fine that is! So much so I need not meddle in others business or give uninformed advice!
Or, mind you, exploit other peoples misery when I've been trumped on a message board. How tacky! I know a man paralyzed from the neck down, not by his own fault... he dont even have shoes, he's got wheels! Ya wanna compare sad stories? Why? Whats the point? It doesnt make you any more right, or any less deserving of your title! How silly! Are you nine?
So, no thanks sister, I'll keep my own shoes, I doubt they would look as nice on you. You just stop stepping on them and we'll be fine.
:bleh: :bleh: :bleh:
usairrwe said:I will walk away when I am good and ready and also when I vote NO... got get over it
planejane said:Pilots, F/A, mechanics should be paid appropriately. They are schooled, licensed and must have recurrent training to know their job. Those that rode the coat tails have cost some professions their true worth.
Go ahead --- kill the messenger. I know it makes most of you have organisms.
planejane said:My head is spinning, I need duct tape.............