While I respect your opinion NHBB, please define "despicable sh*t". The way I see it, is that what is being done is working, working to save your job and thousands of others. It is working to increase revenue so that when it comes contract time there will be something there to get back. It is working to return folks to their status, working to recall folks which is happening right now! There is a lot of griping and complaining that is done on these boards but I have NEVER once read of another solution. Tell me, and anyone else can chime in, what would you do? What would you do to improve our chances of getting anything back? What would your strategy be? How would you handle things if you were in a TWU leadership role, on a local level not internat'l? I am not being a smart ass, but simply posing a question to whomever wants to answer. It's very easy to complain about things but doing something about it is a whole different story.
Looks as if this post was overlooked. Noone wants to make a comment or suggestion on this one?????

Holy cow, so I use the term "middle man", (apparently the wrong comparison for Mr. Owens) but if you will read the whole post you will get the gist of what I was saying. It is not the SS's job to run to management, never has been. And to think this would come to fruition is ridiculous. And while I will agree with some that there are a few SSs who just like the title to get the $$ there are many, many who are very dedicated in seeing that the member is protected. Informer will have you beleive that the whole TUL base is full of suck-asses. Aren't you still a crew chief Informer??? I've met some suck-ass CCs in my day too. Does that make all of them that way??????
Now, back to the reason I posted. I am still waiting, as I have been for over 2 years now for someone to come up with another plan, another strategy, another solution. Not some lame thing like strike or new union or sick-out or the best one I've heard, hand-pay. Yeh boy, that will get'em!!! Hit 'em where it hurts boys!! Truth is you have no plan, no strategy, no solution. Like I said, it's easy to sit back and complain but doing something about it is a different story all together.