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Bruce Lakefield’s Weekly Message


So we are worried about a very small money amount for a few "regular" people to call the the "800" line. Are these the same employees that cost the company millions over the Christmas holiday by not showing up for work...or if they did, didn't do anything. Now we're worried about counting penneys!!! This is the "mentality" that we have around here. This group of employees cost millions and pis__ed thousands of paying customers off and NOW we worry about the cost of an "800" phone call. I think we should get the priorities straight!! If we all would have pulled together over the holiday and brought in revenue rather then lose it...the cost of the "800" line easily would have been paid for. I think this company has more "in your face" issues then to worry about the phone line. Maybe like making the customer happy would be a great start!!!! Gee...they may even fly us again if we get them there on time and there bags arrive with them...What a novel idea!!

Maybe if we didn't have to fly empty airplanes around with only bags on or trucks driving around with bags...we could have paid for the line with that money. These are the same people now that worry about a few phone calls. This mentality is undescribeable....
Flufdriver said:


I only had to read two lines of your post. No it is an example how this comapny wastes money whether it pennies or millions. Why not set it up pin protected?

You also have no clue what happened in PHL or do you choose only to remember what you want to remember or read in paper or heard from the company?

Here is a shocker and novel approach how about the company treat the employees as human and assets first?

How about it posters any other examples how your emploer wastes money?
I don't have to read what went on...I was there. I sat for hours waiting to have the bags loaded and unloaded. We showed them!!! Pin the crap out of the phone...this is the mentality I'm talking about. I was there...I know we lost a lot of passengers for ever. And we worry about the "line". We showed them at Eastern to!!

Great example of the way you think...right posters!!! Anyway, here is a way we can atleast null out the cost of the phone line since we are so worried about it. Lets all read US Daily (if you can read) on the hub, you did know it was there...right. So the calls we save to the line will offset the few regular people who run the bill up. Right posters....If 20,000 of us read the message on the hub...then 20,000 regular people can call and it won't cost a penney more!! Or better yet...put the bags on the airplane and we will save alot there not having to fly that cargo ship around!!! After all that phone line is expensive...

700UW said:
This phone # is for employees and is not suppose to be put up the internet for everyone to listen too.

Time to call Corporate. Hawk are you reading this?

yeah, the moderator should hang a 10lb ball from his left testicle for 72 hrs, 320 how dear you,
MR FLUFDRIVER there is nothing mentioned here that its not public knowledge, DO you realy believe an internet message forum is a place to take serious? if you do you must come from LEAVE TO BEAVER land, well, wellcome to the real world CYBERSPACE ruled by the MODERATORS, INQUISITORS, DEFENDERS OF VIRTUE AND FIGHTERS OF VICE


IAM :down: :down:
Amen about 700 and DellDude...the "Pot Stirers"!!!! Sometimes they don't realize how bad they make themselves look and sound with ALL their negative BS!!

I'm sure we'll get some respond from them...oh boy, another "cutezy picture" to make a point!

I do enjoy reading the negative spin applied to thier threads!! They almost have themselves convinced that we are doomed by throwing a bunch of numbers and data out rather then simply seeing the industry has changed. Do will like it...NO. Do we have to respond and change to survive...you answer that.

Anyway...enough typed about nothing!!

Sorry I don't have a cute clipart picture to attach to make my point!
Some of the negativity depends on who's ox is in the ditch.

If I'm reading the posts right, ALPA, and perhaps AFA, are expecting little to no near-term layoffs.

For the agents in the outsourced stations, you aren't going to get much 'happy-happy, joy-joy.'
diogenes said:
Some of the negativity depends on who's ox is in the ditch.

If I'm reading the posts right, ALPA, and perhaps AFA, are expecting little to no near-term layoffs.

For the agents in the outsourced stations, you aren't going to get much 'happy-happy, joy-joy.'


That last sentence is a bit more than misleading. Every station including the Hubs and Focus cities are going to see outsourcing effecting them.

Remember...Utility is going down to a very few in all but PIT and CLT Base Maintenance. I think the figure is 50 per in those two Bases. That's major outsourcing.

