Posted on Jan 2 2004, 07:12 PM
Lets see we are all suppose to be happy when:
Some of us have taken massive pay cuts
Paying more for insurance on top of the paycuts
20,000 of our fellow employees on the street
Dave and his gang stealing the IAM Mechanic and Related work
More Layoffs
More cries of poverty from Dave
Constant lies from management
Total disregrad of labor agreements.
Yep I am suppose to be so happy after these things occur.
Yes, I am happy.
I have taken a substantial (massive?) pay cut.
I do pay much more for insurance.
I went from the third most senior man on second shift, to the most junior man in my department.
Dave and his gang are trying to steal my work, though thankfully the Justice Department is administering JUSTICE!!
I will probably be laid off some time this year.
Dave and his gang are screaming cries of poverty ( they'll still get their contractual bonuses).
Management can't figure out what truth is, and has to have the Justice Department remind them that labor contracts are just as binding as THEIR contracts are.
Yes I am happy.
I'm happy that I have a job that still pays me a wage that I can't replace.
I'm happy that I work with skilled professionals that love their craft and care personally about our customers.
I'm happy that I'm protected by a contract and union brothers that will insure that I will be treated equally.
I'm happy that the Justice Department considers me EQUAL under the law.
I'm happy that every employee I know cares about our company, and wants desperately to make it profitable; and are willing to work like dogs to fix it.
I'm happy that this management team is temporary, and like the others we've worked for, will leave someday.
I'm happy that the labor groups have come together with a resolve and formed an inpenetratable barrier to management that says: