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So Much Bitterness

wings: i figured he must be with that group of gangsters and thieves and just want to show off the fact that he is in ccy and makes probably in the hundred thousand range and continues to annoy all the rest of us expressed folks in expressed stations and other folks around the u system!
usairwaysfan said:
I just wanted to chime in about a LCC feeding a legacy carrier. I am going to Athens, Greece in February. The only way to get to JFK from upstate New York is to take JetBlue. I have never flown them before (check out my name). However, I had no choice.

I imagine that Southwest will help US Airways' international division by bringing more passengers into PHL.

I am trying to look on the positive side of this frustrating situation.
Enjoy your trip to Greece. When you ge back, please let us know how your flights went, and whether you want to change your screen name. Thanks.
usairwaysfan said:
I just wanted to chime in about a LCC feeding a legacy carrier. I am going to Athens, Greece in February. The only way to get to JFK from upstate New York is to take JetBlue. I have never flown them before (check out my name). However, I had no choice.
upon completion of your trip would you please post a comparison of jetblue service vs what you have experienced in an objective manor....thx
Posted on Jan 2 2004, 07:12 PM

Lets see we are all suppose to be happy when:

Some of us have taken massive pay cuts
Paying more for insurance on top of the paycuts
20,000 of our fellow employees on the street
Dave and his gang stealing the IAM Mechanic and Related work
More Layoffs
More cries of poverty from Dave
Constant lies from management
Total disregrad of labor agreements.

Yep I am suppose to be so happy after these things occur.
Yes, I am happy.

I have taken a substantial (massive?) pay cut.

I do pay much more for insurance.

I went from the third most senior man on second shift, to the most junior man in my department.

Dave and his gang are trying to steal my work, though thankfully the Justice Department is administering JUSTICE!!

I will probably be laid off some time this year.

Dave and his gang are screaming cries of poverty ( they'll still get their contractual bonuses).

Management can't figure out what truth is, and has to have the Justice Department remind them that labor contracts are just as binding as THEIR contracts are.

Yes I am happy.

I'm happy that I have a job that still pays me a wage that I can't replace.

I'm happy that I work with skilled professionals that love their craft and care personally about our customers.

I'm happy that I'm protected by a contract and union brothers that will insure that I will be treated equally.

I'm happy that the Justice Department considers me EQUAL under the law.

I'm happy that every employee I know cares about our company, and wants desperately to make it profitable; and are willing to work like dogs to fix it.

I'm happy that this management team is temporary, and like the others we've worked for, will leave someday.

I'm happy that the labor groups have come together with a resolve and formed an inpenetratable barrier to management that says:
I just think it is really sad that people can smear people on these boards. If I really thought the company I work fors management team was "Stealing" from me, I would be doing more than just whining on boards. I would be finding a job, and a company I could respect, and not feel I was being cheated by.
4merresrat said:
I just think it is really sad that people can smear people on these boards. If I really thought the company I work fors management team was "Stealing" from me, I would be doing more than just whining on boards. I would be finding a job, and a company I could respect, and not feel I was being cheated by.
How many airline jobs are readily available at this time! Pilots, mechanics, ramp workers and other ground crews...nada. Most folks want to do this for a living and that’s why there are here. The fact is they can't find a job to their liking and this forum enables them vent and keep their sanity. This is not only harmless but it's healthy as well!
I don't know if I agree that all the complaining here is "Healthy" I think it escalates the negativety and anger among posters. I understand there are not airline jobs, but that is the point. Maybe one has to look outside this industry.
:up: This is what the the IAM brothers wanted . They voted for this crap
Dec 2002 under the modifed IAM TERM SHEET. 80% Sent a 100 guys to the
street in four of the small cities . Quote The following provisions will be applicable
for mainline city closures as described below where the announcement of such closure is following the effective date of this agreement.

Paid union dues for nothing no representation
4merresrat said:
I don't know if I agree that all the complaining here is "Healthy" I think it escalates the negativety and anger among posters. I understand there are not airline jobs, but that is the point. Maybe one has to look outside this industry.
I guess you believe we should all hold hands and just get along. lol ...Ain't going to happen and I maintain it's HEALTHY.
Have you been living under a rock 4merresrat?

The company STOLE the overhaul of the Airbus Narrowbody aircraft from its IAM represented Mechanic and Related aircraft, yes stole!

Three Federal Court decisions have agreed that the company STOLE the work and the IAM got a INJUCTION against US Airways and they had to bring the planes back from foreign owned Singapore Technologies Mobile Aerospace in BHM, AL.

So don't tell me it is smear, it is 100% factual that US Airways STOLE the work and the courts told them so!

And to 28years every IAM represented employee in IND, EWR, GSO and RDU had the right to bump into another city, thousands of us in this company have had to move over the years to maintain employement, because a person chooses not to move it is not the IAM's fault. You need to accept personal responsiblity for decisions and not blame it on others.
Excuse me while I dust the dirt and moss off as I extricate myself from under this rock......On the other hand it may be the safest place judging from all the heat I seem to be receiving... I understand the position everyone is in but 1st of all I don't think people should be attacked if they offer a different opinion, and secondly, I'm sorry if I don't see that the company heads are a bunch of thieves, gangsters, and criminals. I guess I feel they are doing the best they can for all involved... shareholders, employees etc, in a very bad situation.
Stealing and breaking agreements THEY sign is not the best for its employees or shareholders.

The company is paying leases on three parked airplanes at GYR, they are paying insurance on those very same airplanes, they claim each day one airbus is parked they are losing $43,000 a day per airplane, so lets do some math, $43,000 X 3=$129,000 per day so every eight days it cost US $1,026,000 in lost revenue and now they had to go out and lease 8 Airbii they returned in BK to maintain the fleet at 279 airplanes, not counting the extra cost in getting those airplanes back to flying standards cost $$ too.

And stealing from your employees and having them have to sue their employer in Federal Court does wonders.

I take it by your name you are no longer an employee, why don't you tell the 200 Mechanics that are still on layoff because Dave, Doug and Jerry won't honor existing labor contracts that they signed how their X-Mas was since they are still laid off?

Why did the IAM have to threaten to sue the company again over the GSE closings to get them to honor existing contract language?

Why does ALPA have over 200 outstaning grievances against the company?

I would bet my bottom dollar the AFA, IAM and the CWA probably have the same.

So stealing, lying and contract breakers do nothing to help this company out.

And if you are still employed I suggest you get out of your cubicle in RES and see what is really going on in the field.
By the way you are trying to tell me and others what we should do, you must have had your head in the sand for a long time. Granted some of us have been hit harder than others, but you will search long and hard to find anyone happy with the way the company has been run...or run into the ground I should say. You may be living in some fantasy world, but I am not. The first round of cuts were somewhat tolerable, but the second round plus Express were not by any means.
If you don't like the Bashing that you are getting, think BEFORE you post next time. Your situation may be a lot different than those you are judging.
BITTER, You bet!!!!!

The reason I use stole is they flew a/c 700UW and 701UW down to ST MAE, 700UW had its work all ready started before the IAM got the injunction and then later on the injunction was modified so ST MAE could complete the work, but monetary damages would be awarded to the affected IAM members.
I certainly think that is the pot calling the kettle black. The only one being judgemental is you. Again, I guess this board is not open to debate. For, if anyone has a difference of opinion they are, as you put it, "Bashed." I guess Doc got it right by the Title of this one "So Much Bitterness."

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