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War Contingency Plan.....You Insure U


Aug 19, 2002
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Folks, This is just my opinion , so here it goes.
U is asking employee's to be able to give 5% in concessions for 18 months above and beyond the percentages they have recieved from us to date....and beyond what they are asking for in terms of labor rule changes presently..or rather yet again. I feel there is every reason to believe that we will go to war with Iraq What if this is a very very short war?....and the economy bounces back quicker? You have made an agreement for 18 months to a company that couldn't prepare for anything to date. This request is entirely too open ended...and would need some very structured bounce back langauge depending on the return of business
This is just classic. We are not only giving to keep this company afloat....We are now becoming Lloyds of London in terms of providing Business Disaster Insurance for both U and the RSA.
Let's look at this closely....especially for those whom aren't getting rich here anyway.
(1) You have already given 6.8% back at a minimum....and in many cases that reduction was retroactive back to June or July of this year. Now they are requesting more on top of that.
(2) Starting in 2003...You will be making a much larger contribution toward your Insurance..and now they are asking to double that contribution to remain in business
(3) Should we give in on all of Dave's demands?....and War does take place? Nothing says your contribution will save the airline..or your job anyway!! It's obvious our previous give-backs were not the fix that Dave thought he needed at first . It's also painfully obvious that an act of war could lead to yet another round of enacting of Force Majure....to rid the company of many more prior to it's eventual and ultimate decline/demise. Keep in mind, that options looms now...outside of a war (declared) in being progress. This is not to make light of the current efforts of our armed forces currently in Afghanistan and other Terrorist Hot Spots
(4) The Pilots clause regarding a fleet of a minimum fleet of 245 , could easily and quickly be rejected under a war time footing/scenario. Acts beyond the airlines control , gives them just about every out in the book....thus leading to more and more being furloughed with less and less in pocket. Do not think for a minute that U's managment will not use every clause or loophole to thier immediate benefit. It's been done before.
(5) Keep in mind...should U fold?..or should you be furloughed at any point? Your un-employment benefits from your individual state of residence , is directly linked to your income at the time of furlough or termination due to the airline shutting down. In short...don't give U what you can't afford to lose in the long term ,if U fails? This is very much a real possibility, regardless of what we try to do to change things as individuals.
(6) Keep in mind...U is also asking for a War Plan contingency fund from YOU....and because the Alabama Retirement Fund is asking for it. Let's see here. The RSA is an investor....just like anybody else is an investor. Does the employee's at GM , Ford or any other big business become an insurance provider for thier investors? I think not!! Sure we have a unique situation in comparison to other large companies....but the RSA knew that going into this investment. The gamble is big....but so are the possible rewards!! That is why it's a legalized gamble. $740 Million for a 37% stake in an airline?....That's the risk they took....why should we insure it for them?
(7) I'm not a previous stock holder with U...but I do have a few investments. I have a stock with a large Energy Provider....and yes they happen to have Nuclear Plants around...Should one of those plants be attacked by terrorists? (Heaven Forbid)....will the employee's of this company put up 5% or any percentage of thier salary to off-set the problems the company will face....or what it's investors will feel? I highly doubt it....that's the risk I took when I made the purchase of the stock.
Just weigh your actions carefully., hopefully not emotionally either way...and keep in mind the actions that have taken place since October of 2001......and remember carefully the net results or actual lack there of, of all those actions directed solely at the working class of this company.
Lastly..Keep in mind that U is looking to outsource thousands of positions that are not Flight Department Specific. Only those within the CWA,TWU and IAM with a billion years of senority will survive this..If dave gets all he's asking for? Also keep in mind..the relocation and re-alignement factor that will follow such actions too.
Basically there is no upside..unless your love of work is your sole motivation in life?
Don't get me wrong..I love this company as much as anyone , and I have taken the bite and soon to be a bump from my home like many others..but a point where enough is enough is rapidly approaching. I think the folks in CCY see this as true too.
[STRONG][FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3]If this company was a horse it would have been put down already.[/FONT][/STRONG]
Ah yes, Fork Time 2002 with yet another helpful, well thought out and constructive post.
Sorry for the negative spin...I just want folks to see exactly what they are dealing with.

We are too often victims of less than full or any degree of information from our unions...and then we have the added fear of swift draconian measures being leveled at us with little to no notice. I think everyone shoud see things objectively..before agreeing to anything ever again.