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700, none of that has to do with the topic at hand. Do you thk a merger protects your job better or risk it? And if you think it protects it better but you still won't "Help" managment becuase they are the enemy (How anyone that earns a paycheck can thnk like that is beyond me), then you are making a rash and emotional decesion.
700, none of that has to do with the topic at hand. Do you thk a merger protects your job better or risk it? And if you think it protects it better but you still won't "Help" managment becuase they are the enemy (How anyone that earns a paycheck can thnk like that is beyond me), then you are making a rash and emotional decesion.

he's retired and his pension is not dependent on this company ... he's got an IAM pension ( which is completely separate from the performance of US Airways )...
Ad you a union lacky! Less than 7% of workers in a union today you have killed the golden goose. Time to sdtand on your own two feet!

I think 700 does just fine standing on his own two feet while others are stepping on their own feet. You and Doug and the gang should read the interview of Gordon Bethune upon his retirement from the airline has great insight into labor/management relations that totally escape the USAirways management.

I was done with writing letters and going to rallys on behalf of this company many years ago because those in management won't thank anybody for the help they will just make fun of them in their emails. The merger will be a good thing for some folks but maybe you ought to ask those who will lose their jobs what they think about it. I also think you give way too much credit to the power of any union to accomplish killing the golden goose.....those days were gone sometime in the late seventys but some folks just continue to blame unions because they don't want to think about who is really to blame.

All the best!


I think 700 does just fine standing on his own two feet while others are stepping on their own feet. You and Doug and the gang should read the interview of Gordon Bethune upon his retirement from the airline has great insight into labor/management relations that totally escape the USAirways management.

I was done with writing letters and going to rallys on behalf of this company many years ago because those in management won't thank anybody for the help they will just make fun of them in their emails. The merger will be a good thing for some folks but maybe you ought to ask those who will lose their jobs what they think about it. I also think you give way too much credit to the power of any union to accomplish killing the golden goose.....those days were gone sometime in the late seventys but some folks just continue to blame unions because they don't want to think about who is really to blame.

All the best!


Well said Bob.
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Being someone in PHX I may very well could lose my job, but I know what is best for the vast majoriy of employees in the long run.
Being someone in PHX I may very well could lose my job,....

Well then; 'tis a fine thing for you that you're vehemently anti-union, and can thus take your inestimable intellect, talents and abilites elsewhere with ease....? ;)
Being someone in PHX I may very well could lose my job, but I know what is best for the vast majoriy of employees in the long run.

You think that merging is best for the vast majority but it all depends on labor contracts achieved by the pilots, flight attendants, maintenance, passenger service, ramp, etc. If scope for all of these groups continues to be attacked as it has been, then it will only be good for some. I am not sold at this moment on this merger. It may or may not be good for our employees at AA and US.
Being someone in PHX I may very well could lose my job, but I know what is best for the vast majoriy of employees in the long run.

And if that happens, you'll be the first in line, with tears in your eyes begging for your "dole" as you put it.

I can hear it now, "where's my unemployment? Where's my Welfare? Where's my Access card? Where's my free phone?"

You have no credibility here. But keep posting. You make us laugh.
Ad you a union lacky! Less than 7% of workers in a union today you have killed the golden goose. Time to sdtand on your own two feet!

Can you define sdtand? I have a red line under the word and can correct it. Your kind is what is dumbing up society as a whole as professionalism goes out the window :p
I continue to think that this merger provides us with the best chance of survivability in the long term ...

Anyone who follows Economics and has a passing interest in the way that money works in this world can clearly see that the US Economic recovery is based primarily off of QE ... IE not a real recovery ..

I simply think that in a fake economy such as ours , it's the safer bet to conclude this merger ... with all of the numerous threats to global economic stability (Japan , India , the other BRICS and emerging markets ) it's wisest to get big fast .

Well, it's about time Uppity's alter-ego, Freedumb, came to cheer him on :p
700, none of that has to do with the topic at hand. Do you thk a merger protects your job better or risk it? And if you think it protects it better but you still won't "Help" managment becuase they are the enemy (How anyone that earns a paycheck can thnk like that is beyond me), then you are making a rash and emotional decesion.

Apparently you don't do too much THINKING!

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