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Interesting Tidbit

Nightwatch said:
Point made is this, you start many of your posts by namecalling. Yet you state you have been wrong previously, how can you justify your attacks on the other posters? And you stated you were an organizer of the AMFA, or someone did anyways.

AMFA's history states it was started out of strife, upset with the industrial union makeup. Yet you, as a representative of AMFA, revert to namecalling and denial of facts when confronted.

I am no teacher, but just possibly you should change your tactics. Ever think of approaching the pro TWUers a different way?
It is your group that has the so-called "insurgent" union breathing down their necks.

If you feel compelled to instruct someone to change their tactics, if might be best to talk to those that are about to be replaced.

You don't post many "facts", just the same ol'e fear and cowardice propaganda.

You have stated on more than one occassion that you have made up your mind, congratulations.

Why should I continue to debate with a closed minded, anti-skill, industrial unionist?

If you are anti-AMFA, why would you encourage me to change my tactics to become more successful? Something really doesn't add up about your postings. Seems I should do exactly opposite of what you say, or a you really a closet supporter and want to see the TWU replaced?
Decision 2004 said:
It is your group that has the so-called "insurgent" union breathing down their necks.

If you feel compelled to instruct someone to change their tactics, if might be best to talk to those that are about to be replaced.

You don't post many "facts", just the same ol'e fear and cowardice propaganda.

You have stated on more than one occassion that you have made up your mind, congratulations.

Why should I continue to debate with a closed minded, anti-skill, industrial unionist?

If you are anti-AMFA, why would you encourage me to change my tactics to become more successful? Something really doesn't add up about your postings. Seems I should do exactly opposite of what you say, or a you really a closet supporter and want to see the TWU replaced?
Compelled to instruct? Not I. I am not qualified. I was suggesting is all. And believe this or not, I am pro TWU but I still hope you well in your quest, I hate to see anyone so involved in a cause that they live and breathe it day in and day out.

You don't post many "facts", just the same ol'e fear and cowardice propaganda.

What facts are you requiring? I was under the assumption that you held all the facts. And debate? I don't debate well, I do my homework myself and do not rely on others to feed me information that is tainted in favor of their liking. I can state the same about your fact postings, but I see no need to point at the obvious

Here's a question, not a fact. Who gets the $$$$ from AMFA's grievances?


I see AMFA claimed quite a bit from MEMBER GRIEVANCE BACK PAY, would you get on the phone and ask Delle to explain please, thanks and good luck in all your ventures.
What does Right to Work for Less have to do with those of us working under the Railway Labor Act?
Buck said:
What does Right to Work for Less have to do with those of us working under the Railway Labor Act?
Sorry Buck, you hit my truly "ignorant" zone with the RTW and the RLA.I promise I will research and attempt a legible answer.
Nightwatch said:
Sorry Buck, you hit my truly "ignorant" zone with the RTW and the RLA.I promise I will research and attempt a legible answer.
I can hardly wait!
Nightwatch said:
You make it difficult to give creedance to your AMFA drive. Strike that, not worth the confrontation.
You'll find Stewart's sarcasm is as good as his posts, what a shame. If he can't cut and paste, or screen cap, he's worthless.
Seguro said:
You'll find Stewart's sarcasm is as good as his posts, what a shame. If he can't cut and paste, or screen cap, he's worthless.
Ok you tell us about Right To Work and the Railway Labor Act....
NWA= 45% less employed since AMFA's employ. Singapore thanks AMFA

I'll tell you who thanks the TWU, AMERICAN EAGLE! We have lost more field station AMT jobs to EAGLE than anyone knows.
Cleveland, Buffalo, Cincinatti, Columbus, St. Louis (pre TWA), all had AMTs years ago and when Eagle started taking those cities those AMTs lost thier jobs or had to relocate. The list of cities is much longer, I just don't have them all memorized. But like the frog in the slowly heated pot of water, we are unaware of how we've lost all those jobs as it has happened over a period of about 15 years.