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Should we go to WAR with IRAQ ??????

Why aren't we attacking the Saudi's...it was mostly their money who backed the terrorists. Iraq didn't carry out the attacks on America. If you're not willing to bomb the Saudis, why are you so anxious to bomb Iraq? Iraq didn't attack us any more or less than the Saudi's did.
On 3/12/2003 7:38:52 PM RV4 wrote:

A Terrorist Group that included Saudi nationals and an American Taliban does not constitute as an attack by a country.

Is the Taliban the same as Al Qaida? I dont remember any Taliban involved in Sept11, most were Saudi born, bred and financed. No Iraqis that I can recall.
Look I dont like Saddam Husain but I dont feel that we should all suffer because of Bush's personal vendetta against him.

The war will hurt our industry, hurt our economy and likely result in the deaths and long term illness of hundreds if not thousands of US servicemen and women. The only people who benifit from this, in fact have already benifited from this is the oil men. If we did not need thier oil Saddam would have no money.
On 3/12/2003 9:43:24 PM twaokc wrote:

I am totally in agreement with you. I know Gore was not much, but I do not understand how anybody could vote for 2 OILMEN to lead our country. We have just two more years of Bushy, and then maybe we can have a real president again. Hillary all the way.........
I know I will catch he*l for that statement, so go ahead, I have big shoulders...... [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/3.gif']

You are entitled to support Hillary. But, what do you have against "Oilmen"? Were you happy with the cigars and interns?
I am totally in agreement with you. I know Gore was not much, but I do not understand how anybody could vote for 2 OILMEN to lead our country. We have just two more years of Bushy, and then maybe we can have a real president again. Hillary all the way.........
I know I will catch he*l for that statement, so go ahead, I have big shoulders......
War with Iraq?

Didnt we do that already?

After the parades how did we really treat our Veterans?

Once there was a time that we went to war to "Make the world safe for Democracy" and other worthy causes.

Now we go to war to "Protect American Interests", well this American has no "interests" in Iraq, just bills here in NY.

Ten years ago Iraq invaded Kuwait, so we sent our sons and daughters to lay down thier lives not to protect America, as they were sworn to do but to reinstate an anti-democratic government and protect the interests of the oil men.

Why did we decide to leave Saddam in power then?

Should our "interests" include supporting undemocratic governments? Are people more "free" in Saudia Arabia and Kuwait than Iraq? Does anyone really care? I dont care for any of them but unfortunately we need thier oil. Maybe we should invest in ways that relieve us of this dependency, oh yea, Bush/Cheney are against that, lets just go and kill people who get in the way of Bush/Cheney and all the other oil mens "interests". That the "Christian" thing to do.

Lets get Osama, let the Saudis and the Israelis worry about Saddam.

What kind of handgun to you think Christ will carry when he returns?

Dear Lord, bless my Magnum and protect American "Interests". In the name of the father, the son, and the NRA.Amen
Bob Owens - it's not often that I agree with you, but this time, I do...100%
At least Clinton didn't feel it necessary to invade Cuba to "protect American interests" in hand rolled Cohibas.
I guess Kosovo was more of a threat than Saddam Hussein!
Said it before, will say it again.

This is all about money and oil. Period.

Even Afghanistan was about oil. The multinat oil companies have wanted since the crumbling of the Soviet empire to build a pipeline from Kazahkstan to Karachi, Pakistan to pump all the oil out of the newly-independent southern Russian Republics. Lot of money riding on that. So, try to establish some peace in the region and get pumping...

And as far as candidates? Forget Shrub, forget Hilarity.

JESSE IN '08!!! RUN, JESSE, RUN!!!! This country needs a real leader!!!!

JESSE IN '08!!! RUN, JESSE, RUN!!!! This country needs a real leader!!!!



Would that be

1. Jackson
2. Ventura
3. Owens
On 3/12/2003 8:12:57 PM KCFlyer wrote:

Why aren't we attacking the Saudi's...
I wouldn't be so sure....maybe the troop buildup in Kuwait is directed against Saudi Arabia. Instead of marching north to Iraq, US troops can easily march south into Saudi Arabia...and the AFB in Qatar, carriers in the Gulf, it makes so much more sense to march into Ryadh than Baghdad.
On 3/13/2003 6:19:32 AM KCFlyer wrote:

JESSE IN '08!!! RUN, JESSE, RUN!!!! This country needs a real leader!!!!



Would that be

1. Jackson
2. Ventura
3. Owens

That would be #2....

On 3/12/2003 10:35:42 PM Hopeful wrote:

I guess Kosovo was more of a threat than Saddam Hussein!

You can be sure that there was an Oil connection there. Pipelines to the oil fields of Romania and the Black Sea?
The oil men are ruining this country. If Carters plan to make the country energy independant by the year 2000 had been carried out and succeeded we would be much better off today. We would have a cleaner planet for our children. We would not have been so involved in the Middle East. Since we would not have been so involved in that area we would not have become a target for their nuts, Sept 11 would never have happened. Our entire economy would be altered, for the better.
We need to support research into developing alternate, renewable, safe and clean sources of energy. The good of society needs to be put before the bottom lines of oil companies. Develope alternate energy so Saddam can drown in his oil. Its either that or our sons and daughters will keep being the oil companies mercenaries.

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