Shooting at UCLA

Gun grabbers still have it all wrong.
Kev3188 said:
Wow, you're even further in than I originally thought.
Well I'd rather be in than out Kevy. You and your one-liner girlfriend should join your boy Obummer's JV one-liner squad.

The libtards are in panic mode with the LGBT now moving to Trump and arming themselves.

I propose they open a LGBT gun range instead of a bar, it would be much safer.
Conservative Tribune has obtained exclusive information from a Washington insider that revealed how the White House actually felt about the Orlando shooting, and it may turn a few heads (not to mention a few stomachs).
An individual with connections at the White House who for obvious reasons asked to remain unidentified wondered what would come out of the Orlando shooting with regard to policy changes from the Obama administration. The responses to this question were shocking, to say the least.
One senior White House official told the insider that if “shooting up 30 8-year-olds in suburban Connecticut didn’t change any minds,” a massacre of 1,000 homosexuals during Pride Week wouldn’t matter.
“(N)obody would give a f***,” the official said.
In fact, the official went on to say that the White House couldn’t even spin the story because nobody cared about a “bunch of queers,” and that it would simply be “bad politics” to try and do so.
Perhaps more damning, another White House official, also described by our contact as “senior,” added that the administration didn’t want anyone to look into the matter very closely.
When asked why, the official pointed out that Mateen had been hired by G4S, a company that, along with other security firms, had been “leaned on” by the Obama administration to hire Muslims.
Those companies had been encouraged to “look the other way a little bit” when it came to background checks to ensure they weren’t hiring a “bunch of white weekend warriors playing Army.”
If these responses indicate how the Obama administration as a whole reacted to the shooting, it is sick in more ways than one.
First, it demonstrated how very little it cares about the LGBT community — which is shocking considering their rhetoric and how much Democrats have come to depend on their vote.
Second, it showed how the administration has shown blatant favoritism to Muslims — over homosexuals, blacks, Hispanics, women or any other group.
G4S has been one of the biggest contractors for the U.S. government after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, but now has come under scrutiny for hiring an apparent Islamic State group sympathizer.
Share this story on Twitter and Facebook to help us spread the word that there may be more to this story than the White House wants America to know.
Do you think the White House shows favoritism to Muslims over the LGBT community?
Kev3188 said:
And that brings us back around to the 4th. How wide a net are willing to let the State cast? Where will the line be drawn?
I don't feel published items across the digital plain are covered in any way by the 4th.
However, our new Doctor-Patient-Obama relationship violates it.
So does letting the feds examine luggage to fly.......tell them they can't under the 4th and tell me about your afternoon.
Sobriety check points?
Piss tests....
Tell me a court found any not to be any infringement......we let them tell us that....we did.j
Just like muling a couple pounds of toot on an airplane, DEA has a good idea you are doing it and ask if you would mind if they searched your bag, you let go to court screaming illegal search....
You let them search .
Kevin3188 said:                                                                                                             A whole lot easier for the right to package it (and rally against) "radical Islam" than anti gay violence.
So this anti-gay violence.......theocratically induced maybe?
During a conference held in May 2013, Qureshi complained that the media often frames views such as “the death penalty for homosexuals” or the subjugation of women as only being held by radical Muslims.
“I always try to tell them that….these are general views that every Muslim actually has….every Muslim believes in these things,” says Qureshi.
Qureshi then asks the audience of Muslim attendees – black, white and Arab – to raise their hands if they agree with gender segregation and stoning women for adultery, as taught by the Koran.
Virtually every single ‘moderate’ Muslim in the room raises their hand to agree with these positions.
Qureshi then asks the audience if they go to “normal Sunni mosques in Norway.” Virtually everyone raises their hand in agreement once again.
“What are the politicians going to say now? What is the media going to say now? That we are all extremists? That we are all radicals? That we need to deport all of us from this country?” states Qureshi.
The chillingly ironic thing is of course that in trying to argue that most Muslims are not ‘radical extremists’, Qureshi only proves the point that so-called “moderate” Muslims do in fact hold radical, violent and extreme views about the treatment of women and homosexuals.
Kev3188 said:
Oh good; Pete's moved from memes to hyperlinks.

These days must be hard for you.
All your long held liberal beliefs being revealed for what they are. 
A joke.