Shooting at UCLA

Trey Gowdy
11 hours ago
Democrat members are certainly free to stage a sit-in and shut down House floor activities as they have done. What would be infinitely more productive would be asking this Administration and the Department of Justice in particular why prosecutions of current gun law violations has decreased under their watch. There are already broad categories of persons prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition and those lists go largely without prosecution. Now House Democrats are asking for yet another list of persons - this time without any due process rights - so this Administration can fail to enforce that list of laws too. How does that make us safer?
Dog Wonder said:
Ia that the same Boy Howdy Gowdy that tied his own shoelaces together and fell on his face in the Benghazi hearings?
The hearings arn't over Dog. Let's see who has the last laugh when it is.
Dog Wonder said:
Ia that the same Boy Howdy Gowdy that tied his own shoelaces together and fell on his face in the Benghazi hearings?
it's the same Gowdy that apparently neither you or the Dems can address the issues he raised in that statement.The liberals want more gun laws yet their administration doesn't enforce the ones in place
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  • #355
Kev3188 said:
Lemme guess; you'll let them in because "you have nothing to hide" and/or "have done nothing wrong."
You know better than that Kev. They don't get into my place withot a warrent. Even though I have nothing to hide.
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  • #357
No, I didn't know that.

I'm glad to hear it, but a lot of people on the right are amazingly deferential when it comes to the 4th...
Kev3188 said:
No, I didn't know that.I'm glad to hear it, but a lot of people on the right are amazingly deferential when it comes to the 4th...
"A lot of people on the right"?

There you go again and breaking out the stereotype brush.
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  • #359
Yes. A lot of people that identify as conservative. Or if you prefer, the "law and order" crowd.

2A is a hill they're willing to die on, and at the same time are completely willing to ignore the 4th...