Lithgt Years, that is the FUNNIEST THING I have seen in a long, long time.....Light Years said:Allow me.

Lithgt Years, that is the FUNNIEST THING I have seen in a long, long time.....Light Years said:Allow me.
planejane said:I don't wish substandard wages - you obviously can't read. However, a high school grad stock clerk, making 25/hr? An aircraft cleaner topping off at 20? Come on, get real. U needs to get their costs in line with the worth of the job, not just because a union contract says that is what they will be paid. There are many more examples but get the point. It's logical, not a brain teaser. And you don't have to be in finance to figure out some of U's problems. Pilots, F/A, mechanics should be paid appropriately. They are schooled, licensed and must have recurrent training to know their job. Those that rode the coat tails have cost some professions their true worth.
Go ahead --- kill the messenger. I know it makes most of you have organisms.
Well said. I don't work for US (I'm at NW), but I couldn't agree more. You don't need my endorsement, Eye, but thanks for fighting the good fight, and staying true to yourself. Good luck to all of you.EyeInTheSky said:Everybody wants to rule the world. I am amazed the the number of outsiders (meaning those with no income ties to US Airways) feeling so compelled to tell everyone what to do. Gee, let the people living the F'ing situation deal with it man. You don't like, we don't care.
JAMAKE1 said:Hello Everyone:
I just wanted to share my story. I am a former USAir employee from many years ago and most recently I was working as a flight attendant for United. Last September I opted to take a voluntary furlough for four years so that I could continue my education. Unfortunately, my unemployment benefits in California ran out after the federal government denied the state funds for continued benefits. When I took my leave from United, I think I sort of romanticized about how effortless it would be to find another job. When the semester ended, I embarked on finding full time work over the summer. I was applying mostly for restaurant jobs hoping to make fast cash and thought that my 12 years experience of being a flight attendant would qualify me to be a waiter in a fine-dining restaurant. I have to tell you, it hasn't been easy finding work. I even expanded my options to being a food runner or a busser and it has still been difficult finding employment. I am competing along side former dot-comer's all vying for ONE position. I have worked for four airlines in my career and the difference between then and now is that at the time, the airlines were hiring hundreds, if not thousands of people. Hence, hundreds or thousands of positions. In this economy, everyone is vying for the same ONE position. While I do not regret my choices of having left United, I have become very humbled by the marketplace realities. I have exhausted my savings and have come perilously close to having to dip into my 401K.
Having said that, I just want you all to consider the consequences of USAirways going into Chapter 7 liquidation. For you flight attendants, is it less painful to have to take a 23% pay cut, while maintaining the ability to have up to 15 days off per month and some schedule flexibility or is it better to risk it all and then hope that you can land an equivelant paying job, with only 8 days off per month? In this economy, there are very highly educated people working in restaurants or Starbucks to get by. I am not trying to preach and tell you how you should think. I fully undertand wanting to stand by one's principles and convictions in order to put a stop to the further erosion of this profession. I just want to point, that there will be consequences either way. By sharing my experience over the past year, hopefully it can assist you in making fully informed and conscious decision as to whether to suck it up and take the bad dose of medicine or to exercise your right to self help.
As an employee of a legacy carrier also in bankruptcy, I can understand your collective rage at the way this industry has transformed. I can also empathize with your collective betrayal toward senior management. It sucks for everybody who had grown accustomed to a certain standard of living and lifestyle. As bad as it will get, which will be the lesser of two evils. Food for thought...
PineyBob said:That's the kind of attitude that got US where it is. You sir just personally insulted a customer who has (as recently as this very day) spoke to yet another US Manager regarding treatment of employees and the desire to see US survive.
CCY doesn't pay you! I do along with millions of others. I am a customer and thankfully I seldom see your attitude on the plane.
ONE poison attitude can overwhelm the 10 good attitudes in a department and create a hostile work environment far easier than Mr. Glass ever could.