The Gear Shop , Plating Shop and Machine Shop in INT is going to be closed completely in favor of outsourcing

CLT is losing the Seat Shop , Composite shop , Calibration Lab , Avionics Shop and a few ohers to outsourcing. PIT will see alike results.

Bottom Line...location is NO longer protection against what we are seeing across the system. Regardless of what you do for this company. The pilots can even claim the effects of it in reagrds to flying shifting to Mesa and the alike. MAA is somewhat of an under-paid grey-area unless you just want to debate the subject? , which I don't.
foreright said:
he sounds like hes drunk

Becareful...he could get suspended without pay pending further investigation.... 😛h34r:
I'm trying to listen to the code-a-phone but it is constantly busy. All of the public must be dialing to hear the news. As an employee, I feel cheated by not being able to listen to my own companys hotline. Thanx alot for posting the secret number.
flyin2low said:
I'm trying to listen to the code-a-phone but it is constantly busy. All of the public must be dialing to hear the news. As an employee, I feel cheated by not being able to listen to my own companys hotline. Thanx alot for posting the secret number.
Yep launch codes are out and I now see bright flashes in the eastern skies.

You're ridiculous, YOUR company, NO Corporate Americas to do with whatever they please. Sit back and watch the show.

On the “700â€￾ and “delldudeâ€￾ posts, those two are the only ones left standing that still have their sanity attached the rest of these whacko posters are suffering severe delusions of grandeur seeing a healthy vibrant USAIRAWYS now that the slaughter is over.

What you people remind me of are the Germans during the Holocaust saying there were too my Jews anyway and I don't know why they can’t just accept reality.
On the “700â€￾ and “delldudeâ€￾ posts, those two are the only ones left standing that still have their sanity attached the rest of these whacko posters are suffering severe delusions of grandeur seeing a healthy vibrant USAIRAWYS now that the slaughter is over.

What you people remind me of are the Germans during the Holocaust saying there were too my Jews anyway and I don't know why they can’t just accept reality.

you totaly missed it. ( you know nothing about jews/germany wwII) DID YOU KNOW
before the war started NAZI GERMANY expelled 15k jews in 7 cargo ships from germany and NOBODY (england,austrlia, rusia,USA, china or any other nation on EARTH ALLOWD THE SHIPS TO DOCK so the ships out of fuel and food were forced back to germany.....the begining of CONCENTRATION CAMPS.ITS HISTORY . MODERATOR YOU MAY DELETE THIS , BUT ITS A HISTORICAL FACT. :angry:

WE ARE NOT ALL EQUAL ( not even in heaven)

most of us, if not ALL mechanics;DO NOT see prosperity at usair , its the IAM mentality that SUCKS , AND the DELETED BY MODERATOR keep waving the IAM flag and how good the IAM was for the mechanics....WELL;

i just want to be arround long enough to see the IAM out of MAINTENANCE. :angry:


IAM :down: :down: :down:

Mod note: Your next insult will get you a 3 day trip to the cornfield.
usairways_vote_NO said:
I feel the same about some postings shouldn't be made public but the point is is USAirways paying to have someone read this site and is it costing USAirways money for the public to call a 800 number meant for USAirways employees at a time they are struggling financially? If it was meant for the public why not have an option for it by calling the regular toll free reservation number?

Point of clarification: US Airways in NOT paying to have someone read this site.

US Airways and USAviation are in no way affiliated or connected other than the fact that there is a board on here where certain US Airways employees seem to post.
BillLumbergh said:
Point of clarification: US Airways in NOT paying to have someone read this site.

US Airways and USAviation are in no way affiliated or connected other than the fact that there is a board on here where certain US Airways employees seem to post.

Thank you for clarifiying my post Bill. I was trying to say just that. That USAirways IS NOT paying the public to read this site but USAirways IS paying the cost of the "800" number phone calls.

I was responding to flufdrivers post :

"700...why are you so worried about the "800" phone number going public??. You should be worried about the "PUBLIC" reading what is posted here" end quote

He seemed to just be worried about comparing what is read on this site and what is heard on the Usairways 800 phone line and I was trying throw in the point its not just what is heard on the phone that that is the issue but is also the cost to Usairways for providing that phone line to the public.

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