Shooting at UCLA

delldude said:
Glaring proof, once again, that the liberal feel good policies about gun restrictions in Illinois and/or Chicago don't work.
Gun free zone...
If it isn't national, it will never work. One state will take advantage of another by boasting of the ease to buy something. Kind of like all going from OKC, Kansas, etc., to Colorado now to get legal weed.
Kev3188 said:
Agree, but I'm not sure how you stay on the right side of the 4th...
Here's the same Veterans everybody, including the people fomenting these type policies, thank for their service.
The United States Justice Foundation (SJF) has uncovered what it sees as a coordinated effort by multiple federal agencies to disarm the American people. The tactics being used are not just violating the Constitutional rights of Americans, but include outright criminal acts such as extortion and blackmail. Veterans continue to be the primary target, but the groundwork has been laid to expand the disarmament efforts to the rest of the population.
The veterans are clearly considered the most dangerous of the gun owners in the country because there are 23 million of us and we all took an oath of office to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” We are trained to do just that so we pose a threat to those who want to take away our Constitutional republic.
Some veterans get the letter from the VA telling them that because of physical or mental disabilities they are going to be declared incompetent to handle their own financial affairs, and the VA will appoint a fiduciary for them. The veterans are given 60 days to prove they are competent, which is a direct violation of the due process clause of the Constitution that requires the burden of proof be on the government.
The letter also tells the veteran that once they are declared incompetent they can no longer own, possess, purchase, or transport firearms or ammunition. If they do they will be prosecuted. The names of veterans who have been declared incompetent are sent by the VA to the FBI where they are automatically declared to have been adjudicated to be mentally defective to the point of being a danger to themselves or others. They are put on the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and can no longer legally purchase firearms.
But wait, there's more:
What’s more, in direct violation of the federal HIPAA law that was SUPPOSED to protect the privacy of our medical records, The Department of Health and Human Services is passing the the records of anyone who has ever told their physician they were feeling depressed over to the FBI, even if never treated, and anyone who has taken certain drugs for things like PTSD, ADD, or ADHD, among others. All of these people will eventually be added to the NICS list.
Glenn Quagmire said:
If it isn't national, it will never work. One state will take advantage of another by boasting of the ease to buy something. Kind of like all going from OKC, Kansas, etc., to Colorado now to get legal weed.
Pesky 10th amendment.
Damn Constitution getting in the way of liberalism once again.
700UW said:
Except that there is no such thing as a "gun show loophole".

Any gun owner with half a brain knows that a bs line perpetuated by gun control idiots.
townpete said:
Except that there is no such thing as a "gun show loophole".

Any gun owner with half a brain knows that a bs line perpetuated by gun control idiots.
yes it's bs I've bough at shows and I''ve bought at shops its the same paperwork. That's just another idiot liberal lie
So news outlets and Senators are lying?
One would have barred gun sales to anyone who has been on a terrorist watch list in the previous five years or who is “reasonably” suspected of posing a terrorist threat. Another would have tightened the background check system to cover the so-called gun show loophole and all internet gun sales. About 90 percent of the public favors such steps.
And before you right wingers flip out, other news sources have reported the same thing.
700UW said:
So news outlets and Senators are lying?

And before you right wingers flip out, other news sources have reported the same thing.
Any supposed gun owner like yourself would know that there is no gun show loophole. And you can't buy a gun over the Internet and delivered to your house.

That's why I call bs all over your claim of being a gun owner. You know nothing about existing laws and procedures.

If you are a licensed dealer, you have to run a check regardless of the venue. If you order a gun online it gets shipped to a local licensed dealer, who will run a background check before delivery of the firearm.

Private sales are the exemption, but those you will rarely find being allowed at a gun show as it is.

And for the record, none of these mass shootings where with firearms bought at a gun show via some loophole. They were either illegally acquired or bought thru a licensed dealer with a background check.

Your move buttercup.
cltrat said:
yes it's bs I've bough at shows and I''ve bought at shops its the same paperwork. That's just another idiot liberal lie
You would think a supposed gun owner like 700 says he is would know the basics.

Obviously he's lying thru he's teeth.
700UW said:
So news outlets and Senators are lying?
And before you right wingers flip out, other news sources have reported the same thing.
I don't give a damn what huffnpuff or what some lying politician say I'm telling you what happens at a gun show .I've bought at a number of them have you? Quit repeating liberal talking points you're looking like the backside of the democratic mascot
townpete said:
You would think a supposed gun owner like 700 says he is would know the basics.

Obviously he's lying thru he's teeth.
he's just repeating whatever meme occupydemocrat, Moveon or I' posts