On 3/12/2003 6:43:40 AM RV4 wrote:
On 3/12/2003 6

08 AM KCFlyer wrote:
No, we should not go to war in Iraq. It will kill the economy, and this war will in all likelihood be the start of WW3. Only this time, the US will be it's only "ally", given their fantastic job of alienating their European allies.
Does the "Grace of God" you make reference to all the time direct you to focus on yourself and monetary earhtly possesions with such passion?
Not at all RV4 - my signature, which hasn't changed in a while, was put there for the benefit of busdriver, and refers to the role of "fate" in airplane piloting.
I resent that you feel that my opposition to this war has anything to do with my love of money or my earthly possessions.
First off, the war is going to basically rid you and several other airline employees from the threat of concessions - I do believe that a war will allow many airlines to just bypass chapter 11 and proceed directly to chapter 7 since a "recovery plan" cannot take place if people are too afraid to fly.
Second, Saddam Hussein really couldn't give a rats ass about the United States. He wants to see instability in the Middle East. Oddly enough, the United States will give that to him. Sadly for him, he won't be alive to see it.
Third - an invasion by the US with ever dwindling world support may well push many in the Islamic world off of the fence and side them directly with the terrorists against the United States. They don't need "weapons of mass destruction", just look at what a few Saudi backed terrorists did with ordinary jetliners. Imagine the impact on the USA when a few suicide bombers with plain old dynamite strapped to his belly walks into the local mall, or school, or church, and takes out a few housewives and kids. Didn't even need one anthrax spore for that.
And our illustrious Congressmen are enjoying their "freedom fries" while alienating each and every one of our allies. Did they not stop to think that perhaps one reason for the French, German and Russian resistance to bombing the daylights out of Iraq is because they are several thousand miles closer to the "front lines" than we are and would most likely feel the brunt of terrorist activites long before the good old USA?
And the "humanitarian" aspect of the attack - Saddam has used chemical weapons on his own people. Back in 1941, Hitler gassed a lot of Jews and we stepped in to stop it. Of course, this was pretty much AFTER Hitler invaded Poland and France among others, and our help was ASKED FOR. And I don't remember reading in any of my history books about Jews in other parts of the world holding "death to America" rallies and burning the American flag. Perhaps it's just that "revisionist history" that left that part out. Today I seem to see more "death to America" rallies than I do "free our brothers from the cruelty of Saddam" rallies. In fact, I have seen lots of coverage (and lots of ridicule) of the French resistance to this war, but I haven't seen even so much as a sound bite from the leaders of the Arab world where they encourage the attacks. IMHO, it's far more important for stability in the middle east to get the leaders of the other Arab nations to speak out loud and clear that they WANT the US intervention.
Finally, this war will not be another "Play Station" reanactment of the two week wonder war back in 1991. IIRC, we went in primarily because Saddam attacked another country. He hasn't this time, and IMHO, when we drop the first bomb, then I believe that my daughters world will be changed forever. Because I think this "war" is going to last about as long as the conflicts between the Jews and the Arabs have been going on. All I've got is my faith in God that she will be safe in that world.
I don't hate my country. I don't hate the soldiers who are following orders from our questionable commander in chief. But I do hate the war that we are being dragged into.