"I doubt UAL paid money for many of their slots, sure LGA and a few others, but far from all. I think the LCC's feel, that UAL is sitting on access while losing money, for no other reason than to keep the LCC's out. Needless to say, the LCC's perceive they can make money."
Hmmm, did all those folks that set out west for land grants "pay" for land? Should we take back the things they "developed"? Where was FRNT, Blu, ect when aviation was in it's infancy and folks like Jepp (a ual pilot) were making Aviation safe? When they "developed" the system you use today? Is there a value to that?
"Obviously, it will be a point of contention between the legacies and the LCC's both now and in the future, that is access to airports. ORD is a good example, with AA/UAL controlling 80% or more of access."
Hmm, how many slots does UAL "control" at ORD? As a matter of fact, the exact OPPOSITE is true. UAL and AMR have been asked to cut back, while ANYONE ELSE CAN GROW AT WILL!! Is that what you refer to? Or are you refering to the "beyond perimeter" slots at DCA? "Slots" at DEN? (none), SFO (none), LAX? (none), IAD? (none), MIA? (none). Oh I guess you mean the ones at NRT and LHR.... 🙄
"This behavior is certainly not exclusive to LCCs. I seem to recall the push that the legacies made to have taxes apply per-hop rather than per-ticket or per-mile, because of WN's structure."
What the majors want is a "level" playing field. Wn should pay for it's portion of services rendered by the feds just like everyone else. A UAL 777 going transcon pays significantly more to the government than a 737 doing a 5 hopper, yet uses MUCH less government services. Level field, fee for dept. It's also of note that just about all REAL unregulated industries have matured to typically three big companies. but not the airlines. Why? The GOVERNMENT has stopped it (with heavy lobbying by LCC's). Seems they think it will make traveling on the bigs too convenient... Yup, that was Wn's argument. They didn't want consolidation because it would benefit the customer (at Wn's expense of course.....)