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So what do you expect from a Biden win?

If Biden makes it you're stuck with his ideas. Is that what America wants or do they hate Trump so much they'll accept anything?
Clean energy
Boosting the middle class
National plan to fight COVID

Yeah, I'm okay with being "stuck" with those ideas.
Documented proof you say. Hmmm..there was documented proof that Trump colluded with Russia, bur you didn't believe it. I heard one story of "documented proof" of fraud in PA. The evidence - a Trump supporter observing said she saw a clerk put a stack of late ballots in with the "real" ones.

There was never any proof and was proven as such with behind closed door testimonies. Once it all got released it showed how it was all a setup by the previous administration.

Not that it matters to brainwashed useful idiots.

Oh and there’s mountains of evidence being gathered on the steal that’s happening. Most of it has already been circulated widely already on the internet.

But you’re safe space bubble keeps your intellectual curiosity in check.
Exactly, KC. And let's be real; if the Dems were truly "stealing" this election, McConnell, Graham, and Collins would've been gone too...
And there’s the rub. Some of the proof is lack of down ballot votes. Something that is rarely if ever seen. There’s data collected already that shows as such.

If they were legitimate votes then they would carry down ballot.

That’s not happening. There’s tons of mysterious ballots with one box checked only for Joe Biden.

Do a search and you’ll see the current events that unfolded the last 24 hours.
That's not nearly the smoking gun many would like to think it is. The reality is that sometimes people don't bother with anything down ballot (candidates, or ballot measures.).
That's not nearly the smoking gun many would like to think it is. The reality is that sometimes people don't bother with anything down ballot (candidates, or ballot measures.).

The realty is you're factually wrong and statistics prove it.
That's not nearly the smoking gun many would like to think it is. The reality is that sometimes people don't bother with anything down ballot (candidates, or ballot measures.).
Still talking crap. Good for you. See you at the SUPREME COURT, moron!
It's ongoing, but right now the data shows Trump losing this election. That's factually correct, no matter how much people want to stomp their feet.
It's ongoing, but right now the data shows Trump losing this election. That's factually correct, no matter how much people want to stomp their feet.
We knew that the election would be rigged and if you continue to sleep, well see you at SCOTUS!

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