War with Iraq?
Didnt we do that already?
After the parades how did we really treat our Veterans?
Once there was a time that we went to war to "Make the world safe for Democracy" and other worthy causes.
Now we go to war to "Protect American Interests", well this American has no "interests" in Iraq, just bills here in NY.
Ten years ago Iraq invaded Kuwait, so we sent our sons and daughters to lay down thier lives not to protect America, as they were sworn to do but to reinstate an anti-democratic government and protect the interests of the oil men.
Why did we decide to leave Saddam in power then?
Should our "interests" include supporting undemocratic governments? Are people more "free" in Saudia Arabia and Kuwait than Iraq? Does anyone really care? I dont care for any of them but unfortunately we need thier oil. Maybe we should invest in ways that relieve us of this dependency, oh yea, Bush/Cheney are against that, lets just go and kill people who get in the way of Bush/Cheney and all the other oil mens "interests". That the "Christian" thing to do.
Lets get Osama, let the Saudis and the Israelis worry about Saddam.
What kind of handgun to you think Christ will carry when he returns?
Dear Lord, bless my Magnum and protect American "Interests". In the name of the father, the son, and the NRA.Amen