Shooting at UCLA

Another good one. 
I love it when certain posters on the left attempt to get traction out of the Dems trying to pass feel good legislation that violates our Constitutional rights as a negative against the right....
Yes, we have problems in this country. Let's see where gun related deaths for this year, so far, stacks up. 
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I understand. The difference is that whether we like it or not, abortion is legal in this country. Killing someone with a gun is not.
Kev3188 said:
I understand. The difference is that whether we like it or not, abortion is legal in this country. Killing someone with a gun is not.
The differance has nothing to do with legality Kev.
Kev3188 said:
I understand. The difference is that whether we like it or not, abortion is legal in this country. Killing someone with a gun is not.
What's equally horrendous is how one side uses acts like this to garner political support ala votes.
Apparently Chi-town blacks aren't worth the effort.
Well I guess that's where we differ Kev. I believe murder is just that murder. Legal or not.